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The New Earth Times ~ Edition # 52 ~ Monday, February 15, 2016
Monday, February 15, 2016 Edition #52 Subscription FREE or by Donation TODAY'S HEADLINESLove...Love...Love...!by Sananda through Kathryn Ushering in The New Golden Age... Manifestationby Saint Germain through Méline Lafont Community CornerNo Soul Is Beyond Redemptionby Mike Quinsey, channeling his Higher Self Peace and Love Resides within Each One of You, Go Within and Claim It by Saul through John Smallman Highlights of Inner Illuminations Appear for All Update GaiaPortal by Bulletin BoardImplant and Entity Clearing (JOIN US!! K&C)by Anrita Melchizedek February Webinar: AFTER ABUNDANCE bySheldan Nidle for The Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy The Planetary Heart: Mother India Synchronized Meditationby James Twyman Surprise Blessings: Submissions from the Family"Let There Be LOVE" A New and Original Decree by Marcia and her Higher Team Our next LIVE Blogtalk Radio Show featuring: Kathryn, Meg, Christine& THE COMPANY of HEAVEN Is on... SUNDAY 2/21/16 @ 2:00 PM EST blogtalkradio.com/channelpanel RV/GCR RUMORS & INTELSelections chosen by New Earth Times Editor-in-Chief "Change is not coming...it's happening!" ~ Ray 2/8/16 TNT CC KTFA: (Beginning late Saturday Night 2/13/16 & Continuing through Sunday 2/14/16. Thanks & love to Dinar Recaps along with all of our dearly beloved Dinarland Intel SUPERHEROES for posting and for all you do! K&C) BACKDOC: FAMILY! I HAVE SOME HUGE NEWS! IN FACT THE BIGGEST I'VE EVER BEEN PRIVILEGED TO SHARE! I AM TRYING TO REACH THUNDER TO BRING IT TO YOU PROPERLY! JUST A CLUE ? OK, I WILL JUST SAY IF SOMETHING HAS ALREADY LAUNCHED WHAT IS LEFT TO DO? RIGHT! "IMPLEMENTATION DAY" AS RUSSIA AND IRAN SAID! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT CHINA? HEE HEE BE BACK SOON! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ThunderHawk HERE DOC.....WOW HUGE NEWS INDEED BIGGEST WE HAVE SEEN YET HERE IT IS FAMILY REMEMBER - ACTIONS MEAN THINGS WELCOME TO THE NEW REALITY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ China's Central Bank Says No Basis for Continued Yuan DeclineChina's central bank governor said there was no basis for continued depreciation of the yuan as the balance of payments is good, capital outflows are normal and the exchange rate is basically stable against a basket of currencies, according to an interview published Saturday in Caixin magazine. Zhou Xiaochuan dismissed speculation that China planned to tighten capital controls and said there was no need to worry about a short-term decline in foreign-exchange reserves, adding that the country had ample holdings for payments and to defend stability.The comments come as Chinese financial markets prepare to reopen Monday after the week-long Lunar New Year holiday. The country's foreign-exchange reserves shrank to the smallest since 2012 in January, signaling that the central bank sold dollars as the yuan fell to a five-year low. The weakening exchange rate and declining share markets in China have fueled global turmoil and helped send world stocks to their lowest level in more than two years.The bank will not let "speculative forces dominate market sentiment," Zhou said, adding that a flexible exchange rate should help efforts to combat speculation by effectively using "our ammunition while minimizing costs."Policy makers seeking to support the yuan amid slower growth and increasing outflows have been using up reserves. The draw-down has continued since the devaluation of the currency in August and holdings fell by $99.5 billion in January to $3.23 trillion, according to the central bank on Feb. 7. The stockpile slumped by more than half a trillion dollars in 2015.China has no incentive to depreciate the currency to boost net exports and there's no direct link between the nation's gross domestic product and its exchange rate, Zhou said. Capital outflows need not be capital flight and tighter controls would be hard to implement because of the size of global trade, the movement of people and the number of Chinese living abroad, he added.The country will not peg the yuan to a basket of currencies but rather seek to rely more on a basket for reference and try to manage daily volatility versus the dollar,Zhou said. The bank will also use a wider range of macro-economic data to determine the exchange rate, he said.http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-02-13/china-s-central-bank-says-no-basis-for-continued-yuan-declineThunderhawk: OKAY DOC START SPREADING THE NEWS!!!!! BACKDOC: WOW! WHAT A PRIVILEGE TO SHARE THIS! LOVE YOU ALL! DOC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Kristi: Backdoc: I know you are really excited and I read the article. But, I am not sure what it means when they said they would "The country will not peg the yuan to a basket of currencies but rather seek to rely more on a basket for reference and try to manage daily volatility versus the dollar, Zhou said. The bank will also use a wider range of macro-economic data to determine the exchange rate, he said." Would you mind giving me some clarity on this. Also, when you say we have launched and waiting for the implementation, will that take place the US's tomorrow as it is China's Monday. BACKDOC: OK, WHAT THEY ARE SAYING IS THAT THEY ARE NO LONGER PEGGED TO THE DOLLAR BUT ARE PEGGED TO A REFERENCE BASKET OF CURRENCIES!THINK OF IT AS A SOFT PEG TO OTHER CURRENCIES FOR NOW! THE IMPORTANT POINT IS THEY HAVE DEPEGGED FROM THE DOLLAR! YIPPIE! DOC IMOMountainman: And That Is A HIGH (8) BALL.....CORNER POCKET!!!!!!!!Thanks Guys.....MountainmanOK....... IRAQ/IRAN........It's YOUR TURN.....ISN'T IT!!!!!!!