
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Barbara A. Mikulski and Ben Cardin (both D-Md.) today announced that the U.S. Department of Education has awarded a total of $4,281,717 in grants to 15 institutes of higher education across Maryland to provide first generation college students of modest means with the tools and services they need to succeed. The grants were awarded through the Student Support Services (SSS) Program.

“Education is the opportunity ladder of this nation. Every child deserves their chance to get a foothold on that ladder,” Senator Mikulski said. “In order to out-innovate the rest of the world, we must first out-educate. These grants will ensure that students across Maryland, regardless of the zip code they grew up in, have the tools they need to succeed.”

“No student should be priced out of a quality higher education that will allow them to pursue their dreams, but affording tuition is only one hurdle many students must overcome. The Student Support Service Program helps level the playing field for Americans who otherwise, through no fault of their own, might face seemingly insurmountable obstacles in achieving their academic goals,” said Senator Cardin. ”The federal government is investing in our nation’s future by investing in a holistic approach to helping students learn how to succeed.”

Successful projects under the SSS Program will provide students with academic tutoring, assistance in course selection, information about financial aid and economic literacy, and support and resources to help students transfer from two-year to four-year colleges or from undergraduate to graduate or professional studies. Some additional services that may be offered under this grant may include the following activities: individualized counseling and career guidance, exposure to cultural events, mentoring and housing assistance during school breaks for students who are homeless or in foster care.

SSS is one of seven Federal TRIO Programs, which provide outreach and student services for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, low income individuals, first-generation college students, individuals with disabilities, foster care youth and homeless children and youth -- to help them progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to post baccalaureate programs.

The following schools in Maryland received grants through the SSS Program:

Allegany County

Allegany College of MD - $220,000

Frostburg State University - $332,930

Baltimore City

Baltimore City Community College - $335,448

Baltimore County

Community College of Baltimore Co. – Catonsville Campus - $292,643

Community College of Baltimore Co. – Essex Campus - $282,543

Howard County

Howard Community College - $342,173

Montgomery County

Montgomery College – $231,103

Prince George’s County

Bowie State University - $299,487

University of MD College Park - $395,681

Prince Georges Community College - $355,680

Talbot County

Chesapeake College – STEM SSS - $220,000

Chesapeake College - $320,850

Washington County

Hagerstown Community College - $219,999

Wicomico County

Wor-Wic Community College - $220,000

Salisbury University - $213,180

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