Aniplex announced on Thursday that it has established a planning and production group named Script Room. Director Tomohiko Ito (Sword Art Online series, Silver Spoon, ERASED) is heading the group. The group will focus on writing scripts and scenarios for anime, but will also branch out to production and advertising. The group aims to take a new approach to writing anime, and hopes to reveal undiscovered talent.
Ito noted that he had wanted to create a "writer's room," where a group of writers focus on one project. He mentioned that the concept is rare in Japan, but common overseas. He cited Pixar's group writing process as an inspiration and an eventual goal.
The group is accepting applications for writers until September 30. There are no age, gender, or writing experience requirements.
Ito is currently directing the Sword Art Online the Movie: Ordinal Scale anime film, which will premiere in Japan in spring 2017, and will screen in 1,000 theaters worldwide.
Aniplex Lauches 'Script Room' Anime Writing & Production Group | Anime News Network