
Happy Halloween and Samhain to all of S&S!!!

We are really excited about this time of the year as demonic activity is at it’s highest and magick and mystery fill the air. We have a lot of fun events Scheduled for October, leading up to Halloween, including participation in Creepy Hollows Parastock.

We will also be having an incredible October Sale and a large selection of prebound Demons that we will be listing from October 1st 2015 - October 5th 2015, as well as special Halloween Magickals that are only available for the months of October. These limited edition S&S pieces have been cast by the Priestess’s of S&S - Demon Temple, and will be available soon.

We have a lot to get done this week so please bear with us as we prepare for this month of spooky festivities! We will be having weekly chat parties starting Monday October 5th! The Dates and Times are highlighted below....

Chat Party Schedule October 2015

Demonic Families and Demon Family Structures
When: October 5th 2015 @ 2:00PM PST

Topic: This will be a fun chat party where we will be exploring different demons species and their family structures. This Chat Party will discuss some of the ruling demons families, royal family structure as well as normal family structure in the Noble, Hellborn, and Mutilation realm.

Demons as Members of your Family
When: October 9th 2015 @ 2:00PM PST

Topic: This seminar will be a discussion on when we invite demons to join us in our home and working with them. Enjoying their company, interacting with them and just ways to enjoy and celebrate their presence in your life. Demons are here with us to join our family as mentors, friends, guides, even lovers and through our time with them deep friendships are formed. We will be discussing different ways to connect and work with your demon companion.

Astral Projecting with Demons
When: October 16th 2015 @ 4:00PM PST
Where: http://www.satanandsuns.com/parachat.php
Topic: Astral Projecting With Demons and how to achieve this amazing and incredible skill. We will be talking about various techniques to train your mind to prepare for astral travel and also attuning yourself to your demons and entities to have incredible experiences with them. We will also be discussing things that can be done on the astral plane and how

PARASTOCK - Interactive Chat Seminar - Part 1: Seeing your Spirits/Entities
When: October 23rd 2015 @ 4:00PM PST
Where: TBA
Topic: Interactive chat seminar of seeing hearing and sensing your spirits/Demon/Entities Part 1. This session will focus on seeing your spirits/entities. Bring the entity/Spirit you feel strongest towards and practise these incredible and fun exercises together to train you see your spirit companions. These exercises are fun and easy and we will be doing them together and focusing on both Astral Sight and Physical Sight.

PARASTOCK - Interactive Chat Seminar - Part 2: Hearing and Sensing Your Spirits/Entities
When: October 25th 2015 @ 9:00AM PST
Where: TBA
Topic: The second part of our interactive chat seminar where we will be focusing on Hearing, and sensing your Spirit Companions. Again bring your spirit companion that you have a strong connection to and we will be working through these fun exercises to help you hear and sense your spirit companions. Like the last seminar we will be doing them together and will be focusing on Physical hearing, astral hearing and using out senses to feel their energies.

Halloween Demon Chat Party!!
When: October 30th

Topic: This is just a fun interactive party where we will be getting together hanging out and having fun with our demons and just talking, asking questions and just enjoying the energies of the darkest time of the year. Bring you Demons or other members of your spirit family and lets just have a fun relaxing time before Halloween Night!

Statistics: Posted by Akelta — Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:49 am

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