
Although I’m with several different companies, doTerra is my favorite. I get asked a lot WHY that is. Why should I care about this company? Why should I give them my business? Why buy from them? What makes them so different?

While I could go on and on about how awesome they are, here are my top 10 things I love about doTerra.

DoTerra Review:

1. Free Stuff

They are ALWAYS giving out free stuff. Every month, when you order 125 pv on the Loyalty Rewards Program , they give you a free product, automatically. Every quarter they have a deal where you purchase 200 pv worth of product, you get about $80 worth of product free. This helps me save sooo much money. Around December, the free product is Frankincense, and the cool thing is that you can place as many orders as you want. So, I usually place 3-4 orders of the 200 pv and get 3-4 free bottles of Frankincense for free, which lasts me the entire next year (I use that oil like candy). One oil I never have to pay for, just for buying their products! It’s better than a Groupon deal!

2. Free Points = More Free Stuff

Every month that you order on your Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP), you earn points. The number of points depends on what you initially started with in the company and how long you’ve been with the company on the Loyalty Rewards Program. Let’s say you start with the Family Physician Kit, you start out at 15% back in points. So, the next month, you purchase 100 pv and you get 15% of that, so $15. You save up your points and cash them in on any order you want, just like cash. Each quarter, the % goes up. So, if you started at 15%, you go to 20%, then 25%, then finally 30%. The higher kit you purchase, the higher you start in your %. So, a Diamond kit, automatically earns 30%. I earn 30% on every single LRP order I place. So, that’s $30 right there on a $100 order.

Now, where it gets interesting is when they offer the 200 pv get $80 product free. Okay, so let’s say I place $200 order and I get my $80 product. I am basically paying $120 for a $200 order right. But, that’s not all. It stacks! On that $200 order, I ALSO get 30% in points, so counting that, is another $60 in free products. And stacking again, I also get my 125pv free product, which is usually about $10 in value. So, when all is said and done, from that ONE order of $200, counting everything I do, I am basically only paying $50.

$50 for a $200 order. And if I do that 4 times, it’s about $230 for $800 worth of product (wholesale). If you’re counting retail pricing, it would be $230 for $1,000 order! I don’t get the 125 pv on additional orders, but the other things I DO get!

This is why I never understand why some people say the oils are expensive. I never pay for any of my products and that’s not just because I sell. It’s because I know the system and can get amazing deals, deals that I can show you as well if you join.

3. Free Christmas Gift

Every year, doTerra ‘surprises’ us with a free item. And you’d think that since there are like, what, a million, people they are giving these free gifts to, they would be cheap. They are not. The essential oil necklace they sent us last year retails for $60!!!! doTerra has an amazing concept, they treat their customers right.

I know…it’s not a normal concept in our day and age. When everyone seems to be so rude and selfish. You go to the store and drop $200 and get treated like garbage. Trust me, I get it. It’s frustrating. Customer service in our country is dead. And so, those companies that actually care about their customers, those are companies to really pay attention to. One of the biggest things you can do to be successful is to treat all your customers like a queen or king. Doesn’t matter what business you’re in, I’ve basically done them all. Customer is king will get you farther than anything else you can do. And I’m not just talking about a fake phasod to put on. I mean, real, genuine, caring about others. Think of them like your family or best friend. In all my businesses, I will bend over backwards to make someone else’s dreams come true, regardless of what they are.

4. Free Magazine

Of course, all the free stuff is my favorite part of being involved with doTerra. I love free stuff. I don’t like to pay for anything, and I’ve gotten really good over the years at not paying for a lot of things. When you don’t have to pay for a lot of the things you use, you’re then free to buy the things you WANT. We just purchased a Wii U. I just sunk in about $550, but after all is said and done, I will not be paying for it. Getting what you want in life is just about shifting things. We don’t need those Leappads anymore, that iPad, so, I sell it and get the Wii U. The rest of the money was the kids’ Christmas money we all agreed we’d get a Wii U now. It’s pretty simple to get what you want. You just gotta be creative. Okay, back on track here…

If you’re interested in selling doTerra, they start sending you out the regular magazine and the Leadership magazine every time. No way to sign up, they just automatically subscribe you for free. If you want extra copies, you can purchase them for $1.50 each, which is still way cheaper than any magazine you get in the store!

5. Money Earned

doTerra pays me to tell other people about their products. If you sell with them, which is SUPER EASY to do (I made money in a time where no one knew about essential oils, no one cared, and I just moved to a new state and didn’t know a soul!) they pay you money. You earn commissions on every one who orders under you. And if you are a part of a fantastic team like mine, we even help you sell in a way that you are most COMFORTABLE with. Listen, I tell you the truth, I am NOT a classes/party type person. Those business models don’t work for me….at all! There are people on my team who are perfect at them, flawless. Not me. How you sell, if you want to sell, is completely up to you. There is no right or wrong way. You don’t have to be a sales-person.

