
Thanks, Inger D. Kenobi, upcoming guest for Episode 20 on 2/4/15 of CHANGES, and my sangha sister, for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award! I am so honored!

Here is her posting with all Inger’s nominations:

The rules are:

Show the award on your blog.

Thank the person who nominated you.

Share 7 facts about yourself.

Nominate 15 blogs.

Link to your nominees’ blogs and let them know.

I am going to take the title of this award literally and nominate those whose blogs are versatile and fascinating (to me, of course):

Anne R. Allen, who shares her blog and spotlight with Ruth Harris, providing excellent posts, tips and resources

Rayne Dowell, whom I like to call my Good Fairy for all the help, advice, tips, support and encouragement she has given me, especially for my social media presence and my talk show, *CHANGES*, but she hates that.

Brian Feinblum, who also provides an excellent newsletter and free guides

Rachel Byfield, with great tips and resources

C. Hope Clark, who has an invaluable weekly newsletter I often re-post items from because they’re that important!

Ian Cleary, who also offers many webinars.

Shawn Manaher and R.J. Adams, who also do The Author Hangout weekly podcast/video show.

D’Vorah Lansky, who also does the annual Book Marketing Challenge and many teleseminars.

Dr. John Yeoman, with excellent guest posts, contests and resources

Jan Wilberg, who also posts frequently via Yeah Write, which I learned about through her site.

Ted Summerfield, who keeps me updated about Smashwords and other #indie pub news

Joan Stewart, who offers webinars, newsletters and resources frequently

Rebekah Radice, providing multiple sources and guest posts as well as video guest spots

Chris McMullen, the instigator/creator of #ReadTuesday (2nd Tuesday after Black Friday), valiantly supporting #indie authors

Chris Graham, The Story Reading Ape (TSRA), offering many marketing opps for #authors

Seven MORE things most people do not know about me…

My first languages were Yiddish (no longer fluent, though) and English. I also speak/know Spanish as well as some Italian, German, French, Tibetan and Sanskrit.

I won a competition and represented my school on the balance beam in 6th grade and continued to work the beam until I wrecked my ankle during a poorly spotted dismount in 10th grade. This injury prevented me from trying out for cheerleading as well, which greatly improved my intellectual and artistic lives and friendships.

I have a negative physical reaction to roller coasters and anything mechanical that carries people to or across high places (ferris wheels, trams, ski lifts) which includes some acrophobia.

I read about 1000 words/minute unless the text is very dense or complicated.

I have some friends still in my life whom I’ve known since we were 5 years old. We are now 60.

My first role in a play was in Kindergarten. I was cast as the rabbit. The day before the play, I sprained my ankle (not the same one as above), so my mother brought me to school in a red wagon (we lived across the street from the school) and I hopped my way through my part: best method acting ever.

My grandmother (may she enjoy TV in the ether), my mother, and I have all spent way too much time watching a long-running USA soap opera, Days of Our Lives. Knowing this, one of my sort-of-stepchildren gave me a mug with the DOOL logo on it which I recently gifted to my mother.

Filed under: Blogging and others' content, CHANGES Episodes, Gratitude, Indie or Self-Publishing, Writing Tagged: awards, bloggers, blogging, writing

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