
I have the original questions from the Interview. I am going to post them here since the site seems to be down again.

Phosphorus: Hello, Akelta! It is a pleasure to get you on board with us here at Polaris.  I have a number of questions here that I would like to ask you so that we can get a better sense of who you are, where you’re coming from and your perspective as an advanced practitioner.

Akelta: Hello, Phosphorus,  Thank you so much, it is my pleasure.  I am very honoured to be a part of Polaris's amazing Community, and an very excited that you have invited me to participate in this interview.

Phosphorus: First off, how would you describe your spiritual leanings to the average layperson still in the learning process and very new to spirits and the occult? As your friend, I know your leanings fall under the paradigm of the Left Hand Path (LHP). Now for those who do not even know what the LHP is, how would you describe it? Within the LHP, can you please explain your spiritual beliefs?

Akelta: That is a good question, There is a lot of controversy over the LHP and what it's definition is and I know that many people disagree on what the LHP is specifically.  The Actual term we use today, Left Hand Path, came from Madam Blavatski translation of the Tantric term Vama-Marga, meaning basically the Left Handed way, so the terms originated from India and Eastern LHP traditions, but it has evolved since.  She did give it a negative association and due to the Christian influence in Europe it was easy to assign it "evil" as from a Christian perspective as the left already was already associated with evil. Left handed people were considered evil, Protestants called Roman Catholics "left footers,"  Homosexuals at that time were called left handed.  A harsh judgment was placed upon it.

Another interesting Christian perspective; Satan was considered to sit on the Left handed side of God, now there was a time where he was not considered evil, if you take Older Mythologies, were Satan actually sat on the council of God,  he was a judge.  Now change God to Divinity.  Satan was but one being on the Divine council and he was on the Left side of Divinity.   This Satanic way being another Left Handed Way to reach divinity, and the other path being the Right, there are many roads to Divinity and you need to find the one that works for you.

The LHP is very vast in practise and method, but to summarize it, the LHP is a broad term for a spiritual path that explores and seeks divinity and awakening of your own power, through the lower energies (lower chakras, our primal nature) and seeks to release you of all that binds you, embracing your primordial darkness, and awaken your own, for a better word, "god self."  You are the master of your world and you take responsibility for your actions and your path.  We find divinity by freeing ourselves from all restrictions (questioning why we react a certain way, why things are deemed taboo) and remembering ourself as a being of divinity and embracing everything as a divine creation.  Look at children, they are completely free, they explore, they learn, they play, and also very connected.  They do not have the limits that adults do.

This being the opposite of the RHP.  When one engages in the RHP, there are restrictions, (example: Thou Shalt Not....) You seek divinity with surrender, abstaining and follow that path and those energies to divinity. You surrender and purify yourself and walk what they would call an enlightened pure existence.  There are others as well who walk a Middle path as a combination of both.

Being on the LHP does not make us bad people or people who are unskilled and undisciplined on our path.  One who is disciplined and walks a Darker path, in a devoted balanced manner,  are usually very level headed, incredibly powerful, and balanced.  They have to be, dealing with all the dark energies and they are usually very grounded. One thing that is essential to walking a LHP is balance and making sure that you do not let the darkness take you.  This is a serious danger and why it is so important for practitioners on a LHP to stay balanced and grounded and no go too dark too fast.

The LHP is not about being destructive, or a menace in society, or being better than others. It is about knowing yourself fully, your desires, your passions, your experience here on this plane, not being ashamed for who you are, living an inspired abundant life, not being bound and limited, really embracing you, loving yourself as a divine child with no shame and existing as you.

There are different directions one can take on the LHP.  There are many Eastern LHP traditions and Western LHP Tradition.  Eastern LHP really has it's roots established, it is ancient and has been practised for many years.   Western LHP is still finding itself but there are sects which have found that balanced stability.  Like Demonolatry (it's roots are traced back to the 1500 written, though it is probably older. It is an older Western LHP), some Theistic Satanic Orders, Gnostic Luciferianism, but there are many sects of Western LHP that have not found their balance yet and are still young and searching.  The ones who practise from a balanced perspective, tend to take elements from older traditions and past cultures.  Now a lot has been lost and unfortunately a lot of people beginning on the path fail to grasp it's complex history. A lot of Demonolators, in the past, had to be silent, and not speak of their work, so their knowledge and ways of doing things was lost over the years because they would have been burned at the stake.  It was not a path one could embrace without fear of persucution. So right now the move have been to reestablish this path and show how balanced it can be.

