
Just because you're strapped for cash doesn't mean you can't have any fun. Whether you enjoy being outdoors or would rather kick back at home, there are plenty of ideas to choose from. Not only will you stay on your target budget, but you'll still have a guaranteed good time! If you're looking for something to do, check out these 100+ activities that won't break the bank!

Visit the beach.

Sign up for a free class.

Cook a new recipe.

Read a new book.

Rearrange your furniture.

Organize your closet.

Make a mixtape.

Have a movie marathon with close friends.

Play some board games.

Swap clothing with friends.

Go swimming.

Visit the park.


Try a new hairstyle.

Watch a season of your favorite TV show.

Practice new makeup looks.

Plant some new flowers in your garden.

Go sightseeing.

Paint your nails.

Host a dinner party.


Take your pet out for a walk.

Go on a bike ride.

Paint or sketch something.

Photograph local sights.

Visit a museum on a free day.

Write in your journal.

Watch the sunset.

Go hiking.

Make a scrapbook.

Take a nap.

Practice yoga.

Go on a walking tour.

Make your own ice cream.

Write a song.

Practice playing an instrument.

Wash your car.

Volunteer for a local organization.

Visit with family or friends.

Catch up on laundry.

Organize the pantry.

Mow the lawn.

Paint a pot.

Do some arts and crafts.

Start a DIY project.


Put on a garage sale.

Bake some cookies or other sweet treats.

Put together a list of your favorite recipes.

Write a bucket list.

Shoot some hoops.

Get rid of clutter.

Go for a run around the neighborhood.

Do spa treatments at home.

Build a bookshelf.


Take a bath.

Repair holes in clothing.

Make a quilt.

Clean up your email.

Organize old photos into an album.

Write a letter.

Window shop.

Have a picnic.

Listen to a podcast.


Build a fort.

Finish a puzzle.

Play card games.

Start planning your next getaway.

Organize the pots and pans in your kitchen.

Listen to new music.

Play video games.

Gaze at the stars.

Watch the sunrise.

Write a poem or short story.

Work on your to-do list.

Update your résumé.

Get creative and make a costume.

Try a new hobby.

Download free apps.

Make your own jewelry.

Tie-dye a t-shirt.

Practice origami.

Make a card.

Have a bonfire.

Throw a barbecue.

Put your favorite photos in a frame.

Work on handmade gifts.

Replace old lightbulbs.

Watch home movies.

Organize your makeup.

Arrange flowers in a vase. Or better yet, upcycle an old bottle into a cute vase!

Organize your bulletin board.

Update your social media profiles.

Make a new board on Pinterest. Check out our Pinterest account for awesome DIYs and tips!

Have a sleepover.

Organize old receipts.

Visit the farmers market.

Explore the downtown area of your city.

Pick fruit.

Go fishing at a local lake, pond, or pier.

Go to a free event.

Make s'mores.

Dress up.

Play volleyball.

Fly a kite.

Play tennis.

Go for a drive.

Go sledding.

Learn a new language.

Make a collage.

Repurpose old clothing into a pillow or blanket.

Upcycle your old jeans into shorts.

Shoot some pool.

Make your own pizza.

Clean out your garage.

Listen to the radio.

Go camping.


Video chat with a friend.

What are your favorite budget-friendly activities?

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