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BACKDOC: THANKS TO MY BROTHER THUNDERHAWK FOR ALL HE DOES! START SPREADING THE NEWS! ACTIONS MEAN THINGS!WHO'S TALKING TONIGHT? GLAD YOU ASKED! CHINA!REMEMBER ABOUT 3 DAYS AGO I MENTIONED THAT CHINAS' CURRENCY HAS BEEN UNDER PRESSURE BECAUSE OF ITS PEG TO THE DOLLAR. WELL, THAT PRESSURE IS NOW OVER AS I PREVIOUSLY PREDICTED! WOW!AS THE CENTRAL BANK GOVERNOR SAID, THEY HAVE BEEN BURNING THEIR RESERVES TO DEFEND THEIR CURRENCY UP TILL WHEN FAMILY? RIGHT! DECEMBER 7TH! WOW! THIS IS HUGE NEWS!SO WHAT DIDN'T THEY TELL YOU? THEY DID SOMETHING ON THE 8TH JUST LIKE WE THOUGHT! THEY LAUNCHED SOMETHING DIDN'T THEY? YES, YES, YES! LATER IN THE ARTICLE THEY CLEARLY STATE THEY ARE NO LONGER PEGGED TO THE DOLLAR! YIPPIE! WELL, ACTIONS MEAN THINGS! AS THEY SAY THEY ARE NOW PEGGED TO A BASKET OF CURRENCIES AS A REFERENCE VS. OR INSTEAD OF THE DOLLAR! THE NARRATIVE OF THE DOLLAR DEPEGING FROM OIL NOW HAS TEETH! SO WITH CHINA LAUNCHING THIS ON THEIR NEW YEAR WE BELIEVE THE MONETARY REFORM HAS BEEN LAUNCHED! ALL WE AWAIT IS IMPLEMENTATION DAY! IF IRAN IS RIGHT, THURSDAY THE 18TH MAY BE SPECIAL BUT WHO CARES AT THIS POINT WE ARE SPLITTING HAIRS NOW! TODAY WE SEE IRAN AND RUSSIA HAVE LAUNCHED ALL THEY CAN WITH THEIR CURRENCY EXCHANGES. THEY SPEAK OF WAITING FOR IMPLEMENTATION DAY TO COMPLETE CONTRACTS WITH THEMSELVES AND THE UK DUE TO OIL BEING SHIPPED TODAY!MMMM ACTIONS MEAN THINGS! AND TONIGHT WE HAVE WORDS TO COMPLETE ACTIONS TO A NARRATIVE THAT STARTED LAST WED. THE 3RD! WE ARE CLOSE ENOUGH TO "START SPREADING THE NEWS", "I'M LEAVING TODAY"! I "WANT TO BE A PART OF IT"...... "THESE LITTLE BLUES" "ARE MELTING AWAY!" "I'LL MAKE A BRAND NEW START OF IT"... 8@8, DOC IMO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ KTFA: BACKDOC: YES, THE POINT IS THEY (China) ARE NO LONGER PEGGED SOLELY TO THE DOLLAR! THIS WILL AFFECT MARKETS ONCE THEY FIGURE THIS OUT! LOOK FOR CURRENCY TRADERS THAT HAVE BEEN SHORTING THE YUAN TO RUN TO THE HILLS! FRANKIE! FRANKIE! THIS IS WHERE THE YUAN BEGINS ITS RISE! THE NEXT QUESTION FOR ME IS ARE WE CLOSE TO THAT GLOBAL REALITY VALUE? NOT LIKELY SINCE MARKETS WILL BEGIN TO ADJUST TO THIS MASSIVE MOVE FROM CHINA AND THE SOON ARRIVAL OF THE DIGITAL, NEW REALITY! DOC IMO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mountainman: So In Other WORDS.......IT"S IN THE BAG BOYS.....HIGH (8)....RIGHT ON......Thanks...Because WE are So "CONFIDENT" about this..... Well YOU KNOW.....RUSSIA/IRAN.....GOLDEN TRIANGLE.....It's....ALL "GOLDEN" from HERE!!!!!!!! Honeybunny: SO FROM EAST TO WEST!? BACKDOC: THATS RIGHT HONEY! HEE HEE......JUST LIKE FRANK SAID! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mountainman: So In Other WORDS.......IT"S IN THE BAG BOYS.....HIGH (8)....RIGHT ON......Thanks...Because WE are So "CONFIDENT" about this..... Well YOU KNOW.....RUSSIA/IRAN.....GOLDEN TRIANGLE.....It's....ALL "GOLDEN" from HERE!!!!!!!! Honeybunny: SO FROM EAST TO WEST!? BACKDOC: THATS RIGHT HONEY! HEE HEE......JUST LIKE FRANK SAID! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hoot: five more days people and it will be the 18th,,,,,question is will we have our rv by then BACKDOC: ONLY IF IRAN IS RIGHT! THEY ARE THE ONES THAT SAID IT WE JUST FOUND IT! ACTIONS ARE DEFINITELY SUPPORTING THESE STATEMENTS FOR SURE BUT WE JUST STUDY ACTIONS! ACTIONS MEAN THINGS! DOC IMO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mountainman: You know HAWK......I feel VERY FORTUNATE to be A part of WHAT and WHY We are SEEING the MARKETS/GLOBAL REALITY Unfold...... It is SURREAL for Me.....EVERYONE Here for ALL The INPUT/OUTPUT......and FRANK/ALL Teams......."GENERATIONS" Will THANK YOU......And MOST of Them/Us Will HELP Many!!!!!!!! Thunderhawk: ON BEHALF OF DOC AND MYSELF WE HOPE YOU FOUND THIS SESSION HELPFUL WE WILL CONTINUE TO SHARE ALL WE FIND AND GIVE OUR ANALYSIS TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITIES. I WOULD LIKE TO THANK FRANK FOR MAKING US A PART OF THIS AMAZING TEAM WE ARE HONORED AND HUMBLED TO BE HERE THANK YOU ALL Blessings in Christ ThunderHawk ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ February 15, 2016Poppy3: STILL HEARING THE SAME REPORTS THAT RATE WILL SHOW BY MARCH 1. TIME WILL TELL. BGG Blog~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Dinar Recap: LINK Love...Love...Love...! by Sananda through Kathryn Photo Credit: Rolling Stone Magazine Sananda: Greetings, I want to talk with all of you about Love. I love talking about Love. Yours, mine, ours. During this time of monumental change, it is important to rest easily in Love, because it is the best life-preserver there is. Love buoys us up, carries us through the difficult or turbulent times. That is my experience, is it not yours? How often when things go badly for you have you turned to an old and trusted friend who has loved you through the good times and bad? It may not change the conditions, but it certainly soothes the ache, doesn't it? And have you ever boarded a bus or subway at the end of a day that left you frazzled and then watched a baby gaze around and giggle at the people who smile at him? It can warm your heart and melt away your cares to be in the presence of laughter - especially the laughter of a young child. We Design Our Own Life PlansAll of us knew when we came here to Earth to live out a lifetime, we knew it would be difficult at best, because the conditions on the ground had deteriorated to the point where disease, pain and suffering came into every life. No matter how privileged a life might appear from the outside, there truly have been no easy lifetimes on Planet Earth during the span of time which includes everyone who is alive now. We came because we wanted to help, to uplift ourselves and our beloved planet, but we knew it would not be easy. Once we had designed our life path with the help of loving Guides, angels and soul family, we submerged ourselves in the experience of lower dimensional Earth. We always came with hope and optimism that we would be able to bring the kind of Love we remembered from Home to our life here. We were realistic about how much we hoped to accomplish, but we wanted most of all to bring Love to those we would share our lives with. The conditions we knew in higher dimensions were serene, comfortable, filled with delight. Here at Home we are aware that we are immersed in the loving energies of Mother and Father God, and our soul family surrounds us always with unconditional love, Light and good humor. We work hard in our positions as overseers of our incarnated loved ones, and we serve as members of Councils which discuss every nuance of how we can work with you to alleviate the suffering and bring about change. These Councils have been working non-stop over the last many years to help bring about the massive shift you are now experiencing, but here we live in the knowledge that time is illusory, darkness has no definitive reality, and the Light is Home to all. This gives us great comfort, even as our hearts ache for you as you continue to push forward