NEW YORK, NY—(Marketwired – April 13, 2016) – Â cites in its newly published “Point of Care Diagnostic Testing World Markets” report estimates that the professional global in vitro diagnostic (IVD) testing market was valued at approximately $62 billion in 2015 and that the professional POCT market sub–segment was valued at $12.91 billion in 2015, or the equivalent of 19.4% of the global IVD market.
For more information, visit:–of–Care–Diagnostic–Testing–World–Markets.html
This TriMark Publications report describes the POC testing segment of the diagnostic market.
The two most important areas where such tests are measured for immediate results in a POC setting are hospital emergency rooms and critical–care clinics. The third place where these tests are frequently measured in what is characterized as a near–patient setting is in physicians' office labs (POLs). Other testing areas of interest for these analytes are satellite labs, critical–care units, neonatal intensive–care units (NICUs), intensive–care units (ICUs) and home testing locations. Home testing is not directly covered in this report except in cases when the products and companies in this market segment are also actively used in the hospital and physician's office POC settings.
This report also examines the subsections of each POC market segment, including: glucose, blood gases, coagulation, cardiac markers, drugs of abuse, infectious disease and many others. Additionally, rapid detection of infectious pathogens (methicillin–resistant Staphylococcus aureus [MRSA], herpes simplex, avian flu, West Nile virus [WNV] and typhoid) is discussed.
This examination of POCT focuses on the POC segments in important worldwide markets, such as the U.S., Japanese, European, Asian and Rest–of–the–World (ROW) markets. An extensive review of POCT in this report includes the market for clinical equipment and supplies as well as the market for screening reagents and instruments for analysis of individual components in blood, serum, urine and other body fluids. This report defines the dollar volume of sales, for both worldwide and U.S. markets, and it analyzes the factors that influence the size and the growth of the individual market segments. Most of the companies known to be developing instruments and reagents for the clinical POC market are examined in this study. Each company is discussed in depth with a section on the history of the company, the product line, a business and marketing analysis and a subjective commentary of the position of the company in its market.
The main objectives of this analysis are:
The size of the market and distribution between different market segments.
The expected growth over the next five years within each market segment.
A comprehensive overview of the main POCT players. What kind of instruments do they have and what is range of analysis?
Which analysis in POCT is expected to experience exceptional growth going forward?
Identifying viable technology drivers through a comprehensive look at platform technologies for POCT.
Understanding the different sectors of POCT, looking at the hospital market segment and, separately, at a description of the instruments, reagents and supplies marketed by major companies in each segment.
Obtaining a complete understanding of the individual POC tests, from their basic principles to their clinical applications.
Discovering feasible market opportunities by identifying high–growth applications in different analytical diagnostic areas, emphasizing the biggest and expanding markets.
Focusing on global industry development through an in–depth analysis of the major world markets for POC technology, including growth forecasts.
Presenting POCT market figures regarding the market's current value, market projections, market share, key players and sector growth rates. This information is the most currently available data derived from the global diagnostic industry.
This study contains:
A detailed analysis of recent trends in the POC marketplace.
In–depth profiles of the leading companies with POC tools and technologies.
A forecast for the POC market and diagnostic segments thereof.
Views and predictions on the POC industry from leading industry experts.
An analysis of potential new POC applications in the clinical sector.
Market predictions and trends analysis concerning U.S. expenditures on POC solutions.
Projections of POC market sizes for European and Asian markets.
Projections for future applications of molecular diagnostic tests in POC–related screening.
Analysis of commercial POC business strategies.
The latest news and mergers and acquisitions (M&As) developments in the POC marketplace.
A comprehensive overview of and insight into POC business strategies.
An in–depth examination of the subsections of each market segment, including the POLs and clinic testing.
Analysis includes charts and graphs measuring product growth and trends within the marketplace. Company–specific information, including sales figures, product pipeline status and research and development (R&D) trends, is provided. This review will also:
Assess POC market drivers and bottlenecks from medical and scientific community perspectives.
Discuss the potential benefits of POC for various sectors of the medical and scientific community.
Establish the current total market size and future growth of the POC market and analyze the current size and growth of individual segments.
Provide current and forecasted market shares by company.
Discuss profit and business opportunities by segment.
Provide strategic recommendations for near–term business opportunities.
Assess current commercial uses of the POC market.
The following questions will also be addressed in this analysis:
What are the near–term business opportunities in the POCT market?
What are the current and forecasted POCT market sizes in the U.S., the European Union (E.U.), Japan and other key country markets?
What are the business models currently used by companies in the POCT market?
How will stakeholders like manufacturers, regulators, physicians and patients influence this market?