A lot of representation of the LHP today is angry christians who become satanists to rebel against their upbringing, which it's own members tend to perpetuate this image.  It is seen as a knock against the church instead of a stand alone path that is rich in tradition and rituals.  What is a shame is that while the goal should be to reveal this truth, it is not.   There is so much infighting and anger instead of realizing that there are many paths one can follow.   A lot of people instead of just walking their path tend to fight and argue over who's right and who is wrong and take a very angry approach to it and go too dark too quickly, which is very dangerous. This one of my missions on this path, to help it finds it's roots, reawaken the truth and find it's balance, cause it is really is beautiful when you break it down to its core.

Some of the most balanced Satanic LHP practitioners I know incorporate Easter tradition and philosophies with their practise (myself included).  They do not limit themselves and really embrace the full balance that the LHP and it's ancient tradition offer. For example, in Demonolatry, we work with the Demonic Enns.  They are like Mantras, I also practise Mantra meditation and preform Mantra Siddhi with the Demonic Enns (A friend of mine actually suggested the combination and it is very powerful).   It does bring balance to people and removes the anger and the ego from those practising.

Spiritual paths are very person and at times it can be hard to actually place a label on ones particular path, but the best way to define my spiritual Learning is, I am a Demonolator and Luciferian Priestess.  This basically means that I work with Demons, the Dark Lords and explore the darker aspects of the spiritual world.  I work with the Demon Lords, Mammon, Azazel, Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan and are always making connections and learning about other demons.  They help to guide and teach me about mastering myself and my life and guiding me to crafting the life of my dreams.  They have taught me many lessons that have freed me from a particular way of thinking and allowed me to release destructive patterns and thoughts that bind me.   One of the recent lessons is that I own nothing and that everything here is just an energy I am borrowing for a time.  This helps me to release things that no longer serve me when the time is right.  and also bring in the experiences the rich energies of this plane has to offer.  I own nothing I have nothing. Which allows me to create whatever I desire in the moment.  No attachments.

The Demon Lords I work with have taken me on many internal journeys of self discovery, which on the LHP, you need to know yourself as your fears can be your greatest enemy, as can your mind.  There are things out there, dark things that can hurt you, they can use your own mind and energies against you.  You need to know yourself, understand your spiritual foundation and your own abilities to protect yourself.

To me, the Fall of Lucifer really does sumarize this.  Is interesting as it encompasses the LHP viewpoint.  Lucifer was the most beautiful angel, he served Heaven dutifully, but in his heart, wanted freedom, that was his calling.  The calling in his heart lead him down.  So he fell, went down (the lower road to divinity)  Freeing himself and questioning why he beleived the things he did and why we needed to follow the rules.  Rejecting the thoughts, the rules the notions of right and wrong and embarking on a dark journey through himself and his own primal urges. This brought him back to divinity as his own god.  It really emcompasses the Journey of those on this Path.

Phosphorus: Can you tell me a little about your upbringing and background? When did you first discover your path?  When did you first begin to learn the craft? Did you have any role models? How much of what you do is self-taught?

Akelta: I have always been on this path. It is a part of me and I have never known a time without it.  I was that child who talked to the forest spirits. who worked with energies.  I have had many teachers come and and go and I mean really the old saying is true "When the student is ready the teacher will appear."

My first understanding of this path came from my Great Grandmother.  She was a very powerful Witch (the women in my family have some very interesting abilities), and could see auras, like I can, and see many different spirits and entities in other realms.  We have a few family demons who have been in the family for generations that were passed onto me.  My Great Grandmother had to be careful though, in her time it was dangerous to discuss what she did so she went to church and kept things hidden and practised in secret. She gave me my first Demon Companion and told me that the world was much more than people would even know and to hide what I saw, but never stop believing.  As a small child I had no idea what she meant but I could see my Demon Companion and spoke with him and began working with him.