so valiantly into the New Day. Some of you are feeling intensely the discomfort of the rising frequencies, but it does not stop you from focusing on your chosen tasks - to transmute and clear away dark energies, hold the Light, provide laughter or shelter or food or inspiration for those who are suffering and feeling alone or discouraged. We are especially admiring of your efforts because we know of the mental and emotional barriers you have had to break through to accomplish your mission. So many of you there on the ground were taught some very strict and frightening things about God and his angels, his judgments and punishments. Humanity as a whole has had little of the spiritual comfort of the sort we enjoy in higher dimensions. Rules, threats of punishment and isolation are a constant danger in many cultures. Dogma commonly encouraged one to shun or attack others not of their own beliefs. These religious and social "rules" have created barriers where Love might otherwise have flourished. Religions, in general, have had a stifling effect on friendship or love when it tries to cross boundaries. How many famous stories have told of the Romeo and Juliet dilemma: true love squashed because families or cultures or countries must be served before the feelings of the lovers. All this, Beloved Family, is about to come to an end. You Are Our Heroes You who are reading this have done a heroic job of changing the energetic atmosphere around you. We look upon you adoringly and respectfully; you are truly our heroes, and we know each and every one of you as our brothers and sisters. We know each other here so well, and we know the stories of the family members we each long to reunite with as this project comes to fruition. We hold a sister's hand, or stand with an arm around a brother as they watch over you, their loved ones who are in the thick of the fray on the ground. Sometimes we do what feels like holding our breaths as we watch you take on difficult and dangerous tasks, straining your physical, emotional and mental resources beyond your capacity. On Earth as in Heaven, we have all been working beyond our capacity, in the place beyond Creation, with the heartfelt encouragement of Mother and Father and all our loving Company of Heaven. In Love and intimate solidarity, our hearts go out to our hard-working Twin Flames on the ground, the twin spark of our soul, the love that has endured throughout our eternity together. There can be no separation between twin souls. We could spend eternities in separate galaxies doing our Light work, but there would be no sense of isolation or loneliness, for we are forever connected by our shared heart-flame. We are like Mother and Father, who are inseparable in every way. It could not be otherwise. There has been a misunderstanding about the difference between a soul mate and a twin soul/twin flame. It is very simple, really. A twin soul/twin flame is literally our twin, the other half of our soul. Yet it is interesting to comprehend that although we share our soul essence, neither of us is less than whole. A soul mate is just as it would sound in Australian vernacular: A close and valued pal, friend, lover or family member. Our soul mates are many and treasured; they share lifetimes with us over and over, helping us to fulfill the particular experiences and missions we have chosen. We know before we come what part we will play for each other, so that the benefits accrue to all of us. They may come as brother, father, teacher, lover or friend, as sister, aunt or closest confident. Depending upon the requirements of a particular lifetime, they may even come as an arch enemy, a rival, a competitor, or a villain. We choose to play these roles for each other because of the trust and familiarity we have developed over eons as a family group.Every soul, even one who comes to this lifetime to live as a hermit, has such a loving and reliable family, always serving them whether incarnated or in spirit, and that family reaches far and wide, ultimately intertwined with every other family and soul group. In the Home we share in higher dimensions, we are in loving acceptance of other groups who may come to interact with our family group. This is what is happening now, with the arrival of families from all over the Universe who have come to join us in this historic Ascension of Planet Earth. They come to learn and to Love, one and all. The Skies Above You and the Air Around Are Filled with LoveIt has been a concerted cabal program to make humankind think that all visitors from other planets must be invaders, conquerors with evil intent. Of course that is absurd, because all ships and their inhabitants from the 5th dimension and higher are loving. I want to reassure you, the story of the Ancharon Alliance and the danger, destruction, evil and imbalance they programmed and incited into this reality is not only at an end; it is not to be repeated. At this very moment, there are billions of benevolent Galactic high dimensional beings in your skies, beaming their love and support, to assist you in your glorious Ascension.Thanks to your tireless efforts to hold the Light on the surface and the stupendous achievements of the Galactic fleet under our Supreme Commander Ashtar, no invaders or cosmic accidents will be allowed to interfere with Earth. Be assured that any significant event you experience in your life in this pivotal stretch on Earth is something you yourself planned. This should bring you tremendous comfort and allow you to embrace your experiences as you go through your days.Yes, you are still doing the clean-up and restoration, and our project to bring Light to all souls on Earth is gaining momentum. Many of those who had temporarily aligned with cabal ideology are coming out of their hiding places to seek restoration in the Light, as the tattered Matrix crumbles into oblivion. The day of hope fulfilled is upon us. Sananda: Be My ValentineHere is the inscription on my forever Valentine card to you, Beloved Earth Humans, as I stand on the deck of the New Jerusalem, in solidarity with all Beings of Light: You are safe, my Beloveds, as never beforeYou are wrapped in our Love, forevermoreDear Terra, Ascending, holds true to her duty,Restoring dear Gaia to richness and beautyAs her children turn to each other in Love They awaken and heal in the Light from above.The Company of