Think about it like this. You see the best movie you’ve ever seen, what do you do? Do you tell your friends or keep it to yourself? Seriously, you tell your friends. Same with oils. You WILL love them, everyone does, and when you fall in love with them, which you will, you share that awesome experience. You’re not TRYING to sell, it just happens. They say, oh, really? My daughter has an ear infection, can the oils help? Bada-bing-bada-boom. Sold. It’s not that hard.

Just be sure that your main objective is NOT money. Your main goal should always be to help people overcome the issues they face, NEVER EVER and I repeat EVER about money. If your goal is money first, you’ll never make it. I know that’s harsh, but it’s reality. You have to be genuine. That’s easy for me to say because that’s just my personality. I’ve taken a loss so many times because I cared more about getting someone the right deal for their benefit, and sometimes they never know it, or care, but I can stand before God, truly helping people and knowing that I’ve helped so many. That’s what doTerra is about. The fantastic money is a plus.

6. Change Others Lives

This leads me to the sixth reason I love doTerra and a huge part of the doTerra review.

I get to change people’s lives every single day. I know that if you’re new to oils, you may not fully comprehend how amazing they are and how they really can transform a life. I have helped people not have to have surgery. Surgery’s that cost thousands of dollars. There’s an oil that can help your own body heal it’s bones faster. The stories are countless, the results are real, and the friends you make along the way are priceless. Take the money away, and doTerra would STILL be one of the best things that ever happened to me.

7. Changed My Life

They have changed my life forever. No more am I this sick girl all the time. Dealing with a fractured vertabra that the doctors said there was nothing I could ever do but LIVE WITH the pain. Whatever! No more do I get sick 17 times in one single year. Yes, true story. I was just seriously sick ALL the time. There was a point in my life, where I was just in bed for an entire year. I missed life. I missed my family, and that was something I NEVER want to go back to. doTerra has changed my life, both physically and financially like nothing else ever has!

Bedtime with Lavender

8. Safe For My Whole Family

Most other essential oil companies, you can’t use the oils on your whole family. What about pets? What about kids? What about babies? Now, there are some rules here. Not EVERY SINGLE OIL is okay for babies and kids, but MOST are! This is something that is unique to doTerra because of the quality of the products. You know, I know I’ll get a lot of backlash from this, but if a company tells you that you can’t use their oils on babies and kids, you gotta know that it might be because their oils really aren’t 100% pure. Because a truly 100% pure oil can be used on little ones.

My kids know how to use the oils safely and effectively. My daughter is 8 and she doesn’t even have to ask before using them. She knows what to use and when. The other day I saw her putting an oil on. I asked her what it was. She said, “DigestZen; my tummy is hurting.” That is empowering! Not only to ME, but to HER! She knows how to fix her own problems. She has the knowledge to be able to help her own body. She is educated. She knows how to use them safely. The bottles that are not for kids (which are not that many), I keep on the top shelf and she doesn’t get into them and can’t reach them without climbing. Oils like Deep Blue and Wintergreen (Nature’s Aspirin) have child safety locks on them.

When my dog started vommitting, I put DigestZen and Ginger on his tummy. They are safe for all pets, all people. Again, there are some safety things you need to know when you start doTerra, but all you really need is the Modern Essentials book. In it contains everything you’ll ever need to know. When to apply, where, how often, how, which oil to use, why they work, scientific data, and so much more.

9. Purity – CPTG

Again, the oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, meaning they help you in the same way medicine does and they are certified for that. Some oils are just for perfume, some are not even worth a bucket of water, which is basically what they are, fillers and chemicals, but doTerra is different. They are 100% pure and unlike any other company on the market at the moment, they PROVE IT, by 3rd party testing. Now, I know there are a few other companies that are pure, but they don’t prove it. In-house testings can and have been botched by other companies, so be very careful when you’re choosing a company to go with.

10. Support From a Team

doTerra is one of the best companies to be a part of because of their love of training. Their desire for a team. My team is one of the fastest growing teams in all of doTerra! There are so many vital and well-known people on our team and it truly is a joint effort. You never have to fear about going it alone. The training is as much or as little as you want it to be.

There are a gazillion resources, many, many people waiting to help you in any capacity, including myself, a Facebook page solely for our team where you can ask questions and get advice, and several websites. One of which is mine where you can gain knowledge on the products, another website where you can go to learn all about how to sell. There are leadership calls, meetings, conference calls. It all just depends on what you want to do and how much you want to be involved. Because doTerra is around the world, wherever you are at in the world, there is most likely already a team of people looking to connect.

I hope you enjoyed this article. It was definitely written from my heart (there’s not any other way for me. lol) These are just SOME of the reasons why I love doTerra so much. I pray that you find your own path in doTerra as well and if there’s anything I can do, any question I can answer, simply contact me. I love hearing from my readers more than you know.

What is your favorite thing about doTerra essential oils? If you haven’t tried them yet, what is the most appealing part of the doTerra review?

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