My next teacher I guess would be my step dad,  a very powerful psychics in his own right.  He has precognitive abilities and also a huge dislike of the church.  When I was in kindergarden I was drawing people and I would draw them with colours around them.   He asked me what that was, I said it was the colours around the people.  He told me (and I believe this was so influential for the direction I took on my path), not everyone can see those, and some people are going to tell you they are not real.  Ignore them!  Trust in your own vision and know that the energy you see exists.

My family was very open to my path.  My mom would go and buy me books on witchcraft, when I met a local coven who taught classes she would pay for me to go and accompany me.  I remember one class we were doing introductions and it came to her and she said "Well I am just here to support my daughter"  The room fell silent and one of the elder witches suddenly said "Wow, if only all our moms could be like that."  They really did support me and what I did, even when I went to Demonolatry.   I never felt the fear of practising and was free to explore who I was and what I was capable of.

I have had many role models.  My great Grandmother being one.  A friend of mine's Grandmother who was a very powerful traditional witch.  Her teachings and abilities were amazing.  Other Mentors have entered my life and have really helped me on so many levels.  I am a combination of being self taught and also learning from others.  Really though I see myself as a perpetual student always learning and seeking answers.  I do read a lot on my own and practise in solitude, only recently have I really embrace a coven.

Phosphorus: Can you explain what black magick within the scope of what you do?

Akelta: When you work black magick, you remove all judgment from your spiritual work and use the energies, darker energies, to get a desired result.  Black Magicians use darker energies, demonic energies and there power and potency brings swift results.  Black Magick quite often is associated with baneful magick and it can be VERY baneful, nasty curses, illnesses and mind control,  but it can also be used for healing, working love magick, curse removal, and manifesting.   Basically, it comes down to you are working with darker energies to create results.   You take your life into your own hands and work the energy in whatever way will bring you those results.  You release all judgments, and all thoughts of right and wrong.

When you work with black magick you have to come from a non judgment place, especially when working with curses.  The philosophy of a Black Magician is that there is cause and consequence and if you feel any guilt or remorse for your casting the consequence is it will come back at you, as guilt and remorse are an attachment.  When you release those energies completely and sever all attachments, those energies are free and influence as you desire.  In society right and wrong are subjective so you really are the judge of your workings, weather they are right, wrong, good or bad.  In the past, the inquisition though it was a great idea to burn women and children at the stake, they didn't see it as wrong.  In todays society we would be highly opposed to that. Everything is subjective.

In my work I use a variety of spell and energy working, Black Magic is a part of my workings.  I study all different energies and their many uses.  Dark Energy is very potent and powerful and can bring results in a very timely fashion.   Black Magic spells, because they use darker energies, are very potent and often bring results in a very fast time.

Though the old saying "be careful what you wish for" is essential here as often time the faster a working works, the more it can shatter what you already know and some people might not be ready for that.  How many times has someone lost a job, or a house, only to realize that that was part of the path to getting what they want.  Black Magic works, and voids ethics, and moral and just cuts right to chase, this is what you want, this is the fastest way to get it.  So when working Dark spells you want to make sure you do not put to much dark energy into it.  Your intention could be devastating.

When understood though, it is power can be used to shape ones world, ones life and get the results they want.  Walking a Darker path I do not accept fate and take the lessons that come and use what I know and learn to shape the life I desire.   When I want something I go out and get it.

Phosphorus: As a grossly overused and misused word, practitioners still cannot come up with a mutual consensus for the word “Demon”. Based on your experience, how would you define the term “demon?” What is typically coined a demon that in your eyes truly is not a demon?