Heaven helps carry the banner,You at one end and we at the other,Our Bridge is resplendent, expanding Creation -The Rainbow of Love arches over all nations.While the HoneyLove flows from our Mother above,We're surrounded and safe in our Father's great Love.And this is my promise, Beloved Friends,That this Valentine blessing never ends.It is a pledge of Love that remains ever true;Our Loving Hearts linger to usher you throughYour New Golden Age, this era foretoldBy angels and prophets and sages of old.We joyfully dance as we join hand in hand,Peace love and forgiveness flow over the land.I love you now and I ever will serveI am your Sananda, I give you my word. (Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, 15 February 2016) Ushering in The New Golden Age: Announcements and Insights on Earth's Unfolding Freedom and Prosperity Submissions chosen by Archangel Michael on the following topics: RV/GCR, NESARA, GESARA, New Governances, The Announcements, Free Energy, New Healing Technologies, Disclosure, Mass Landings, Crystal Chambers and More! Image Credit: Méline Lafont Manifestationby Master Saint Germain through Méline Lafont Saint Germain: Greetings, Saint Germain here. Let us speak about manifestation. So, how come that you are seemingly always awaiting things for you to come and to be manifested? Because you are expecting things to happen in the future rather than in the present. So you wait and you await, focusing on and occupying your minds with the thought that it will happen in your future now. So you bring your focus to this future present in such a way that you forget to see what is there in the now and what is already unfolding in this now. All things always linger in the now moment and being in every now moment aligns you with the greater potential of all. It also allows for all to emerge and be in this potent momentum and present itself to you as your own creation vortex. But then, you simply allow yourself to experience the delay of it because you wait for it as if it is still to come while it is already here in the now. So you delay your own creation in that sense by focusing on your timelines as if it is only there in the future. Are you seeing the creation pattern and behavior of your human self ?! The only reason for the delay of your creations is because of your belief it can be delayed in the first place and because of your habit of always be focusing upon your future present instead of the now present. You place yourself in the future now and so are you awaiting what has to come. Are you seeing how you are always placing things far away from you in a time distance which continues to stay "unreachable" so to say, for as long as you do this?! Aligning with the Now is allowing all of your creations to exist in this now. Aligning with your future is slowing down your creation to exist, just as awaiting something does for you. And you should always be and stay in this now, my friends, for only that shall bring you more of that manifestation skill. Then you will reap the fruits of this very tangibly.You will have to understand timelines and how these function, how these were programmed into your minds and what you have made of them through your beliefs. Many different aspects to it, is it not?! Yet all are influencing the way you experience these timelines and since these are fluctuating more than what you are used to, it gives you the impression of a roller coaster shaking all timelines into the mixer. Well no remote control shall help you to find the right frequency for you. Only the lingering in the moment of Now blends with all of them and allows for you to have a taste of all of these timelines in the most balanced way possible.It is through inner happiness, joy and love that you access all within as well as without you, or at least that which you experience as the without. So Bless you for BEing in the NOW and for continously representing yourself as your SELF in every way of the momentum, through many ways of your infinite potential. You are so loved and Blessed that is beyond all things, represent that at all times and in all ways of your ALL Beingness. That will bring you your manifestations through a blink of an eye ~ an effortless creation not by forcing it nor creating it with intent but by BEing just that in that moment opening the door of potential through all Beingness. That is THE moment of existence within all where all lies, lives and moves. That is YOUR true moment of creation and manifestation through the heart.Living and Being from the moment within the moment.Now graduate yourself from this Heaven and see beyond your own eyes. Look into the heart, straight into that moment of all things. Bless you for that moment, for your heart and for your Being. I AM Saint Germain ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Méline Lafont: There is a new website in the make with a few added tools and services.. much more to come later ! Thank you for your support! Universal created gift 2012-2016. We co-create together and share with Love. All Rights to share, blog and use excerpts are permitted by Universal law provided the content is copied unaltered, is distributed freely, and the author + website is mentioned. Méline Portia Lafont www.melinelafont.com Community Corner"No Soul Is Beyond Redemption" by Mike Quinsey, channeling his Higher Self Much is happening that is as far as possible kept secret by those involved. Strong rumours will abound that a major event will soon cause some bank closures, due to major changes that are in the offing. They seem to be inevitable and unavoidable as they must be brought into line with them so as to avoid a complete failure. It would be easy to tell you not to worry, but such happenings have occurred before and ultimately proved beneficial to your future. This should not surprise you as changes are always taking place, but not perhaps at the level that is now expected. All around you changes are in progress as the old ways and systems are "updated" to align with the New Age that has now commenced. Ultimately you will be overjoyed by them as they will give continuity and sufficient income to live a comfortable life. You have been told by St. Germain for a very long time that these changes would take place when the time was right, and it has arrived and you will experience a whole stream of them over the next year or so. It