
These following Video editing tips will make you realise how small things can make big difference when using some of best video editing software, we have listed before.

Video editing is more of an art and perspective of a viewer is always important. Here you will find seven of those precious tips that will help you get better at video editing.

With increasing craze of social networking websites, making of home videos and editing them afterwards has gone so popular that everybody wants to learn the art of video editing.

Observing videos from movies of big production companies will also help you understand what needs to be done. So keep you eyes open next time you watch a movie in theatre and see what techniques video editors use lately.

Also see – Free Video Editing Software for Windows

Now just see what we have here for video editors today. Hope you like it.

Seven Life Saving Video Editing Tips

Don’t Jump. A jump cut occurs when you have two consecutive shots with the exact same camera set up, but a difference in the subject. It happens most often when editing interviews, and you want to cut out some words or phrases that the subject says.If you leave the remaining shots side-by-side, the audience will be jarred by the slight repositioning of the subject. Instead, cover the cut with some b-roll, or use a fade. via

Choose the best camera angles for each moment. As you look at your footage, your goal is to balance speaker intent with the expectations of the web audience. Think about where the audience would want to be looking at different points during the talk if they were in the room — that will help you select the best camera angle to reconstruct each moment. By thinking about that, you are also choosing angles that help the speaker better express his or her story. via

Work organized. If you are making a longer movie, prepare a storyboard up first. Name your clips in your video editing software. Use the same names as you use in your storyboard. If you don’t name your clips you will end up with a heap of files and you will lose a lot of time trying to find the footage that you are looking for. via

Color Correction & Effects. There was a time not so long ago when video color correction was a luxury that was only accessible to top-of-the-totem pole television and video producers. Everyone else did their best to capture the best color they could in the camera. This meant setting the camera’s exposure properly for the scene, and occasionally shooting through physical lens filters to add color to a sunset or to simulate the darkness of night.These days, color correction is accessible to anyone who has a decent video editing software app like Adobe Premiere, Apple Final Cut Pro or Sony Vegas. As a result, video editors have discovered that almost every clip can benefit from at least a small amount of color correction. Whether you’re crushing the blacks, boosting the mids or honing the highlights, color correction is something that you should do, and something that is best done in your video editing software application. via

More powerful Hard disks. Most modern computers are powerful enough to run some sort of video editing application, but not all hard discs are suited to the task.  Try to ensure that your computer has discs which run at 7200 rpm rather than the more common 5400 rpm ones. via

Cut tight – The best editing approach is to cut tight scenes without becoming too “cutty”. This means taking out unnecessary pauses between actors’ delivery of dialogue lines. Sometimes it mean tightening the gaps within dialogue sentences through the use of carefully placed cutaways. It may also mean losing redundant lines of dialogue, after the director has reviewed your cut.In general, my approach is to start with a cut that is precise from the beginning as opposed to cutting the first pass sloppy and then whittling down from there. Most basic films don’t support audience attentions for lengths over 90 minutes. If your first cut comes in at about 100 minutes, then you can typically get to 90 through further tightening of the cut. On the other hand, if it clocks in at two hours or longer, then major surgery is going to be needed. via

Last but not the least, see the video editing below.

Also see – Best Video Editing Computer

I know video editing is a tough ask and it needs practise, that’s why you need to start with a free video editing software. I many of you will be diving in your video editors after these sneaky tips. Let us know which video editors do you prefer while editing videos.

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