
It’s easy to believe the hype, the shiny websites, the seemingly perfect lives people project on Instagram. I don’t pretend I’m not guilty of wanting to appear that I have it more together than I do, but the reality is that the path of an entrepreneur is hard, especially if you are in the realm of personal development. It’s basically like carrying around a big flashing sign that says…


If you work in personal development or feel called to do so, you get this. I often wonder why I chose to work in the one frickin’ area that’s been hard for me in my life: weight. It’s a mystery really, why I would put myself through it. There have been a lot of times when I’ve wanted to change my business to interior design and hide my body, but I don’t because the path of an entrepreneur is really one of deep, personal work and living consciously.

Every launch is a chance to let go.
Every woman I work with is a challenge to feel their heart and open mine.
Every blog post is an opportunity to be real.
Every day is a lesson in remembering I am being taken care of financially even though I don’t have a regular paycheck.
Every minute I need to remember that the pain, embarrassment, and vulnerability I feel is worth it because I am really living. I experience the ups and the downs and am not numb to the roller coaster of my inner world.

But the reality is that this entrepreneurial path can eat you alive if you’re not careful. You can wind up a slave to your image, your budget, your obsession with perfection and your drive. I do not want that to happen to you.

In order to make sure you stay whole, entrepreneurship must be married with inner work.

This inner work can come in many different forms: therapy, spirituality, group coaching, reading, sisterhood… you name it, but in my experience, it must include two things: Exploration and Support.

Exploration of why you do certain things like patterns learned from childhood, expectations of others and understanding how you measure your own self-worth (to name a few). And the exploration of what you truly desire at a soul level, who you are at your essence and how to remove the distractions to living from that place.

Support from a group of women, one mentor or therapist or both!

I have sought out exploration and support in many forms over the years and I still do. Based off of everything I’ve learned and what has been the most beneficial, I created The Live More Method.

The Live More Method combines spiritual discovery with strategic coaching to uncover your soul’s blueprint and make it a reality while surrounded by incredible women who are doing the same. It is deep and p.o.w.e.r.f.u.l.

Here’s what a few women had to say:

“Wow. This program held my hand as I stepped into living in alignment with my soul. Sarah is an incredible teacher, a clear guide, and such a loving support. The women working alongside me created the most amazing community. My life has changed in ways I could never have expected and has given me a whole new trajectory. Thank you, Sarah!!”

“The LMM program created the perfect platform for diving deeper into what I want in my career and personal life. Sarah’s laser-focus, transparent, nurturing coaching style gave me the courage to take massive action toward creating a life I love. The program allowed me to slow down and tune into what makes me happy to be alive and that creating a life around those things is within reach.”

“Being a part of Live More Method has allowed me to reconnect with my soul’s essence. I am more clear about the woman I am and want to be in the world after going through the program. The combination of Sarah’s coaching, visual meditations, and group interaction really helped me dive deeper into my soul and find out what I needed to do to express her more. I am so grateful for this work, and will continue to implement in my daily life.”

The Live More Method is just one of the amazing programs you get when you sign up for B-School through me this year. You can read about all of the Bonuses, including an in-person retreat at my house below.

And thank you, for being a woman who is willing to look at the dark parts of herself and be with them so that they may be transformed. Thank you for being a woman who strives for joy even when life can feel hard. Thank you for being a woman who is willing to take a risk, be messy and not hide who she is. It’s women like you who are leading the change of leading a soul, alive, authentic life. It ain’t always pretty, but it is always real, and that is what’s most important.

So my dear, if I can help you with your inner work, I would be so honored, if not, please seek out a person or a program that resonates with you. Your soul is a beautiful and complicated thing.

B-School closes tomorrow, so if you want world class business training with some extra support for your soul, click here to receive all of these amazing bonuses.



This Year’s B-School Bonus with Sarah Jenks includes:

Bonus #1: Sacred Business Circle
A one-day, in-person, intimate retreat at my home in San Francisco for entrepreneurs who need a divine intervention. April 27th, 2017. Limited to 20 women, extra dates will open up if needed.

The back story: In the 8 years I’ve been in business for myself, I’ve realized that having a successful business is equal parts marketing, talent, and magic. When I first started out, I believed that if I had a good idea and a lot of coffee, I could make anything happen. The truth was that my first few business ideas seemed smart on paper (“Advertising Wellness”: corporate health coaching or “Breathtaking Bride”: emotional eating coaching for brides to be) but it wasn’t what I was meant to do on a soul level so work felt like rolling a huge boulder up a mountain. It wasn’t until I got that my calling (at the time) was to help women with emotional eating through empowering them to live the life they are meant to live NOW, and nurtured a consistent connection to the divine for direction, inspiration, and energy, that my business took off. What’s exciting is that over the past few years my soul has called for an evolution in my work, and spending all of my energy on Live More Weigh Less started to feel like wearing too tight shoes. The more I connected with the divine the clearer I got that I needed to create a model for Live More Weigh Less that was more sustainable for me so I could grow my business to include a new calling: integrating the sacred into everyday stuff, like your career for example:). I’ve been studying the divine feminine formally for 5 years, though I’ve been interested and called since a little girl (all of us are) and in 2014, I released my first body of work on the subject, Live More Method (part of my B-School Bonus), taught from this place at Live Free (my weekend event for hundreds of women entrepreneurs with Nisha Moodley) and now I am so excited to offer this intimate, in- person retreat where we’ll be combining guided meditation, ceremony, business coaching and releasing + manifesting rituals. It’s going to be so juicy you’re going to lose your mind.

