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Dawn Elm

University of St. Thomas

Happy new year to all of our members! As we start 2015 with our newsletter, I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you about a number of important activities that have been going on in the past year regarding the Society.

As you know from our annual conference last year in Philadelphia, the Society for Business Ethics Executive Board moved forward with establishing Cambridge University Press as the publisher of Business Ethics Quarterly effective January 01, 2015 (See the update from BEQ Editor in Chief Denis Arnold in this newsletter.) In addition, after vetting a number of options, the Executive Board also selected Cambridge to administer SBE membership services, SBE board elections, and SBE annual conference registrations. This is why you have been (or will be) receiving membership renewal notices for the Society from Cambridge Journal Services. Soon you will be receiving your ballot for the annual election of a member to our Executive Board and later this spring you will be able to register for our conference this August in Vancouver, British Columbia. So, don’t delete any messages from Cambridge as just promotional materials! As part of the conference

management, Cambridge will also be providing the Society with a new ScholarOne site dedicated to our annual conference submissions. You will be directed to this site when the call for papers comes out for the 2015 conference.

The Executive Board also authorized the hiring of a Conference Director to handle our onsite conference management activities. Ms. Vickie Hoyle accepted the position in August of 2014 and she will be handling the onsite management of the conference in 2015 in conjunction with me. Please welcome her to the SBE team!

The Executive Board made a resolution in August of 2014 to explore the possibility of Co-Editors in Chief for Business Ethics Quarterly. Different forms of editorial structures have been initiated by several other journals in the field to allow for an allocation of effort that is commensurate with the workload for this critical position. A change in the Society’s By-Laws is required in order for SBE to pursue this exploration. As a result, the Executive Board will be presenting a proposed change to the By-Laws for membership approval at the conference in Vancouver. Look for more  information about the proposed By-Laws change later this spring.

Thank you to all of you who completed our membership survey this past October. As a result of your responses, we have learned a number of important things about our membership that will help shape the strategy for the Society for the future. I will be sharing the full results of the survey at our meeting in Vancouver this August, but one important piece of information the survey revealed is that you want to remain connected to the Academy of Management Meetings each year, and that means we will be going to Anaheim in August of 2016 (versus Puerto Rico with the Association of Legal Studies in Business conference or other options).

As always, the Executive Board and I welcome any of your comments and suggestions. We are looking forward to seeing you in the beautiful city of Vancouver for the conference August 6-9, 2015 at the Metropolitan Hotel.

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