
Good morning Bloggers!! We are officially in Christmas holiday mode and this may well be my last post before the Big Beardy Guy comes down the chimney! The kids are excited, I'm excited.. and even the dog is excited because of our excitement, lol. Just a couple more last minute things to do and then it's sit back and eat, drink and be merry ... until the diet starts in January <- famous last words!! :P

Anywhooo.. this week we had a fabulous challenge for Stamping Bella's Bellariffic Friday - Anything Goes! Yes, it's fabulous because you get to do whatever you want, as long as you use a Stamping Bella stamp of course ;) 

I took the opportunity to do a little mixed media again.. love love love it!!.. and I altered a Chipboard Bookmark featuring  Journal Your ART OUT THE WALL with Words. 

I covered the bookmark with notebook paper and then a page from the copic magazine, adhering them with mod podge. Then I added some watered down gesso before using gelatos to add some colour. I stamped the brick wall background with Staz-On and then stamped out the words on white card, cutting them out and sticking them down with mod podge. 

I used some heavy modelling paste with a Dylusions stencil to make the bubbles, and once they dried I painted them with Pearl Frost Mint acrylic paint. 

I added some Prima Washi Tape and them some foam Thickers to spell out the READ -  adding some black dots to outline the letters. Finally, I added a chain and charm through the hole at the top. 

Supplies Used - 

Stamps - Stamping Bella

Bare Chipboard Bookmark - Crafty Cutting

Paint, Modelling Paste, Swivel Clasps & Muse Tokens - Cardz n Scrapz

Gelatos, Mod Podge, Washi tape, Sharpie Paint Pen (Black)  - Stash

I am entering this into the Crafting Ireland / Mixed Media Place challenge. You can find all the details on the challenge HERE. 

Have a wonderful day!



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