
Date: Saturday, January 2, 2016 Wrestling begins at 9:30 am.
Location: Sussex Central High School 26026 Patriot’s Way Georgetown, DE 19947
All Questions: Det. John Messick John.Messick@state.de.us (302) 542-7119
Tournament Director: Capt. Rodney Layfield Rodney.Layfield@state.de.us (302) 542-8556

Weigh-Ins: Sussex Central HS - Saturday, 1/2/2016, 6:00 am – 8:00 am.
Entry Fee: $25.00 – Mail-in registration received NO LATER than Wednesday, 12/30/2015 -OR-
$27.00 – Online registration via www.WrestleReg.com - NO LATER than Thursday 12/31/2015 at 8:00 pm.

Make Checks Payable to: Camp Barnes Wrestling Tournament
Admission: $5.00 - Adults / $3.00 - Students / Children 5 & Under – Free

**No exceptions – Our brackets will be completed two days prior to event**
Rules: 1. National Federation Rules (modified) will govern this tournament.
2. All periods will be 1 – 1 – 1. OT will be 1 min SV followed by NHF Rules.
3. Headgear and singlet recommended.
4. Proof of age must be available, if challenged.
5. Director has the right to combine weight classes.
6. Division ages are as of January 2, 2016 & No Varsity experience.
7. Wrestlers may compete in more than one division / Fill out separate form / Must be ready to wrestle when called.

Divisions & Weight Classes: Based on ages as of 1/2/2016 ***Double Elimination***
Tot (Ages 6 & Under) 40 45 50 55 60 65 HWT (max is 85)
Bantam (Ages 7 – 8) 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 90 HWT (max is 115)
Midget (ages 9 – 10) 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 100 HWT (max is 130)
Junior (ages 11-12) 65 70 75 80 85 91 98 105 115 125 140 HWT (max is 185)
Intermediate (ages 13-14) 77 84 91 98 105 112 119 126 133 140 148 158 170 HWT (max 235)

Awards: Trophies for 1st – 3rd; Medals for 4th.
Mail Fee & Registration to: Camp Barnes Wrestling Classic, Attn: Det. Shawn Hatfield
Delaware State Police Troop 4
23652 Shortly Rd. Georgetown, DE 19947

*** In order to obtain a registration form, please contact Detective Shawn Hatfield at Troop 4, 302-752-3834 or via email at james.hatfield@state.de.us ***

In 1947, the Delaware Association of Chiefs’ of Police, an organization which was composed of active law enforcement and correctional officers, accepted the challenge to undertake a project to combat juvenile delinquency in the First State. A committee was appointed to investigate the problems confronting youth. The committee’s resulting recommendations led to the establishment of Camp Barnes for the recreation of deserving youth from throughout the state.

Camp Barnes, located on Miller’s Creek, a tributary of Little Assawoman Bay, has since served the needs of thousands of children from throughout Delaware. Camp Barnes was originally designed to provide the children who were unable to attend summer camp an opportunity to experience life at a summer youth camp. Camp Barnes has remained basically unchanged, providing Delaware children with these outdoor experiences for over 60 years.

The summer camp is an overnight residential camp run by the Delaware State Police and is open to children between the ages of 10 and 13 at no cost to the camper or family. Camp Barnes accommodates 60 campers per week for six weeks. The camp is in session from early July through August. All children are eligible to attend regardless of family income.

One of the many positive aspects of Camp Barnes summer camp is the innovative use of adventure based outdoor learning experiences. Camp Barnes has on its grounds an extensive outdoor initiative course with 17 different initiative and team building elements. Some of the many activities campers participate in throughout the week include swimming in an Olympic size pool, kayaking in Miller’s Creek, arts and crafts, nature walks, and talent shows. Campers also enjoy a scaled down version of the Olympics and State Police demonstrations by the K-9 unit.

Camp Barnes has a staff of 12 counselors, two cooks, and one kitchen assistant and a nurse. Counselors are required to submit to a criminal background check as well as an interview. There is also a State Trooper on grounds at all times when the camp is in session. Website: www.campbarnes.net

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