
Our new ‘get fit’ goal: to focus on strength, health and wellbeing.

We set out to discover Adelaide’s best body and mind fitness classes helping you find your ultimate happy place.

1. Relax the Mind And Sweat It Out.

We’re turning up the heat.

This is more than just a fitness class… expect improved flexibility and a complete rebalancing of the body and mind. Hot yoga is the ultimate detox style of fitness, where you can relax, zen and completely recharge.

If you haven’t worked out in 36-degree heat before, try it at Yogafusion.


No it’s not Bikram yoga. Originating from Calcutta, India, Barkan yoga focuses on vitalising, stretching and strengthening your body using various poses within a heated environment. You’ll also improve concentration which helps quiet the mind and nourish the soul.


The Far Infra Red (FIR) heating warms tissues, allowing more flexibility and a deeper relaxation of the body. The added heat also motivates your body to burn more calories per session than non-heat yoga sessions. After 20 minutes of practice, fat metabolism and breakdown is activated. The perfect detox, sweat and cleanse.


Stay hydrated before, during and after class. For extra energy, eat a light meal two hours prior or easily-digestible fruit up to an hour before class.


Physical, mental and spiritual enhancement

Increase fitness

Improve flexibility

Build strength and restore optimal health

Normalise weight

Reduce stress

Sweat and detox

14 The Parade, Norwood Ph 0419 339 231


2. The Ultimate Anti-Gravity Experience

Channel your inner acrobat with Adelaide’s leading aerial yoga studio.

Flip, swing and fly through space without even noticing that you’re working out. At Adelaide Pilates Studio you’ll have a blast performing poses, inversions and other movements suspended off the ground with the help of a hammock. The fitness class incorporating a mixture of fun, flexibility, strength and posture improvement.

AntiGravity® Aerial Yoga

Invented by a former gymnast, Christopher Harrison, AntiGravity Yoga or Aerial Yoga is a series of exercises inspired by calisthenics, acrobatics, pilates, and yoga. During Aerial Yoga you make use of a hammock-like circus fabric, which supports the body in its movements. Aerial Yoga helps realign the body through various poses combined with the pull of gravity to strengthen the muscles and improve posture. Classes can range from gentle and restorative to very demanding depending on how the hammock is used, making it suitable for people of all levels of experience and physical ability.

New to Aerial Yoga?

Attend an Open Beginner Introductory Class first to learn the safety elements of how to get in and out of the hammocks. You’ll explore and learn the movements you’ll be performing in class.


The oldest Adelaide Pilates Studio client is 78. They cater for all ages, “the older you become, the more important it is to keep moving”.


Decompression and alignment of the spine

Strengthening and lengthening of the body

Upper body and core strengthening

Improved balance

Body awareness

Increased spacial intelligence

Relieving stress and anxiety

First Class Free

simply mention you’re an SA Style reader and experience improved fitness, strength and muscle tone with one of the studio’s many classes.

421 Magill Rd, St Morris Ph 0406 731 447


3. Strengthen Your Core And Enhance Flexibility

It’s time to improve your quality of life.

At Therapia Physiotherapy and Pilates you’ll truly channel whole body fitness. Flexibility, strength, core control, mindfulness, balance, cardio – all in the one workout. Located in the heart of the city, sign up for a 45-min Equipment Pilates class and see what all the fuss is about.


While strengthening your core is certainly a bonus of pilates, the exercise regime is also used to improve your postural alignment, reduce pain wherever it may be and improve your strength and flexibility, both internally and externally. Combining physiotherapy and pilates is an excellent way to treat and prevent injuries.


For equipment pilates classes, each client goes through one-on-one assessment and a pilates program is developed to cater to their individual needs and goals, utilising the range of equipment available in the studio.


Increased overall tone, strength and endurance

Improved posture and body awareness

Relaxation and improved breathing efficiency

Flatter and firmer abdominal muscles

Injury prevention

25 North St, Adelaide Ph o8 8221 5011


photography Megan Voo

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