Akelta: Demons, yes, they have a very negative association (though I have seen it shifting to BA sludge Trickster, which is more appropriate, though they still are not the cause of everything bad that happens).  There was a time when everything was evil.  Fae, Elves, Demons.  Demons are kinda like the Pitbull of the day.  Everyone blames dog bites on Pitbulls, even though most people cannot identify a Pitfull.  A Labrador/Boxer looks very similar to the Pitbull, but the second their is a dog bit, even if it only slightly looks like a Pitbull, the media freaks and scream Pitbull.  Demons are the Pitbulls.  But the only way to know if the dog truly was a Pit, is through Genetic testing, or in the case of demons - energetic testing.

From my experience a demon are a group of beings that share a common energy.  Just like Elves share a common energy,  Fae share a common energy, and Cats share a common energy.  They are diverse within themselves, but they still share a common energy.  Demons are a group, and there are different Species of Demons within that group.

Demons all have within them a black energy. Most people do not have the eye to differentiate between the different types of black energy. I have made a life's work out of it. In fact this is my occult passion. Analyzing the different types of black energy. Humans have darkness within their own energy field but it is seldom black. A sharp third eye can detect that various shades of darkness within the aura and see the difference.

We all have dark energy within our beings. It is our dark side, our balance. Most humans have dark shades of blue, or purple or grey, but black is rare.

A demon has a specific type of black energy. It is not an evil energy (though it can be used that way) it is a beautiful black energy that is very powerful. Hellborns and Lowborns have it, Abyssal Demons Have it, Noble Demons have it, Chaos Demon have it, Fallen Angels have an interesting form of it, Djinn have it, Succubi and Incubi have it.   All those beings I would class as Demons because they all carry this energy. It is a very beautiful pure black energy which is dark, can be evil, and is powerful. This black energy even exists in the auras of some humans. I categorize it as Demonic Black energy. This energy is in all demons.

The interesting thing with this black energy it that within it you can see different black colours, I hope that makes sense. Trying to explain what I see can be challenging. I is black, but it is colour black, then as the entity gets darker it becomes more black black...The darker an entity is and the more capable of evil they are the closer to solid black this energy gets, yet it is still a beautiful pure black at this level, and they never quite make it to be classified as a BA demon at this level. Obviously as it gets closer to black your skill level needs to go up as solid black demons like to play games torment people to teach them lessons and have fun with what they call weak minded individuals, manipulate, ect.

Interesting fact some humans have this energy in their auras I would say they are demonic in essence and have demonic ancestry. A Demonic energy human can learn to awaken and use the energy in their aura they can do some pretty amazing things.

Phosphorus: As you’re fully aware, many people are quick to judge when a practitioner engages in the black arts.  How do you respond to these critics?  What is the value of black arts in your worldview? What is the value of demons?

Akelta: Back to my Pitbull Analogy, a lot of people judge Pitbull owners as vicious, anti-social, scum of society (yes there are unscrupulous jerks out there that get Pitbulls only to fight them or abuse them, but is that the Pitbulls fault? No, the blame rests on the one who fights them, and those individuals make us responsible Pitbull owners look bad).  Black Magicians and those who work with Demons get the same rap right now.  We are seen as twisted and evil, only out to harm and destroy and that it is only a matter of time before the energy we work with turns on us and we succumb to madness.

I define the Black Arts as different that Black Magic, though a Black Magician can use the Black Arts, and most who are on the Black Arts are seen as Black Magicians...

Black Magic is a tool, dark/black spells and energies that can be used for whatever the practitioner desires and works with.  Crafting spells from the darkness of our world.  Depending on the practitioner, it can be used safely when keeping a level head on your shoulders.  Black magickians need to keep their head on and make sure they know their spiritual foundation and themselves when working with these energies.  Often, good Black Magickians are very mentally powerful people, who are confident and know themselves fully.

The Black Arts is a very vast topic encompassing a philosophy and a type of energy that is worked with;

~BA Paths are is a series of very dark paths,
~BA Black Energy is a type of Black energy,
~BA creatures are different entities/spirits/beings that encompass and are made up of that energy, they are very nasty beings that can cause a lot of trouble and harm.