What are the drivers and restraints influencing the POCT market?
What are the important technologies used in POCT?
Who holds the proprietary rights to the POCT market technology platforms?
In the U.S., Japan and the E.U., what regulatory processes apply to POCT technologies?
How will new POC technologies change diagnostic screening testing paradigms?
How will new POC technologies reduce healthcare expenditures and affect R&D spending?
The report contains:
A comprehensive overview of the several categories of POC technology platforms that are or will be revolutionizing the use of diagnostic tests in hospitals.
A chapter on each of the important POC categories and applications.
Full descriptions of the technologies involved and how they differ from existing and emerging technologies.
Analysis of the technological approaches undertaken by various competitors, as well as industry and end–user responses to these products.
Regulatory issues and legislation affecting the use and marketing of POC products.
Market forecasts for each category of product, including profiles of selected competitors.
TriMark estimates that the professional global in vitro diagnostic (IVD) testing market was valued at approximately $62 billion in 2015 and that the professional POCT market sub–segment was valued at $12.91 billion in 2015, or the equivalent of 19.4% of the global IVD market.
The report provides a summary of the global POCT market divided into individual major market sub–segments, with market values for 2015 and market projections to 2018. Glucose testing remains the leading point of care testing global segment. Other rapid cardiac markers are growing rapidly, and will continue to grow at a rate larger than central lab testing, powered by continuing trends for adoption and use of these platforms across disciplines, notably cardiac markers, coagulation and infectious disease. As such, several diagnostic companies have scheduled advanced multiplexing platforms in their development pipelines, including a broad range of immunoassays and molecular tests.
The U.S. is recognized as the largest single country market for both IVD and POCT products, but Europe represents the largest regional market for both IVD and POCT products. Germany is widely recognized as the largest single market for both IVD and POCT products within Europe.
Asia (which includes Japan, China and India for the purposes of this report) represents a major market, but there are significant differences in growth rates for each of the individual countries. TriMark estimated that the Asian POCT market would exhibit a CAGR of 12.2% between 2015 and 2018. Although the Japanese POCT market has slowed recently, in contrast, the emerging markets of India and China are exhibiting higher CAGRs. The report also provides a summary of the Asian POCT market segmented by individual major market sub–segment with market values for 2015 and market projections to 2018.
Although the ROW segment represents the smallest geographic region, it is nevertheless a major growth opportunity and includes the emerging markets of Brazil and Russia. Included in this regional analysis are the Middle East, Africa, other Asian countries, Australia, Canada and other Latin American countries such as Mexico and Argentina. TriMark has determined that the IVD market for the ROW, and the POCT market for the ROW in 2015. Table 2.5 provides a summary of the ROW POCT market segmented by individual major market sub–segment with market values for 2015 and market projections to 2018.
Roche, Alere [now acquired by Abbott] and Abbott Laboratories are the three largest suppliers of POCT devices throughout the world. Although other companies, such as Nova, are becoming increasingly focused on POCT, increasing their product expansion and collaboration efforts to gain market share, the market remains extremely fragmented. Alere has sought to improve its market position through its acquisitions of companies like Biosite, Axis–Shield and its collaborations with SureStat and Chembio. Alere's HIV market share, on the other hand, could erode with the entry of Roche and Orasure and the advent of oral HIV tests. Nova Biomedical is becoming a reliable player with its new POCT platform. POCT dynamics are changing rapidly, and smaller players, including Cepheid, Tm Bioscience, Chembio, Response Biomedical and Orasure, are poised to deliver value with their innovative platforms and growing test menus. The market has been driven by a transition to fully–automated systems, real–time amplification, connectivity platforms and growing test development for POC platforms.
TriMark estimates that future growth will stem from emerging applications like genotyping for identifying drug–resistant strains; bioterrorism; testing applications within infectious disease like Influenza and HIV; and disease diagnostics and prognostic assays for disease applications like sepsis, cardiovascular disease (CHF) and coagulation testing. The industry consolidation is significant, as larger players like Alere want to move into faster–growing markets to expand their product offerings and/or geographical reach. Larger, established diagnostic players like Roche are eager to build out and extend their molecular diagnostic franchises for point of care technology and are willing to pay premium prices for good technology.
Detailed charts with sales forecasts and marketshare data are included. For more information, visit:–of–Care–Diagnostic–Testing–World–Markets.html is a global leader in the biotechnology, healthcare and life sciences market research publishing. For more information, please visit
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The statements contained in this news release that are forward–looking are based on current expectations that are subject to a number of uncertainties and risks, and actual results may differ materially.