About our day together:  Let me paint you a picture… the day before we gather I encourage you to travel to San Francisco, check in one of the many beautiful hotels (I love Kabuki Hotel and Spa, the baths are insane) or an AirBnB in my quaint neighborhood of Noe Valley (just 20 minutes from SFO Airport), have a delicious dinner and go to sleep early.  We will gather at my house at 9am the next day and you will be welcomed by the embrace of my old, vintage-bohemian decorated victorian, really good coffee and tea, a hug from me and the 19 other spiritual, ambitious, loving entrepreneurs. We will sit together in my home temple (aka my dining room) around a beautiful altar. The day will be designed based on what’s needed in the moment but will most likely include meditation, guided visualization, dancing, journaling, coaching, sharing, ritual and some serious manifesting.  All of this will be with the intention for you to:

Feel incredibly held

Get clear on your soul’s calling

Identify your highest potential

Release blocks to stepping into your highest potential

Call in abundance of time, resources, and energy

Feel the powerful connection to the divine and gaining the tools to plug into that source on a daily basis

Have a lot of fun

Make new friends

Lunch, snacks, tea and coffee are included.  Breakfast, dinner, accommodations and travel are yours to handle.

To join us for the Sacred Business Circle at no charge, you can enroll in B-School using this link: SarahJenks.com/BSchool (you will receive this day for free, plus the other 4 bonuses listed here when you enroll in B-School using the link above).

OR you can enroll in this retreat directly by signing up on this page:  SarahJenks.com/sacredbusinessCircle. Currently, this circle is only for B-School grads or current students. If you feel like you are meant to be there, but have not done B-School, please email us at support@sarahjenks.com.

”Sarah is a rare combination of deep wisdom, insight, and grounded know how. She has an uncanny and powerful ability to see what you are being called to do in the world and then stating it to you in frank direct and totally empowering way. She has been a catalyst for powerful decisions that I have made in my own life. Listen to her!!”  ELAYNE KALILA DOUGHTY

Bonus #2: Live More Method:

The Live More Method is a 6 part, in-depth audio course which combines spiritual discovery with strategic coaching to uncover your soul’s blueprint and make it a reality. It is deep and p.o.w.e.r.f.u.l. Here’s what some women have to say:

“Working with Sarah through Live More Method was an amazing experience. In addition to Sarah’s guidance throughout the process, I felt so loved and supported by her and the group of women who were also in the program, and continuously making themselves so present, honest, and vulnerable. Her loving and honest approach is incredibly refreshing. Sarah provided a platform for me to dream without any limits and to envision the life I dream, and now I’m on my way to creating that life.”

“LMM has brought me the clarity I was dying to have in my life. I’ve learned that it’s more than okay, in fact, it’s necessary- to slow down and connect with the divine wisdom that is within.”

“Live More Method has put so many positive things in my life in motion. I have begun meditating daily, begun seeing a tarot reader regularly, started finding a community of healers, started planting the seeds to start my own business, begun loving more deeply, and made self-care a HUGE priority, which makes me a better mother, daughter, sister, and lover. Sarah is a strong, gentle mother in this hard work of self-improvement, but she guides you as you face your fears and learn how to rely on your inner wise woman. Hearing about her inner wise woman is such an inspiration, and allowed me to really open up my imagination to what my soul desires each moment.”

Bonus #3: Live Now Mala
I created the Live Now Mala to give you a powerful tool and talisman to signify your new journey and amplify your intuition, clarity, courage and femininity as you embark on this powerful journey. The Live Now Mala contains these four powerful crystals, each one is a step in the Live Now Process:

Start with intuition and dreaming. Moonstone is said to help to encourage hope, strengthen intuition and carry with it the energy of the moon. It is believed to soothe stress and anxiety while it enhances intuitive sensitivity, dreams, and visions.

Put your dreams into strategy with Clear Quartz, said to clarify the thought process and emotions to increase inspiration and creativity. It’s said to balance, promoting concentration.

Have the courage to change the way you’ve been doing things with Citrine; a stone of energy, prosperity, and joy. It is said to ground and dispel negative energy, encouraging positivity. Citrine is said to provide courage needed to make difficult decisions and open the higher mind to teach us to manifest and attract wealth, abundance, success and prosperity.

Live in the now with femininity and confidence while wearing Rose Quartz. Said to balance the emotions, raise self-esteem, restore confidence and open the heart to all types of love, it carries a gentle feminine energy of compassion, peace + healing.

Bonus #4: Motherhood and Money Audio Course:

In this audio course, I lead you through my best practices on mompreneurship and balancing being a CEO, Mother, and Woman. I’ll walk you through the systems and support I have to keep me happy, how to have your work feed your soul. We can talk about how to transition your business while you’re pregnant, setting up maternity leave, how to run a business with young kids or how to start a business when you already have kids. I also cover how I made over 7 seven figures while having two babies back to back.

Bonus #5: Get Paid to be YOU Audio Course:

In this audio course I will teach you my best practices on how to Build a Brand Based on YOU. It’s not about how to stand out, it’s about how to be the most authentic version of you, and that will make you stand out. I’ll be walking you through my signature process on how to identify your essence, and how to pull elements of your style, personality, and soul and communicate that on the internet. In this course I also review a handful of websites talking about how they can put more YOU into their brand.

You get all five of these gifts FOR FREE when you enroll in B-School using this link: SarahJenks.com/BSchool. I hope I get a chance to spend the day with you at my home:). How epic would that be?


The post Business and the Spiritual Smackdown + B-School closes tomorrow appeared first on Sarah Jenks - Emotional Eating Coach.

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