A Black Arts path is seen as when one embraces BA energy and/or works with beings who have BA energy and are BA in nature.  When one is pure black arts they usually throw themselves completely into their path and always have to be on guard and careful, lest the darkness take them.  But the nature of BA is to go darker and darker so one who walks this path has a hard time not succumbing to the adduction of darkness.  It is like a ticking time bomb, a spiral downward.  Plus BA creatures like to feed off those who work with them and make them addicted to the energy they give them.  Like a drug, and over time the practitioner becomes weaker and the being stronger, untill destruction is eminent.    People who throw themselves completely into Black Arts with no balance can be very dangerous, because they tend to take on these traits and allow the energy to consume who they are and in a sense take over and destroy their lives. They go beyond even black magick to the point that they lose who they are and it is no longer a tool to be used, it is a lifestyle, destruction, malicious chaos, using others to serve your own desires.

BA energy is another form of black energy though very different from Demonic Black Energy.   BA energy is sludgy, corrosive, infectious, and consumes and eats all other energies to the benefit of itself.  It can be used to effectively harm others and to take out obstacles and blocks.  It is destructive and even more potent that Demonic Dark Energy.  It has an overall sense of destruction to it, while other dark energies can build up and create. This one destroys and consumes.  It is great for constructing curses out of though and can be nasty if cast at you.  It's corrosive, addictive and infectious nature makes it ridiculously dangerous and destructive.  You need to understand what you are dealing with when you go to remove it or you can hurt yourself in the process.

When one studies it, it is not always because they are evil and going to go crazy, sometimes we study it to learn about it.  To understand it, to know how to shield against it, remove it.  One should not be so quick to judge those who work to learn about and understand BA,  they need to uncover the reason,  why are they engaging in these arts, what is their motive.   Practitioners can engage in the Black Arts and work with Black Arts energies ( they really need to know what they are doing) or they can seek to study and learn about them.  Keeping them at a distance, not allowing them to influence them.   There are those out there, myself included, who do not work with these energies.  instead study them.  At times we will test them in controlled environments and understand them.

There are groups of beings out there that seek only to understand and work with these energies, they are dedicated to understanding them and they become very dark themselves, but they are super level headed and basically immune to it's influence due to their vast understanding of it's nature and workings.  When you embrace it and let it consume you, it will overtake you.  When you study it, know your boundaries, and understand it.  You gain much knowledge that is super beneficial to others.

Black Arts creatures are exceptionally malicious and seeks to destroy and consume those around them for their own personal gain.  They have no problem harming anyone and become obsessed with destruction and chaos.  Watching a person suffer and die in horrific and profane ways are pleasurable to them.

Regarding the Value of Demons, well working with Demons,  They are very powerful and they work naturally with darker energies and they understand them.  They see how things are going to manifest so they can bring things in a short amount of time to their keeper while also still directing the energies to make sure that no unnecessary harm comes to their keeper or their friends and family.  Their energy is powerful and potent and they often manifest things at an incredible rate.

They can also help there keeper with spiritual development and be there for them if they get into trouble.  Demons can use their Dark Energy to destroy sludge and help to cleanse their keeper of things that may be tormenting them.  They can help their keeper when they might run into trouble.  Demons also understand BA energies as some demons are BA in nature themselves,  Others are just very very Dark themselves and may know beings who are BA.  They have natural defences against BA creatures and can destroy ones that try to harm their keeper.  I have found that Demonic Dark Energy can actually destroy BA black energy, which is a huge benefit as it is one of the tools that can be used to neutralize the effects of BA sludge energy.  Just a note* Having a demon at your side (though powerful) is not a substitute for developing your own spiritual foundation, it is a mutual journey and you have to know and discover your own powers and abilities.

Phosphorus: Keeping in mind the mission statement of Polaris, you must know we think of you as an asset to the community and that value is attached to all shades of the spectrum for the magickal arts. What role can a dark/black magick practitioner like you play in assisting in psychic attacks?

