
However, staying safe in the partying environment should always be your top priority when it comes to college kick backs. Here we will take a look at a few ways you can have a great time in college while keeping yourself protected from all forms of possible dangers and threats.

1. Always arrive with friends.

Keep them close at all times! In most cases, the parties you attend at your University will be full of individuals you’ve never met before. This makes it essential that you arrive with people you trust, and stick close to them as much as possible.

In the event that something were to happen, your friends are there to help! This is a very valuable way to make sure you are getting the most fun out of the experience, all the while making sure you aren’t being taken advantage of by anyone.

2. Make sure to never set a drink down unattended.

Alcoholic or not, never leave your drinks anywhere, no matter what it is you have to do. If you need to use the restroom, or step outside for a bit, make sure to always bring your drink with you, or give it to a trusted friend to hold onto while you’re away. In the rising rape culture across campuses, it is very easy for individuals to slip date rape drugs into drinks to make their tactics easier to face. In addition, never accept drinks from anyone unless they are a trusted friend.

3. Know who you are arriving with, and who you are leaving with.

Try to make sure you are arriving and leaving with the same group, if at all possible! By setting a plan beforehand, you can guarantee that someone will remember to plan, no matter how crazy the night may get. This is another way to make sure you or your peers don’t end up in the care of someone who is a threat.

4. Practice safe habits, and always ensure that alcohol isn’t a factor in your decision making.

Sometimes things happen, whether you plan on it or not. Make sure to always practice safe sex, especially in the party setting. Keeping a condom in your bag or wallet can relieve the stress of unplanned pregnancy, STD’s or STI’s, while deciding to move forward with a new or previous partner.

Since most sexual encounters in the party scene are unplanned, this is another reason having a friend close by is important, for they can assist you in making sure you are making the correct decisions for yourself and potential partner.

5. Never push yourself when it comes to alcohol.

Always make sure to eat a decent meal before drinking. Not only can this stop you from getting sick, but it is safer to keep your body nourished to avoid problems in chemical balance. Know your physical limits, and never over-do it. If you start to feel yourself getting dizzy, having a hard time walking or speaking complete sentences, it’s a good idea to ease up for your safety.

Ask a friend to help you get a bottle or glass of water, and remember that it’s always easier to make poor decisions when you’ve drank more than you’re used to.

6. Never stick around somewhere you are uncomfortable with.

If anything at all makes you feel uncomfortable while attending a kick back or party, leave with a friend. Chances are, your friend will understand and want the best for you. Remember that it’s easy to feel like you need to fit into the crowd by doing things you aren’t used to, but that it is never okay to be forced into anything that you aren’t comfortable with. If all else fails, it is ultimately up to you to make positive choices for yourself and those around you.

By taking proper precautions, as well as being mentally and physically prepared, attending parties can be one of the biggest highlights of your college career. Many look back on the experience as one to be remembered for life, through the memories they’ve created and the friends they have made. Staying safe isn’t as hard as it seems, and by staying well informed about what to watch out for, you can create a safe environment for yourself as well as others.

Be sure to share this with your friends and family to help them create safe habits as well! What would you add to this list? Spread the word, and help create a safer environment for all party-goers!

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