will involve major changes and these will lift up the quality of life quite considerably. So when you find yourselves involved in them please bear in mind that they are "cleansing" the old systems that no longer serve your needs. There will be times when it is important to work together, as in the long run all of you will be included and more than satisfied at the outcome. Be assured that those who would deny you such progress, will be in no position to interfere with the God given promises of release from your Prison Planet. Yes, it has been called that on a number of occasions and many have denied it, but it is true and soon you fully understand how that occurred. You will find many messages informing you of the changes, and they should give you the assurance that many seek. After years of promises, suddenly all the work that has been put in is coming to fruition. You have never been alone in your fight against the dark Ones, and at this important time you have the added support of Beings that have followed your progress from afar. They patiently await the right time to fully reveal themselves. They are peaceful and loving entities that come from much higher levels, and are assisting Mother Earth and her Civilisation to safely negotiate this time of chaos. Your future is assured regardless of any hardships it may bring about. The future is Golden and an Age of great progress that will lift you up out of the lower vibrations and promises much joy and happiness. Some ask what all the changes are about and why now, and the simple answer is that "it is time". Ever since this cycle commenced you were destined to reach this point in time, and the outcome has been due to the efforts of those of the Light who have kept their promises to spread it far and wide. In time it will also embrace the dark Ones as gradually they will respond to it, so it is expected that you of the Light will treat them with compassion. They are not beyond being awakened once more and they can be lifted up into the Light with your love and assistance. No soul is beyond redemption and perhaps you may see them as souls that require much love to awaken them to the Light. Every day of your life most of you mix with many souls at all different levels of evolution. You may sense whether some are Beings of the Light, but you cannot be certain. So treat all alike including those who seem to be without knowledge of their true potential. Often a few kind words will awaken them and lift them up, and begin a stream of thought that leads them to a greater understanding. As soon as a soul responds, their Guides will gladly help them along and onto greater things. Help is always there and never ending. It is a wonderful truth that those who have found the Light within are eager to share it with others. They often become your healers and teachers, and so the Light is ever growing and becomes a powerful energy for the good of all. You have been so successful that you have grounded the Light in so many places that there now exists a powerful network around the Earth. It is lifting up and as it does so Mother Earth is becoming more and more active bringing in yet more Light. Victory over the dark Ones is therefore assured and they are retreating having been unable to command with the authority they previously achieved. The fight is by no means over as the dark Ones have their minions all over the Earth, but their power to do as they wish has diminished. As time passes more of them will realise they are in a weakened position and give up the fight. Unlike your prisons on Earth, souls are given every help and love to guide them back to the Light. It will not be "punishment" such as you understand the word. When they return to the Light they will be welcomed, but will nevertheless have to make retributions for past actions. Each of you have experienced it as "karma" and that means working through your mistakes so as to prevent a recurrence. Largely unbeknown to you, there are many, many Beings watching over you to ensure that you are not distracted or misled, and that your feet are firmly on the ground. Certainly those of you who have followed your life plan are well on the way to Ascension. Oh what joy and celebrations will follow your success because the pathway through your dimension has been difficult and very testing, yet you have successfully dealt with all challenges. Although it may not have been expected, you were nevertheless given a free choice as to which path you took. Many of you have advanced sufficiently to know that you have raised your vibrations sufficiently to be able to ascend. You will be called upon to assist others that are also working towards Ascension, and there are none better than those who have already been successful. The spirit of co-operation becomes more powerful as you progress through the dimensions, and souls of a like kind gradually come together. It already happens upon Earth where you are drawn to each other because of your similar vibrations. Life as you know it and have experienced it is far removed from reality, and your first experience of it is in the Summerland, where all souls usually go after their transition. Life is quite different to what you have been used to on Earth. Life on Earth has taught you how to evolve largely through your own determination, and you are to be congratulated upon such an achievement. Yet when you focus on a particular path assistance is always available should you need it. You stand at a point where you have all but completed your journey through the material realms. You can now stand back and relax and help others who are still trying to find out the truth of their being. There may not be another opportunity like it for some time, as like all things it comes round with the cycles of experience. