
One slot piggy banks have been around for… centuries. But the world has changed. Now we have a highly sophisticated financial system, a system whose complexity has outstripped the ability of most adults, many of whom grapple with credit card debt, even bankruptcy.

Personal finance education needs to start young. How? With the same universally loved childhood toy, the piggy bank….but with a 21st century twist! The Money Savvy Pig piggy bank has four chambers, one for each of the four money management choices a child should be taught from the time they are small. They are SAVE, SPEND, DONATE, and INVEST.

Where was this Money Savvy Pig when I was younger. I like how you can see how you want to save your money. There even is stickers to help visualize what your saving your money for. My son is always wanting our change and now he can see how to save the money. The spend slot is lower than all the other slots because he is always taking change out to spend at the gas station or for the ice cream truck. This is such a great idea on how to teach your children about money. There is a few different saving bank options to chose from like the pig in a few different colors, soccer ball, cow and a football. So how will you save your money? I want to get one of the banks for hubby and I to use for our loose money instead of just throwing it in a cup on our dresser.

You can connect with Money Savvy Generation on Facebook and Twitter

Now for the giveaway: One lucky person will win a Money Savvy Pig piggy bank in a choice of color (Blue, Pink, Green or Purple). This is open to US and ends 8/12/13 @ 11:59 pm est. To enter, Simply do the tasks on the Giveaway Tools widget below and you're set to have a chance to win! Remember you can't win if you don't enter. It only takes one entry to win! 

Good Luck, SaraLee's Deals Steals & Giveaways readers! Thanks for entering!



I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

I got the Money Savvy Pig piggy bank free to review and was not paid for my response. Please note that SaraLee's Deals Steals & Giveaways are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill their prize.

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