
If there’s one word to describe how Alicia Tillman, chief marketing officer at SAP Ariba, lives her life, it would have to be fast-paced.

A strong believer in helping others and rewarding people for success, Tillman sees her career in high technology marketing as the natural extension of the teamwork and speed she learned playing field hockey and lacrosse as a young girl and adult. Tillman credits her will to win and be part of a team with her upbringing in the supportive household in New Jersey where she was born and raised. Sports as well as lessons from her parents – both career professionals — helped stoke her competitive, passionate spirit and desire to be a leader.

Just 18 months into her position at SAP Ariba, Tillman sat down with SAP News to talk about the social media revolution, characteristics of winning teams and their leaders, and why SAP won’t lose her to Hollywood anytime soon.

Tillman sees her career in high technology marketing as the natural extension of the teamwork and speed she learned playing field hockey and lacrosse as a young girl and adult.

A career in high-tech marketing is the perfect combination for me because…

Both areas are fast-moving and ever-changing. Technology has dramatically transformed marketing, and being able to work in this industry is a great opportunity to create a simplified, unified customer experience.

My earliest memory of technology is…

Of my father being first in line to buy the initial wave of video games from the likes of Atari and ColecoVision, along with early computers. Devices have expanded into applications that help us, whether we’re managing our personal fitness and coordinating our children’s playdates, or conducting business on SAP Ariba.

Three pivotal things that have brought me to where I am today are…

My observation and listening skills, and the ability to learn quickly. I may not be the most talkative person in the room, but I am adept at understanding what I see and hear, then acting quickly to create the best outcomes.

In a sea of fast-paced innovation, I stay centered and productive by…

Having passion that motivates me from within, confidence in my beliefs and decisions, and a strong eye for talent. When you have a team of collaborative, confident, skilled, passionate people focused on execution, great things become possible.

The one app I can’t live without is…

Instagram. People want to do away with email and presentations because they’re so text-heavy. Visual communication can be more powerful and creative.

My advice to women considering a career in high tech is…

To have a point of view and be confident in sharing it.

I’m excited about how social media has…

Made people more comfortable being transparent and outspoken. In less than a decade, social media has provided tools that have dramatically changed how people are influenced to buy products. Now that everyone has a platform to share their experiences, companies are developing products and services more relevant to customers. It’s impacted our discourse in every way, moving from trend to reality, impacting business and life for the better.

My dream assignment is…

To be a screenwriter, having always appreciated the ability to convey a story that people can learn from when you write a book or create a movie.

Being a leader at SAP gives me the freedom to…

Push the limits in creative marketing, harnessing digital strategies that improve customer loyalty through a connected experience. It’s awesome because even after four consecutive quarters of double-digit growth, SAP Ariba is just getting started.

Business can attract more women to the high tech industry by…

Following SAP’s playbook, not just talking about the importance of diversity, but acting on it. One example is our Back to Work Program in SAP Asia-Pacific, which provides flexible opportunities for women who want to return to the workplace.

I’m helping women get ahead by…

Expanding our agenda tracks for women participants at our flagship SAP Ariba Live events worldwide where they hear motivational speakers, network with each other, and learn more to empower themselves and build their careers.

The most influential roles models in my life are…

My family at home and team at work, inspiring me to do my best every day, being a good person who is kind, caring, and striving for success.

I relax by…

Spending time with my husband and children. It’s incredibly re-invigorating to experience the relentless passion and extreme hunger for learning of my daughter, aged 7, and son, aged 5. Anything is possible when you see life through the eyes of a child.

Follow me @smgaler

Images via SAP

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