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your path and days to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.In Love and Light.Mike Quinsey. More from THE TREE OF GOLDEN LIGHT HERE 12 February 2016 Community Corner"Peace and Love Resides Within Each of One of You, Go Within and Claim It"by Saul through John Smallman 2/13/16Oneness can no longer be denied! Cutting edge science knows, because their experiments have demonstrated it conclusively, that everything is connected to everything else, there is no separation. In the everyday world, where the majority of humans focus their attention as they earn their livings, separation is self-evident, but that is because of how you focus your attention on your bodily needs, identifying with them and with their survival, and with their avoidance of pain, and your desire for pleasure through them. In the illusory world bodies seem very real because you live through them, gaining all your experiences and sensations through your so-called five senses. But those are limiting thoughts that you believe are real, and by holding those limiting beliefs you therefore make them real. In fact there are no limits! The limits that you experience are part of the illusion that you built collectively.And of course those limits are an aspect of the illusion that enables you to experience separation as real. When the collective decision to experience separation was taken the collective wanted it to appear to be as convincing as possible. Thus with separation it appears that many separate people are desperately struggling to accumulate as much as possible of the seemingly limited earthly resources that each one needs for survival in order to ensure that they can continue to survive. This leads to conflict and war. But, whenever people have cooperated together, it can be seen that in fact there is an ample abundance available to satisfy everyone's needs.What you do to another you do to yourselves. If you withhold and hoard the earth's beneficence for your own personal use so will everyone else, and you see this happening all over the world, and scarcity results. On the other hand when you share that beneficence willingly you will always have an abundance, and some of you have already discovered this. However, due to your history of hoarding and controlling, trust has almost disappeared, and trust is an essential aspect of a loving economy where the needs of everyone are easily met.You need to trust each other for limitation and scarcity to evaporate. But, mostly, you do not trust yourselves, let alone others, because you have all from time to time betrayed trust that was placed in you, as well as having your own trust betrayed, and you therefore expect others to behave in a similar fashion. And, because you hold that belief that is what you experience.The first step on the path to establishing trust is to intend to be trustworthy and to trust yourselves, and if you betray that trust, as is likely on occasion, apologize to yourselves and forgive yourselves. As you become accustomed to forgiving yourselves instead of judging, blaming, or condemning yourselves, you will find that self-acceptance grows and betrayal of trust is eliminated. When that happens your vision or perception expands and you realize that what you were judging yourselves for is what others are also doing and that it is done out of fear! And by forgiving yourselves your fears fall away, you become aware of the fear that others are experiencing, and you find yourselves filled with compassion for them instead of judgment.Expecting or demanding that others change before you change does not work. Over the eons that has been clearly demonstrated again and again. Change yourselves, intend to be only loving regardless of the situations in which you find yourselves, and be aware of others who are also doing that instead of focusing your attention on those who are not. An enormous change has occurred on Earth over the last few decades because millions have set the personal intent to be always loving, and Love expands Its influence across the planet every time someone sets that intent. As a result those millions are becoming billions, and within the Tsunami of Love that has enveloped the planet angry conflicts are dissolving. Love is the infinitely powerful solvent that dissolves or melts all that is unloving.A peaceful and loving world can never be brought into being through war and conflict. To imagine that it can is not only illogical, it is insane. Many who are working for world peace are aware of this and are doing their utmost to make this clear to combatants everywhere. You can help them - yes you really can help them! - by entering your own inner space, the temple deep within you where Love is always present, and quietly intending - several times daily - to experience the warmth that dwells there and then intending to share it unconditionally and indiscriminately with every human without making even a single exception. As you well know you are all the beloved children of God, and God excludes no one offering Love constantly to all.God is Love and knows that Love is the true nature of every single one of His children, because that is how He created them. Unloving behavior of any kind is driven by fear and is a most desperate cry for Love. Hear that cry and respond with Love, that is why you are incarnate on Earth at this moment.Only Love works because only Love is Real! When you fight, thinking that fighting is stronger than Love, you are just extending the time scale in which the illusion functions and delaying your awakening from the nightmare of pain and suffering in which it seems you are embroiled.There are very few among you who have not at some time experienced the warmth and peace of love in the arms of another. That Peace and Love resides within each one of you, go within and claim It, It is your right. But you do have to relinquish your hold on judgment, resentment, and blame.You are all Love incarnate, but being incarnate means that you have accepted being beneath the veil that hides Love from you, separates you from It. But knowing that, as you do, you can part the veil when you go within and claim Love and allow It to suffuse you. When that occurs you will never forget it, and you will let your fears just fall away.Here in the spiritual realms we await your call to Love so that we may deliver as much as your physical bodies can accept. It is an intensely powerful energy that has to be personally adjusted for each of you. None of you will experience it in precisely the same way, but when you do experience It, even very briefly, all your doubts about God's Love for you will dissolve, and any sense of unworthiness or unacceptability that you may have been clinging to will be gone. So go within daily and relax completely into the Love that awaits you there.With so very much love, Saul.More from John Smallman: HERE Community Corner"Highlights of Inner Illuminations Appear for All"Update GaiaPortal by ÉirePort Art Credit: Unknown Highlights of Inner Illuminations appear for all.Letterings upon planetary parchments tell the tale.Blisterings are deemed inappropriate for the moment.Protions of Higher Vibrationals impress upon hu-manity.