
SCOTTSDALE, AZ—(Marketwired – February 04, 2016) – TrueShip (http://www.trueship.com) — the leading provider of ecommerce shipping software (ReadyShipper) and automated returns management solutions (ReadyReturns) — has released a guide to help online retailers understand the impact and value that online product returns bring to their online store.

Recent studies have found that by integrating product reviews into product pages, retailers can realize an astounding 58% improved conversion rate. Product reviews bring online retailers many other advantages, too.

Since these reviews add a steady stream of unique, fresh content to the retailer's website, they also have an added SEO benefit. It's something that research shows can increase search traffic by as much as 25%.

Of course, product reviews also have a great influence on buying decisions. Newer surveys and polls have concluded that 85% of consumers read as many as 10 online reviews before they make a buying decision.

Consumers actually trust reviews a lot more than they trust a product description, too, because the review was written by an actual customer, who purchased and used the product. These statistics and many others are revealed in TrueShip's newest guide: How Online Product Reviews Improve Profits.

“If you have yet to add online product reviews to your online store, our new guide has all of the information that you need to make a well–informed decision,” explained Michael Lazar, Director of Online Marketing at TrueShip. “With studies showing how impactful these consumer authored reviews can be to your bottom line and with improving customer loyalty and long term retention, they make a lot of sense to integrate for anyone who is running an ecommerce store.”

Read the new guide here: http://www.trueship.com/blog/2016/02/04/how–online–product–reviews–improve–profits.

Visit TrueShip online to learn more at: http://www.trueship.com. Or call toll–free at: (877) 818–7447.

About TrueShip

#ShipSmarter — TrueShip is the original architect of multi–carrier ecommerce shipping software. ReadyShipper shipping software integrates into the most widely used shopping carts and online marketplaces. It is an easy–to–use order fulfillment solution designed to save e–retailers time and money.

Start a 14–day trial of ReadyShipper shipping software by visiting: http://www.TrueShip.com/products/ReadyShipper.

About ReadyReturns

#ReturnsHappen — ReadyReturns is a customer–facing, plug–and–play, self–service online product returns software solution. It integrates into virtually any website without any programming. ReadyReturns lets customers make returns from a website by filling out a simple form and printing the return shipping label. E–retailers set the rules of the returns, including things like return shipping and restocking fees.

Start a 30–day trial of ReadyReturns by visiting: http://www.trueship.com/online–retail–returns.

Embedded Video Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT61wv8wud8

Embedded Video Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY7ZCN_9myo

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