Akelta: A Black/Dark Magician can be very helpful.  I deal with black energies, black magick, black, curses, hexes and baneful spells.  I can sense them, I have protection against them, I know how to safely work with them, so I know things like how much exposure one can have before going crazy (which is different for everyone).  Different energies that will remove curses energy from a person aura, how different curses work.  I have knowledge about destructive energy, and understand it's properties.  Knowledge about a danger is the best way to develop methods for protecting against it.

It is kinda like being a nuclear technician.   Most of them could build a nuclear bomb that would destroy a city.  But they can also, disarm the bomb, dismantle it, safely remove the nuclear radiation with minimal harm to themselves and also know how to shield themselves from the radiation and heal themselves from minor radiation burns.  To much obviously will kill them but that really is the same with the Black Arts and Black Magick.  They know how much they can be exposed to and have tools to measure the exposure levels.

Those who have no knowledge  of Black Arts energies, curses and Black Magick, usually suffer the worst at it's hand because it is an invisible enemy that plagues them, and can cause serious damage.  Enter a Black Magician, well we work with those energies we can see them on people, we have tools to defend against them, we have energies that will neutralize them and we can work at curse removal because we do understand the energies that we are dealing with. A Dark/Black Magick practitioner can go in and help (humorously enough) shine some light on what is happening and offer suggestions for handing these situations.

Phosphorus: I think a lot of ppl assume that knowledge of black/dark magick is only used for inflicting damage… but you and I know better… Obviously, you can educate all of us, myself included, on how a practitioner with your knowledge can be an asset to a community like Polaris where people seek assistance for things like curse removal.

Akelta: I'll tell you a story which kinda relates to this.  There was this brilliant computer hacker who hacked into a Government agency, not to inflict harm,  just cause he was a board teenager.   Basically, he just hacked in and put a clown graphic waving at the people who worked there.  Well they were not amused and he was a little sloppy and they were able to trace the hack.  The next day he had agents show up at his door.   He wasn't cocky, he showed them how he broke in within 40 seconds.  They hired him to assist with their security, cause they saw this kid had mad skills and could be a valuable asset.

Black magic is a tool, a tool is neither good nor bad it is just something that is used.  One who understands Black Magick can use their knowledge and skill of the darkness and the black arts to help others;  curse removal, sludge and false darkness removal, powerful shielding, curse untangling, ect.  When you work with energies you become familiar with them.   It is like if you were to travel to a foreign country and got really sick.  You have no idea how to cure yourself and it looks like this is the end,  then a Shaman shows up and goes, oh you just need to eat this plant it will cure you instantly.  Knowledge of what is out there, is very powerful.

Due to our exposure to darkness, those of us who work with darker energies usually have no issues going into the darkness, going where others fears to help, bring someone back into the light,  help them rediscover themselves.  When you have walked in the darkness for so long, you can see who is lost and can act as a guide helping them.  Such a magician can be dangerous yes,  but they can also be there to help and support you, go the places most will not, and not give up on you where most will.  They can go with you to dark places other might fear and help you find your balance.  They have a vast knowledge of the darkness.  They can guide you and help you.

Phosphorus: Now, we are going to switch gears a little bit and talk about what you offer to the spirit-keeping community.  Can you explain a little bit your philosophy, if any, in how you pair your entities with their keepers? Is there an over-arching goal for what you do in making these matches?

Akelta: My philosophy is matching Demons (and occasionally other beings)  With their keepers so they can work together for the benefit of both.  The Demon gets to use his/her abilities and experience this world, and the human get the benefit of working with and having their life enhanced and inspired by the demon.  When I conjure I actually have a strict criteria that needs to be met before I even think of offering a companion.

Conjuring in itself takes time to learn and master, you have to be able to see and sense energies cause you have to know what might come through.  Sometimes BA tricksters come through pretending to be demons, or sometimes  dark demons come through (who do not meet my criteria), so there also need to be an interview process and getting to know the Demon who comes through.

When I first meet them, my first connection with them is identity conformation, are you who you say you are.  Then once that is confirmed then begins a series of questions and interviews designed to get to know them.  Then I do a channeling with them to write their listings.  It has taken many years to learn this and there are a lot of subtle skills ones needs to learn, like what happens when a BA trickster comes through.  Well I have methods now to banish them and return them to their realms.  Safeties and precautions have to be taken.