- by ÉirePort More from GaiaPortal: HEREBulletin Board"Implant and Entity Clearing"by Anrita Melchizedek Special Note: Beginning... Tuesday 2/16/16 we will be doing Anrita Melchizedek's Implant and Entity Clearing 3x per day at 10:00 am / 5:00 pm / 10:00 pm Eastern Time for 3 days in a row Brightly shining in our Pillars of Light, we will be anchoring into our beloved Earth and connecting with the Christed Crystalline Grid to both clear ourselves and to offer this incredible Invocation of healing on a larger scale to our world. We ask all of you, along with the mighty Galactic and Angelic forces assisting Earth at this time to also lend focus and love to this effort of Love. If you would like to participate, please join in either at the times listed or any three times each of the 3 days that best suits you. You loving Presence will make all the difference for the better. We thank our dear Anrita for her service and steadfast love. See you there! ~ Christine & Kathryn Artwork by Endre Balogh Implant and Entity Clearing InvocationBy Anrita Melchizedek Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/free-downloadsTranscribe http://www.pleiadianlight.net/implant-and-entity-clearing/ You Tube LINK Transcribe by Eadie MillerArtwork by Endre Balogh Produced by Karl Morfett Blessings and much Love Anrita Melchizedekwww.pleiadianlight.net Bulletin Board"February Webinar: AFTER ABUNDANCE"by Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy Please Attend... An personal Invitation from Saint Germain & Archangel Michael Selmat Ja! Greetings Family!We are coming to you here to urge you to attend these webinars. Not only will they be chock-full of the important information you need to be ready to embrace and assist others through the coming transition, but also these webinars will be a pivotal opportunity for us all to join as a bright and loving family. Together, we are a network of Light bringing in the long awaited changes for the better! As always, the transmissions coming through Sheldan will be Light-encoded to assist you with your personal Ascension, as well as amplifying the uplifting energies for global Ascension. On this side of things, we will all be in attendance! See you there! Your loving brothers, Adamos and Michael (Channeled and Transcribed through Christine 2/15/16) Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for FebruaryWe are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system. In this live Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, will explain what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes. Topics include...Prosperity Funds:Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure? How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries? Debt Forgiveness:How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery? What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders? New governance:How will the new government be formed? What will happen to the people currently running our governments? Release of new technologies:What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds. What type of technologies will be available after the landings? Managing our funds:What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change? How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive? After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored? How will we be mentored? Thursday, February 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PSTand/orSunday, February 28, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST (California time)Talk to Sheldan Live... simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions) Seats are Limited... Register Now!To make payment and register: Click HereCost: $15.00 U.S. Bulletin Board"The Planetary Heart: Mother India Synchronized Meditation"by James Twyman, Peace Troubadour Next we focus on the Heart of the Mother... The Planetary HeartMother India Synchronized Meditation Let's keep the momentum going! Millions of people participated in the Syrian Prayer Vigil, and the impact was absolutely amazing. Now it's time to take the next step. It's time to heal the Heart of the Mother itself! Worldwide Synchronized MeditationMarch 11, 12 & 13New Delhi, India James Twyman and Unify.org will be present with three and a half million people at the World Culture Fest in New Delhi, India, and over 10 millionhave already committed to join in the world synchronized meditation. Our goal is for at least 100 million people to stop for 15 minutes at noon in their own time zone March 11, 12 & 13 to heal the heart of our Planetary Mother. What better place than Mother India to focus such a revolutionary meditation. Imagine... Our ultimate goal is to attract at least a million people to be part of an international community that is ready and prepared to respond prayerfully whenever a world crisis occurs in the world. (If you singed up on www.WorldPeacePulse.com, then you are already part of that team.) Over the next month, before the India meditation, we will promote this vision far and wide, and with your help, we will reach out goal of creating a New Earth. The Fun has just begun! More from James Twyman: http://www.jamestwyman.com Surprise Blessings: Submissions from the Family"Let There Be LOVE"by Marcia and her Higher Team Art Credit: Unknown; "Family Tree of Love" sent in by Teresa Let There Be LOVEA New and Original Decree by Marcia and her Higher Team May the Will of Mother and Father God be the thriving force in me!Let there be Faith on Earth! (X3)Let there be Health on Earth! Let there be Peace on Earth! Let there be Harmony and Compassion on Earth! Let there be Truth and Justice on Earth! Let there be Freedom on Earth (x3)Let Abundance and Prosperity resurect for ALL on Earth Now!!!I Am Love Light and Power and I Am One! Thank you for it is Done!!! And it is registered!!!! Quote of the Day Art: Gilbert Williams, "Ascending Rocks" "As long as there is light we shall love you. Forever and a day we shall love you. As long as there is Light ... Let's go Home" -- Lazaris More from Lazaris: HERE From the Editor's Desk... ~ ~ ~ ANNOUNCEMENT! ~ ~ ~ Live Radio Show "Channel Panel" Featuring The Company of Heaven Happy Chinese New Year Friends and Family across Earth! We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to continue our weekly live radio shows along with guided editions of The New Earth Times. The shows will sport an ever evolving format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven. We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration. Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age! JOIN US on our LIVE Blogtalk Shows! NEXT SHOW: Sunday February 21, 2016 @ 2:00 PM ESTPlease Enjoy Our Latest Show: "Valentine's Day Special: Christine, Sananda, AAMichael and Owen on Twin Love!" HERE Channel Panel Testimonials from recent shows... What a show, what a show! Kathryn, Christine, Meg, Sananda, Michael, Eoghan, Father and Mother (Cupid) and visiting St. Germain...Thank you for the gift of LOVE you brought so brilliantly to us! Since becoming a member of this family, the ability to put feelings into words has been ever increasingly a challenge and today...well I have only 1...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! With Honey Bunches of Love, Light, Gratitude and Emotion, Teresa Dear Kathryn and Christine, I have been deeply deeply affected by the show. It is still sinking in. The magnitude of what transpired today is way beyond that what can be put into words or grasped by my mind. I feel it. An energetic circuitry got completed ... I am so so grateful, words cannot do justice to express the depth of feelings. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mother Father God, and all their Creation, Your loving child, Simran ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Dearest Ones...ALL of you who shared today...all of YOU! I have such PEACE in this moment...as our guests today EXPLAINED my entire current life...all nearly 57 years thus far. Every word - as always - has the music and feel of things I have known yet been unable to adequately explain in ways others could begin to understand. This amazing journey... With deepest gratitude and forever love...to new beginnings and excitement beyond our imagination in the most deLIGHTful of adventures...with the fullness of LOVE being our creations. With love and blessings, I thank you... ~ Bette ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I'm still in awe of what was shared with us today - I'm so grateful for the roles the two of you (and others in your household!) have played over many lifetimes, because the result of YOUR work is a direct blessing to ME. And to all the rest of our wonderful family. And to everyone else on our beautiful Gaia. And everywhere else. Words just aren't enough. And so we all keep sending love and gratitude to each of you. Lots of love to all of you, John L. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I have no words to express the Great Richness this show brought to me!!!! The magical Surprise showing of St. Germain with super good news is the happy positive energy that I feel prevailing with everyone everywhere!! ... Dear Mother Sekhmet was regal. I cried with love for Her. Dear Sekhmet...you really helped me expand my mind, (that's what I want the most). I feel I want to embrace you and thank you in humanity's name... Love Joy and hugs, Marcia ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~New Galactic Newsletter Launches on Surface EarthBy Archangel Michael, July 19, 2015 A warm welcome to THE NEW EARTH TIMES, a brand new venture in co-creation. We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven: Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL. We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features. The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity. We share an important Mission: restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory. We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love.Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including: Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more. Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals. I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you.Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation. We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding. We speak and laugh together all throughout every day. Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done. Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly. It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph!I have often said that all communication is for Union. This is our wish and the inevitability we share. Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth: the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age. I am your brother,Archangel MichaelNamaste All. Channeled by Christine, New York, 19 July 2015Photo Credit: Griffith Observatory ...Links... Donations gratefully accepted (Please go to Link, scroll to bottom to find donation button - thank you for your support!): DONATE Website: whoneedslight.org Featured Radio Show: AA Michael's Etheric Retreat, with Sananda/Jesus: Becoming Your Higher Self Sleeper Cell Removal: Part 3 - Dark Cell Removal & The Pillar Portal of Peace with AA Michael Please enjoy our YouTube channel. © Kathryn E. May, PsyD. Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org. Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe. WHO NEEDS LIGHT?Who Needs Light? is a book by Dr. Kathryn E. May, endorsed by Mother Father God and Sananda/Jesus - they have called it "A Guide for Ascension." It is no less than a step-by-step, Light-encoded manual for freeing yourself once-and-for-ALL from the matrix. Who Needs Light is a Mission. It is an all-inclusive project of Lightworkers and Light beings working together in harmony, prosperity and joy for the upliftment of Earth and all upon her. It is the movement of liberation that leads to The New Golden Age.Who Needs Light? We all do! We are all born of Light, and - whether we are conscious of it yet or not - we are all currently engaged in a mighty effort to restore Light, Love and Peace to Surface Earth and throughout the Galaxy. In this valiant and assuredly successful venture, we are receiving much support and guidance from our loving Galactic and Ascended Family. Order Who Needs Light? or donate, so that others who cannot afford the book will be able to get their copy. The author wil