
(February 18 to February 24, 2013)

Welcome dear readers to the latest issue of the Weekly Gazette! Here in the Gazette, we give you the news in brief of what occurred in the past week as well as provide any news happening in Save-Point itself

Official Area


Not as many registered members had birthdays this week, but Krazy_Meerkat, OverlordLaharl, willzlinz and Chihaku all had their share of cake this week.

General Chat

We always want to know What's on your mind, and this week is no exception as we find that yamina-chan's plan to return to school was put on a hiatus as her sprained ankle hadn't healed enough and her doctor put her under medical house arrest for another five days. However, that means more missed days in her classes and she's worried she cannot afford to lose any more. DerVVulfman wondered if it were possible for them to eMail her the class assignments, but she replied back that the first phase of her course was an 8 week session of on-the-job training. Later on, oddities abound as KasperKalamity's PC, phone and Playstation controller smells like chicken, which may have made DerVVulfman a little hungry. MetalRenard could not seem to understand why he watched a romantic comedy. And when Kain Nobel discovered forty guest accounts reading the 'on your mind' thread, it made MetalRenard run around naked in a panic.

It was no laughing matter that Taylor was unable to see the Funny Pictures that DerVVulfman was posting when he had 'Facebook Disconnect' turned off and suggested that DerVVulfman use the original links. But DerVVulfman said he was using the actual link, which seems to only work if he allowed Facebook material to filter through. Good timing as DerVVulfman posted a pic of a pooch on the job, and a father with a sense of humor.

While ntzrmtthihu777 likes the minimalistic feel of IRC, he brought up that his name can be added to the Save-Point.org Skype Room as he uses the same nickname everywhere. His post was the latest one that uses Courier New, which made MetalRenard wonder why he uses it all the time. A little talk went on about that for a few seconds, then MetalRenard announced that the Skype group has a number of members and conversations going now and wants members to encourage DerVVulfman to go online with Skype. Taylor, though melancholy over how fewer people are showing interest in IRC chat and how Skype takes up too much space on his monitor and hates the ever-present advertisements, he submitted his skype handle to the thread. However, DerVVulfman showed no interest in Skype stating he had already tried it and wasn't too fond of the system. But he says he's still trying to allow members to show off their skype and facebook links in their profiles.

A bit of new regarding three new Playstation 3 JRPG Exclusives coming this year came by way of a new member, avatarbaby89. He noted that you may not be familiar with Nippon Ichi Software by name, but its released a number of games out of Japan for both American and European audiences. And now, IGN made an announcment that three games that were exclusive to Japan will find their ways to the western market this year. Disgaea Dimensions 2: A Brighter Darkness, a sequel to the PS2 Strategy RPG, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, will have the graphical flair of Disgaea 4. Time and Eternity is a title developed by Image Epoch, the studio behind the Liminous Arc franchise. And The Guided Fate Paradox is a rogue-like RPG and has been described as the "spiritual successor" to ZHP, another rogue-like dungeon crawler with randomly generated dungeons.

Games Development

Development Discussion

Ever want to catch up on what your fellow members are doing while they're laboring on their games? If so, it's really easy to find out What's Up in their RPGMaking ventures as DerVVulfman is spending a lot of time on installing all the necessary features into his project. He mentions how his game is different from other RM projects because all his menu functions are built into the map system itself and doesn't have an actual menu Scene, though it does look to make it harder for him to insert anything new.


Though the thread was flagged as 'under contruction', ntzrmtthihu777 started a new complete guide on Installing RMXP into Ubuntu as he so learned these steps with a heavily customized Precise x64 install. Those using this tutorial assumes that the users are familiar with the terminal system and have a lot of patience. But he is ready to answer questions if something doesn't work.

Materials Development

Scripts Database

DerVVulfman devlivered another bug-squishing bump to The Lycan ABS after discovering a problem that prevented the hero's companions from properly teleporting if the player transferred from a smaller map to a larger one. He said that while the other characters actually teleported with the player, the companions had only teleported to an area defined by a smaller map's size, though he said it was an easy fix once he realized the nature of the problem. An easy fix for anyone using his system, he says that only the last script page of his system is the one that needs replacing.

Script Requests

Raphael Rpg Games is hoping that someone could offer him More aid for his demo, wonderingif anyone can help him on his tactical system request. Though he has a tactical system of his own, DerVVulfman suggested that he ask GubID at Creation Asylum, hoping that all he would need is to turn off what limits the number of steps a player can take and insert a timer system for each turn. Though he didn't see much hope since he has his own Tactical system, he said he would give asking GubID a shot. After learning about Raphael RPG Games's nick at Creation Asylum, DerVVulfman went into a comical panic mode as he runs from the 'Wolf Hunter' in an apparent hope to cheer him up... giving MetalRenard a chuckle. But with that, he also mentioned he hopes to find a scripter who knows something about tactical systems that could help out.

The Dark Squid placed a request to adjust the Tankentai command window so it wasn't in the center of the screen but adusted its placement with the actors and had a window with options that were displayed left-to-right rather than top-down like the default window. DerVVulfman posted some code snippets showing how to perform changes to relocate the window, but was unaware of the request for a horizontal command window. While he appreciated DerVVulfman's help, The Dark Squid figured that he didn't explain the request well as English wasn't his native language and posted his request in Spanish hoping someone could understand the request. The request was later translated by MetalRenard, and on seeing that he requested a window that scrolled horizontally, the request was looked on by MechanicalPen who supplied some coding that allowed The Dark Squid to have the system he wanted to his delight.

Resources Database

For those wanting something with a touch different in their Pokemon games, Narzew just converted nearly all of graphic resources in the Pokemon Essentials Starter Kit to Gray Scale. All the pokemons, icons, windowskins and tile effects are there in lucious grays for you to download and enjoy.

Resource Requests

DuongCool is on a Final Fantasy hunt and wonders just Where he can get a Chocobo that matched the size of one he posted, but without a rider or incidental green pixels around the edges. ntzrmtthihu777 was the first to reply wondering about what size he was looking for whereby DuongCool pointed out that the shot he gave was precisely that. In the meantime, MetalRenard wondered if DuongCool had any experience with Gimp and described how to zoom in and remove the offending pixels. Since he showed interest, DuongCool supplied a shot of the chocobo in it's original size while at the same time he wondered if MetalRenard could touch up the chocobo character the way he described. While having difficulties, ntzrmtthihu777 found and posted a clean version of a chocobo he may find useful. Might, but DuongCool found it not the right size and reposted a pic depicting the size of the characterset he needed. So, ntzrmtthihu777 reworked it to a near pixel-sized match.

Meanwhile, Habs11 wondered if anyone was able to create a Minkoff Animated Battler from an RPGMaker XP Character Set he supplied. The character he wants is a brown garbed mage wielding a staff as his preferred weapon.

Well, that's it for this week.

" I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places." - Henny Youngman (1906-1998)


If you are the creator of a thread in Save-Point, you have the option of sending/writing your own entry into the Gazette. The Gazette accepts write-in announcements (which will be doublechecked). Likewise, the Gazette would welcome other content such as a comic-strip series, ongoing story arc, or the like.

Just PM DerVVulfman with the submissions. Submissions must be in by 10pm EST.

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