The Demon must be willing to work with the individual and desire to rise them to be their best,  empowering and building them up.  So the Demons I conjure will work with the individual to benefit them, protect them, teach them, guide them and help them to grow.  Once they meet that criteria and are conjured and their binding are in place, then begins the process of matching them with their keeper.  Different Demons have different energies, skill, abilities, just like humans do, and what I seek to do is match Demons and Humans for compatibility and energies that will compliment each other and will benefit each other.  Sometimes the matches are stronger than others.  Sometimes demons come through who already know their keeper. Which is always a joy cause I find in those situations the keeper usually contacts me within 24 hours of the demon being listed, showing the manifesting power of demons.

Phosphorus: What kind of demons do you typically work with? Are there specific demons for newbies and ones you reserve only for experienced keepers?

Akelta: There are many different species of demons out there.  I have around me and work with many different species of many different ranks.  Some I work with closer than others.  Demons that I conjure and keep are Hellborn Demons, Lowborn Demons, Noble Demons, Abyssal Demons, Necrosis Demons, Spectral Demons, Devotion Demons, Chaos Demons, and some Mutilation Demons though one has to be very careful with them and I never would offer a pure Mutilation Demon to the public.  These are the main species of demons that I work with and Conjure though.

I also work with a number of Demon Lords, some that I have developed relationships with over many years.  Lord Mammon I met 7 years ago, Lord Azazel I have been working with since I was 15,  Lord Lucifer I have been working with for over 10 years,  Lord Satan for over 10 years.  As well as many other dark lords I have formed wonderful working relationships with and they have aided me greatly in my life and guiding me, helping me to manifest and create what  I desire.  I feel truly blessed to walk with demons in my life.

The demons that come through, via conjures, their whole purpose is to work with humans to assist them, guide them and mentor them.  People who are brand new to demons, just because of the intensity of demonic energy and with some because of their their temperaments, I will advise people new to Demons to begin working with  a Demon like a Devotion Demon, whose energies are softer and really Devotions work great even with WA spirits due to their temperament.  This is very general and I prefer to take each person inquiring about demons on an individual basis.  What I look for in a future keeper is one who is going to be respectful, who has an understanding of themselves and their own energies,  who is not going to be mean and try to harm the demon as that is where trouble comes and it is just not nice.  Some demons are better form people who are just starting on their path and of course there are those,  like the Demon Commanders or the Children of the Dark Lords who we take great care to find a match for and one who will understand then and be able to work with them.  Some people should not work with demons, and likewise, others are born with energy that allows them to easily work with demons.  We are very selective and take care to match keeper with demon.  There are demons who are better for those who are of a lighter path

Phosphorus: Have you ever had to turn any interested clients away?

Akelta: Yes I have,  Our high level demons go through a matching process where they will visit their potential keepers and let us know what they think.  Also, I have turned people down if I can tell they do not have the right mentality to work with demons or get a sense that a demon will not be right for them.  Some people come to me and I know that they are not meant to work with demons, I can sense it in their words and in their energies and I have to turn them away, it is the responsible thing to do.  Demonic energy is not for everyone.  Other times, the keeper is fine to have a demon, but the demon just isn't a strong match for the interested party, in which case I have to let them know that they are not a match and maybe direct them to a custom conjure of a demon that is a more appropriate match.  It is nothing personally just like some people are not compatible some demons and humans are not.  There are other people who have demonic ancestry and even if they are new to demons they have an understanding and appreciation for the demons energy it is really is very individual matching demons with their future keepers.

Phosphorus: Do you find as a demon conjurer that the stigmatization of demons can have an effect on your public image? In other words, what stereotypes do you think may exist when people see your name associated with demon conjures?  How do you break those stereotypes?

