
Andreeje wrote:

You will be tried from time to time, but you will enjoy this path very much, and will discover more than you ever thought possible. Welcome again!

This concept drew some attention in the private blogs. Definitely there can be elements of being tested by the spirits, and even various initiations on the path - this is also a shamanic concept. This is part of the path of self-mastery and working successfully with dark spirits. There can be trials that are opportunities to advance, if you can pass the test. Basically all passing the test requires is mastery of yourself, and as a consequence, your life. You know someone is doing good work with their spirits if after about a year, their life begins to naturally improve.

Let me add this from the Abremalin grimoire because it's really well-said on the topic above. The Book of Abremalin is on the surface, like most grimoires, RHP and takes a stance of dominating the spirits and binding them to the will of the magician, with the protection of an angel. However the approach taken with the spirits in Abremalin is far more respectful than some other grimoires.

"Also do not familiarise thyself with them; for they be not little pet dogs. Adopt a serious tone and air of authority, make them obey thee, and be well ware of accepting the least offer which they shall make to thee of themselves; and treat them as their Master, also without occastion though shall never molest them... " The Book of Abremalin, Book III p.256

The Book of Abramelin is actually most shamanic of the grimoires and goes into depth and detail into the practice of keeping and binding familiars, indicating that every master should have at least 3 familiars in order that they can cover all the shifts throughout the day in their service as familiars. This grimoire promises incredible magickal powers in return for keeping a bound familiar.

This is what it says of the tests of the spirits:


The spirits... comprehend very well... what dispositions we have, and understand our inclinations that from the very beginning they prepare the way to make us fail. If they know that a man is inclined unto Vanity and Pride, they will humiliate themselves before him, and push that humility unto excess, and even unto idolatry, and this man will glory herein and become intoxicated with conceit... Another man will be easily accessible to Avarice, and then if he take not heed the Malignant Spirits will propose unto him thousands of ways of accumulating wealth, and of rendering himself rich by indirect and unjust ways and means, whence total restitution is afterwards difficult and even impossible... Another will be a man of Letters, the Spirits will inspire him with presumption, and he will then believe himself to be wiser even than the Prophets... The causes and matter whereof (the Spirits) will make use to cause a man to waver are infinite, especially when the man attempteth to make them submit to his commands, and this is why it is most necessary to be upon one's guard and to distrust oneself.

The last line, about being on guard and distrusting oneself, part of this is the fatal error many aspirants make in some of the tests that may come their way. One of those is, the failure to be able to discern false friends among the spirits, or what is basically, BA tricksters who want to sway you off your path.

It is definitely important also to learn to trust yourself, and in order to increase your ability to trust yourself, one must also increase their accuracy, if they intend to go deeply into the shamanic. This takes practice, study, experience, and mentorship whether from trusted spirits alone or from spirits and human mentors. It is definitely important to tread cautiously and keep a good head on your shoulders. Practice good spiritual hygeine... a lot of people here have amazing demon familiars which can go a really long way in helping you navigating the path, as they have for myself, and for Akelta.

So there are various tests that are possible, basic tests of your strength and mastery, test of your discernment.

Great topic

Statistics: Posted by Adelphia — Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:06 pm

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