Valentine’s Day is such a fun holiday for kids. It’s like the epitome of art and craft season and kids love this stuff! I may have all boys, but we definitely do our fair share of artsy stuff around V-day. I always have an arsenal of ideas ready to go for the kids, especially since it’s usually cold around this holiday every year. It’s so nice to be able to stay in, craft, and not go outside to where it’s freezing. Try one of these 20 Valentine’s Day Art Ideas for Kids this year!
Art is great for kids for so many reasons. One of my favorite reasons is that it gives them an avenue of expression. They are able to create a piece of art with their own mind and in the process they are having fun with it. I think it’s important as a parent to allow your kids to have an avenue of expression because this helps them develop into decent human beings.
I love this list of art ideas for Valentine’s Day because they don’t cost a lot and most can be done with the supplies you have in your home already! We have a ton of arts supplies in our house, so I know I’m always ready to an art project if the kids are up for it. A few other reasons I love doing art with my kids is that it builds their self-esteem, allows them to think for themselves, and art is just plain good for the soul. Check out these Valentine’s Day Art Ideas for kids.
Valentine’s Day Art Ideas for Kids
1) Heart Handprint Craft: This is a cute and easy art activity that can be framed and saved as a keepsake!
2) Love Bomb Craft: This one looks like such a fun art activity for the kids! You could do it for any holiday or just a fun afternoon. It reminds me of those air bags that Amazon includes in boxes that my boys love to make pop, but better!
3) Valentine’s day Sun Catchers: These sun catchers are a fun craft that you could modify for any time of year, using different shapes and colors!
4) Chalk Stencil Heart Collage: This is a simple Valentine’s Day art project that kids will love doing! All kids love playing with chalk and parents will love how easy this is to do (and clean up).
5) Heart Shaped Animals: Animals are a big hit with most kids & for the drawing-challenged parents like myself, activities like these are a lifesaver! I get to help the boys create fun animals using hearts without my inability to draw a straight line causing an issue!
6) Tin Foil Tissue Hearts: These tissue paper hearts are made with common household items, are beautiful, and really let kids use their own creativity to decide exactly how it turns out!
7) Crayon Melt Art Project: This crayon melt art project also opens the door for some sneaky science learning for homeschoolers. Ideas on things to discuss: how heat transfers from the cookie sheet through the paper to melt the crayon and why you need to heat it back up.
8) Wirehanger Heart: Now I’m wishing I hadn’t thrown away ALL my old wire hangers! I especially like the dreamcatcher design they did for one of these.
9) Heart Tree: This is a fun twist on typical handprint crafts! I love the heart leaves and might let the boys write names on them for everyone they love as a way to personalize it a bit.
10) Bee Mine Valentine’s Day Craft: This is a simple craft that only requires construction paper, a pipe cleaner, a marker, scissors, and glue. Unless you can’t draw shapes, then you can print off nifty templates online, or just left your kids do it all themselves since my 6yos can draw much better than I can!
11) Toilet Paper Roll Love Bugs: This toilet paper roll love bug is just adorable and I don’t even like bugs! It’s the perfect Valentine’s Day craft for children, makes a cute decoration, and can be done in whatever colors your children would prefer!
12) Toilet Paper Roll Heart Stamp: These cardboard roll heart stamps can be done with either an old toilet paper roll or an empty paper towel roll. It’s super easy to create the heart and the kids can get creative with their stamp placement. If they want to make cards with their heart stamps, you can either remind them to leave space to write or have them write out a card with blank space for stamping first.
13) DIY Valentine’s Day Bling Ring: This is a delightful craft project the kids will love. With only 2 needed supplies and a few minutes, you’ll have your own set of “bling” rings!
14) Message in a Bottle: This Valentine’s Day message in a bottle craft would make a cute gift for delivering to family with a handwritten note instead.
15) Tissue Paper Heart Suncatcher: Here’s another suncatcher idea for you this Valentine’s Day that uses tissue paper and contact paper!
16) Love Bugs: Here’s another cute love-bug idea that will use up some of those colored pom-poms I always buy for a particular craft and then can never remember which one I needed them for!
17) Will You Valentine’s Day Card: This is a cute play on words that the kids will giggle over and they’ll love doing their hand & footprints, especially the under 5 crowd.
18) Paper Plate Dinosaurs: You can tweak this to do any type of dinosaur and make it work for any holiday with different paint colors. I have a dino-obsessed 10-year-old that will love this and plan on turning it into part of a homeschool unit on dinosaurs.
19) Glitter Rock Valentine’s: These glitter rocks only require 3 easy materials: rocks, glue, and glitter. They can be given away or neatly arranged for a fun Valentine’s Day theme on a window sill (unless you have cats – I’m sure mine would bat these all over the house)!
20) Straw Blown Hearts: Not only do they give great tips on how to create straw blown art, they have several ideas of what to do with them when you are done!
Bonus Activity: Valentine’s Day Crayons: This would be a fun gift idea for Valentine’s Day. We’ve never done hearts but we save all our old crayons to make more with the Crayola Crayon Maker. All the boys help peel the crayons, break them into smaller pieces, and load up the molds.
I hope you find some time to do these art projects with your kids this Valentine’s Day! We love to have an art wall where we post our best pieces. The kids love this and so do I. I have a goal of making them art portfolios, so they can see how they have progressed over the years. Wouldn’t that be really cool? Kids tell some awesome stories with their art, so I’m glad I am able to give them these creative opportunities from time to time.
Leave me a note in the comments if you decide to do any of these Valentine’s Day art ideas with your kids this year!
The post 20 Valentine’s Day Art Ideas for Kids appeared first on Midwest Modern Momma.