



hi guys. as you may know, this is countess ellington softpaws littlebeans von fluff trinket, known professionally as Dr. Elly Cat Doctor.

dr. elly has been in some distress lately. she has been reclusive, unsnuggly and unable even to enjoy her favorite activity, being gently buttered on the muzzle with a plastic knife. i put this down to general anxiety, but this morning my super kind vet told me she has something called “feline stomatitis,” which means, apparently, that her immune system is rejecting her poor little teeth as if they are foreign splinters. which is why she can’t stand having her mouth touched, can’t eat hard food and spends most of her time curled up in dark corners.

The vet said the only real treatment option is having the affected teeth removed within the next month or two. This will cost a ludicrous amount of money that I do not have.

There is so much going on in the world that is terrible and difficult, and one small animal in pain is not, relatively speaking, a significant thing. But I am asking anyway, I guess. If Ellybean has ever brought you comfort or softness on the internet, please consider dropping a couple of bucks in my stupid PayPal.  (if that link doesn’t work, there’s a donate button on the blog.) Thanks for listening.

You guys have been so unbelievably kind already. On the advice of several of you, I set up a real GoFundMe for a portion of the cost I was quoted (a total of about $2,000). If you can send even a dollar or two, I love you. If you can’t, I still love you, obviously. Thank you.


you guys are unbelievable. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am crying at work again as i have been on and off all week but this time it’s from happiness. Elly’s surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday so she can get well over Thanksgiving. I love you and I’m so so grateful for you.

Hi guys. I hope Rave doesn’t mind me hijacking her post a little bit, but it feels important for me to say a few things about how kind, smart, funny, and just good she is, not to mention what a wonderful catmom she is to the esteemed Dr. Elly.

I feel really, really lucky to call Rave a friend; she makes me laugh when I need to laugh, she encourages me when I need to be encouraged, she challenges me to be a better person when I need to be a better person, and she shares her wonderful weird ungodly smart and talented brain with me when I need to feel better about the state of the world and the people in it. Especially in bad and scary times like now, Rave is the kind of friend and human I’m glad to be able to surround myself with. I also know that for me, personally, the world feels less scary and bad when I can make it a point to take care of those people in whatever way I can. So if any of you, like me, have a manicure and pair of novelty sweatpants that you can skip on buying for now and can instead put that towards this lovely pair, not only will it calculably help them (and they deserve it! Think of how often Rave has made you laugh, or Dr. Elly has made you feel better. For me, it’s too many to count), it might also make you feel a bit more grounded by knowing that we can look out for each other when we need it in whatever way crops up.

(And of course if you aren’t able to help financially I know Rave would never want you to burden yourself, so please don’t feel obligated! But a quick note of love and support in crummy times is not only free but, in my experience, invaluable).

Thanks, friends. Love you.

i love you my sweet kind beautiful exceptional eva. i’m so, ugh. i’m so overcome.

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