
How have you dealt with your ADHD? Do you have any interesting insight on having ADHD?

I haven’t, really.  Ever since I stopped taking medication for it (Vyvanse, Adderall, etc;), I’ve found it really hard to remain focused for an extended period of time.  Before I knew what it was like to have complete control over my focus, I think I was able to control it better.  Now that I know what real control is, it’s been damn near impossible to finish anything I start.  So many projects have fallen to the wayside for no other reason than my inability to maintain interest.  I can usually make it an hour or two before my attention shifts to something less important.

Still, I have no desire to refill my medication.  I’d rather feel than produce at the end of the day.  I’m trying to work on it, but to say I’m accomplishing much would be a boldfaced lie.

Why does TJ still talk shit about you?  It’s been YEARS, why doesn’t he just leave it alone?

Because he’s a lonely, bitter conman that lacks common sense or compassion.  He immediately resorts to petty attacks / lies because that’s the only thing he’s good for, and anyone that’s been close to him for ten minutes will likely tell you the same.  Take a look at, quite literally, every single friend he’s ever had.  Do they still talk to him?  No. Why? Because he’s a miserable human being with a miserable outlook and he treats people like shit.  He steals money from his fans, pretends that he’s some philanthropist, mocks rape-victims for being raped, and still has the gall to pretend that he’s some shining example in comparison to me.  It’d be laughable if it wasn’t so damn sad.

My biggest regret professionally is ever being attached to that miserable fuck.  He’s a liar, a cheat, a scumbag, and a professional manipulator.

Fuck him.

I really like some of the music in Sharp Tongues. Would you ever release an ambient album?

Probably not.  Just being honest with you.  The people that are good at ambient audio (Brian Eno, Brian Green, a bunch of other guys probably named Brian) are really good at it, but the people that suck are fucking godawful.  I’m not a fan of digital ambiance and I lack the proper instruments to create it in analog.  Additionally, I enjoy melody too much.  I have a lot of things I want to create, but an ambient album is not one of them.

I’m glad you liked Sharp Tongues, though :D

Why do you think most teens/twenty somethings are so horrible these days? I am 19 and can’t meet one person who I can relate to. Also I’m building my own studio too but it’s nothing compared to yours.

I don’t think twenty-somethings are any more terrible now than they’ve ever been.  Young people are selfish, but we’re programmed to be that way.  If I were you, I wouldn’t worry about finding people to relate to.  I very rarely, if ever, do.  Just find things you enjoy that distract you from the bullshit.  That’s the only way.

Where do you think you would be now if you never met Kat?

I don’t have some kind of crystal ball, but I think I’d probably still be strung-out on booze and alcohol.  With Kat, I have no desire to put anything in my body that will blur the reality of what I have.  It’s a great motivation to stay away from drugs.  I haven’t taken a single pill since I met her, I’ve drank twice and was only drunk once (after a lot of pressure to participate in the party).  I know it’s generally a bad idea to put so much of yourself into another person, but I have a lot of faith that we’re in it for the long haul.  Every day I wake up happy and calm, in a head-space that’s always been fuzzy and miserable.

I’m a happy motherfucker these days.

How do you feel about turning 25?


Weirdest sexual experience you’ve ever had?

Once, I slept with a girl that cried after we had sex.  Apparently she had a boyfriend and felt like she did something terrible (she did).  It was pretty fucked up.

Would you rather be an relatively successful blogger or be an unknown ‘starving artist’. Do you really think you can make a living selling $20 amateur artbooks?

Who on this fucking planet doesn’t want to be successful?  Do I think my art is presently sustainable?  No, not at all, and that’s why we have other outlets to make money.  I’m not looking to strike a goldmine, but I’m going to find a way to make enough to support myself.  I’m god damn determined.

Goddamn it, Cody. I’m trying SO HARD to get laid but it just hasn’t been happening. What the fuck!

Quit trying so hard.  You look desperate and nobody wants to fuck that.

What are your thoughts on time travel?

I don’t think it’s possible.

No, no, let me rephrase.  I don’t think it’s possible to travel backward.  However, let’s say we invented a time-machine today.  From this day on, I think it’s plausible to travel back to this moment.  I think that’s possible, but, even then, still really unlikely.  Time doesn’t act like people assume it does.  In fact, I don’t even understand it most of the time.  I’m no better.

Even if it is possible, I don’t think it’s likely to happen in my lifetime.  Don’t expect to have an opportunity to see a T-Rex or to shoot Hitler in the face, it will not happen.  Plus, why would you want it to?  Butterfly effect.  You step on a butterfly in 1972 and suddenly you aren’t ever born at all.  How did you step on it, then?

Too many paradoxes.

I’ve known about you and have been watching you for near three years now. I know a great deal about you and you know absolutely nothing about me. There’s also plenty more people like me I am sure. How does that make you feel?

I’m just popular enough that has no real bearing on my regular life.  Honestly, I don’t even think about this because it’s hard for me to even remember that anyone follows my stuff.  Thanks for sticking around ,though!

Your hair is cute. I want to cum all over it.

I really want to meet you and Kat some day.

You’ll get disgusted by our PDA in five minutes.

I think I’m in love with you.

You’re too late, sugar.

what was the biggest change of mind you have ever had

When I realized that I wanted to live a normal life and not be a vagabond travelling on music and art anymore.  When I met Kat, my entire perception changed.

Do you like Kat’s hair long better, or short better? I think she looks much better with long hair, but she can still rock the short hair pretty well.

I don’t care about hair.  She could shave her head bald and I’d still think she was gorgeous.

Who is going to win the NBA championship? The Bulls are down for the count, so I’m putting metaphorical money on whoever can take down the Heat.

I’ll be really surprised if the Heat don’t take it again.  They’re a powerhouse of talent and they have a loaded roster.  If anyone has a chance of beating them, it’s the Grizzlies.  They have a really strong defense, the only defense, in fact, that I think could pull off an upset.

can you teach me guitar

I can barely play it myself.

I have more questions to answer later!  Gonna go shoot hoops right now.

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