Akelta: There is a heavy stigma in todays world towards Demons and working with them.  However, looking back throughout history stigma and prejudice has followed many groups spiritual and physical.  Looking though history I find that education and showing a different side is the best approach to dealing with stigma.  I try to look on the positive side and create a space where people can learn and ask questions and discovered the balanced side of this path and working with the demons.   By asking question and learning from the other side, it gives a broader perspective and allows people to come to less bias opinion.  It does not always work but by opening myself and my path up, I give people who want to learn the opportunity.

I tend to be positive and optemistic and really see the prejudice out there as an opportunity for education, it is frustrating and yes it bothers me, but I try to see that progress is being made and the truth is getting out there.  Education is the big thing, at one time witches were burned at the stake, many different spirits/entities were considered evil, nefarious beings, but over time and with individuals opening up and sharing their knowledge we have expanded our view and seen the truth.  It is not so different than human culture.  At one time African Americans were forced into slavery and seen as inferior, Homosexuals were considered to be sick and diseased.  Those prejudices still exist with a small portion of the population (and they are frustrating) but through education, and people standing up for the truth they have earned rights and  the majority of us see the truth  Though we still have a ways to go even with our own culture the fact is those of us who have a voice has a responsibility and an opportunity to stand up for those who do not.  With demons yes there is a stigma but judging all of them as violent horrible creatures who will destroy your life, is not the truth and those who I work with are proof of that.

Yes, demons can be aggressive and vicious, but that is one side of them and there is so much more to them than that.  There are demons out there that are dark and twisted and very dangerous,  but there are also humans out there that are dark and twisted and dangerous.  I like to focus on showing the complexity and that they are not all that way.   They are really quite complex beings when you work with them.

I think a lot of people view people who work with demons as "disgruntled, dark twisted  individuals who are anti social and engage in anti social destructive behaviours and go around burning churches, spreading hate and anger and being vicious and violent and it is only a matter of time before the demons they work with destroy them."

Sure that does exist but usually by people who are seriously unbalanced and should not be working with demons anyway.  They use demons as a rebellion against society instead of working with them to help improve their life and surroundings,  These people often also do not know how ot treat demons and hurt then, or blast them with a blasting rod and aggressive with them and they wonder why the demons turn on them.  If someone was hurting me I would turn on the,

I like to teach the opposite side, empowerment and working with demons to help guide us and inspire our lives as mentors, teachers and guides.  Demons are exceptionally brilliant and can be very empowering to work with.  I also like to show people how to work with them and the way to show them respect and appreciation for what they do.

I go about breaking the stereotypes by leading by example, and surrounding myself with people who are balanced, who walk this path working with demons, leading successful lives.   They are mothers, fathers, business owners, workers, everyday people can walk this path. This brings more likeminded people who are called to work with demons and feel safe cause they feel like they can work with demons while still being true to themselves and don't have to be angry disgruntled individuals.  They can learn from others who are balanced and can share their insights and how they work with demons.  The best way to break a stereotype is to not become one.  Being true to myself and bringing together people working with demons and educating others by example.

Working with demons does not mean you have harsh rebel against society. Working with demons can help free you from negative mindsets and beliefs that limit you and help you really embrace who you are and what you want to create in your life.  Demons can work powerful magicks and also teach life altering lessons.  Which is another thing many don't understand,  they think that, oh I have a demon now it has to obey my every command.  No no no.  Demons are very powerful beings and when you approach them with respect, gratitude and appreciation, really they are wonderful to work with and can be a lot of fun.  They become their keepers friends and family.  Some people have demons that are passed on through the generation.  When you develop that working relationship with demons,  It is life changing.

Phosphorus: Is there anything left that I haven't asked you that you would like to say?

Akelta: Thank you so much Phosphorus that was a great interview and I am very honoured to have been a part of it.  I just would like to say, There is a lot of misconception out there on demons, because there is not a lot of knowledge out there.  And really one of my goals is to help clear up that misconception and show people that this is a legitamate path and that some peopel are naturally darker, and their are drawn to working with darker things, but that does not make then bad people.  It is my passion working with demons and I love to educate people.  I am open to answering question and really welcome any opportunity to educate people on the truth behind demons.  Thank you again

Statistics: Posted by Akelta — Sun Dec 04, 2016 11:37 am

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