
Travel BizNews (TBN) is the leading travel trade news portal and a valuable resource of news and information for all the travel and tourism professionals around the world .The website is dedicated to disseminate accurate and balanced news and views on travel /business from different parts of the world including Nepal. The top stories in the travel industry are featured everyday on its homepage and the stories are categorized under different sections of the tourism industry.

Travel news published on this webpage is notified to our registered and travel professionals around the world by email. TBN has links with most of the tourism stakeholders including - National / International tourism organizations , leading travel/trekking/rafting agencies, tour operators, hotels/resorts, domestic and international airlines ,destination management companies, NRNs , media and travel journalists in the country and beyond.

To become a leading resource of news, views and travel info for industry professionals and provide factual info to the readers. 

To be an effective channel of disseminating news and views on world tourism, while positively promoting Nepal in the international market.


Sarosebht's Blog

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