
Nominations for the 2013 VUWSA General Election close at 12pm Thursday 19 September . For further details on how to nominate yourself check out the VUWSA website.


The President is responsible for ensuring that VUWSA, as an organization, meets its strategic and constitutional goals. They are responsible to the Executive and members for VUWSA’s operations (including Advocacy, Welfare, Representative services, Clubs, events, student media and all services provided by the VUWSA Office). The President is responsible for chairing and providing leadership to the VUWSA Executive and ensuring that the Executive are acting transparently and being accountable.

Hours: Full time (40hrs/wk).

Academic Vice President

The Academic Vice President (AVP) heads the Education Team and is responsible with the President for the strategic direction of student representation on campus. They work with the Education Officer and relevant staff members to ensure that student representation works effectively at the University and that all representatives feel well supported and informed in their roles. They also have a key role in ensuring the University provides quality teaching and learning across all levels of study. They maintain a close relationship with Education-based Rep Groups.

Hours: Minimum of 20hrs per week.

Welfare Vice President

The Welfare Vice President heads the Welfare Team and is responsible for ensuring that VUWSA provides a diverse and appropriate range of welfare based services to members and students. They work closely with the Wellbeing and Sustainability Officer and the Equity Officer to ensure that students are provided with the right services and support to ensure their time at Victoria is the best it can be. They work closely with VUW Student Services and Welfare-based Representative Groups on campus.

Hours: Minimum of 20hrs per week.

Engagement Vice President

The Engagement Vice President (EVP) heads the VUWSA Engagement Team and is responsible for ensuring that there is strong communication and opportunities for involvement between VUWSA, its members and students. They lead the Engagement team and work closely with the Clubs and Activities and Campaigns Officer. They work to build a strong student community through events, activities, campaigns and discussion, working alongside satellite student representatives both within and across campuses. They are responsible for helping any new Representative Groups start on campus. The EVP works with relevant groups in the community on issues affecting students and helps to build and strengthen VUWSA’s role in the wider community.

Hours: Minimum of 20hrs per week.


This Officer role contains the duties of both Association Treasurer and Association Secretary. They are responsible for working with the relevant staff members and the VUWSA President to develop the annual VUWSA budget. They chair the Audit and Finance, Executive Reporting and Publications Committees. They are also an ex-officio member of the VUWSA Trust along with the VUWSA President. The Treasurer-Secretary is the Secretary of the Association and responsible for ensuring that all minutes and Association documentation is up to date and accessible to members. They work to ensure that VUWSA remains efficient and accountable, through regular reporting and strong policy.

Hours: Minimum of 10hrs per week. Receives a $2,000 honorarium over the year.

Education Officer

The Education Officer works closely with the Academic Vice President regarding academic matters within the University and student representation. In particular the Education Officer works closely with education based rep- groups, seeking feedback and supporting their activities and initiatives where appropriate. They also take an active role in supporting and training Class Representatives and where appropriate working with the Campaigns Officer to run education based campaigns.

Hours: Minimum of 10hrs per week. Receives a $2,000 honorarium over the year.

Wellbeing and Sustainability Officer

he Wellbeing and Sustainability Officer works alongside the Welfare Vice President on issues relating to student financial, health, environmental and mental wellbeing. They help to deliver welfare and sustainability initiatives such as Free Flu Shots, Stress Free Study Week and Environment Week on campus. Where appropriate they work with the Campaigns Officer in running welfare and sustainability based campaigns. This officer has a particular role in the issues that crossover between student welfare and sustainability. This includes the issues of more warm, dry accommodation and increasing the affordability of public transport.

Hours: Minimum of 10hrs per week. Receives a $2,000 honorarium over the year.

Equity Officer

The Equity Officer is tasked with ensuring that all students have equal access to services, support, academic success and participation opportunities at Victoria University. The Equity Officer has a strict focus on welfare issues that affect students within Victoria and the University Community. They maintain close relationships and work alongside specific groups on campus including Māori, Pasifika, women, queer, international and disabled students, generally through the Rep Group structure, to ensure equity, access and support.

Hours: Minimum of 10hrs per week. Receives a $2,000 honorarium over the year.

Clubs and Activities Officer

The Clubs and Activities Officer works with the EVP to ensure that all students have an outstanding student experience. In their Clubs role, they have a close relationship with Recreation Services and work to ensure that clubs on campus are well supported and have access to facilities and resources that help develop a vibrant campus on campus. In their Activities role they organise activities and events across all VUW campuses, as delegated by the Executive and works to assist student groups on campus in organising and running activities.

Hours: Minimum of 10hrs per week. Receives a $2,000 honorarium over the year.

Campaigns Officer

The Campaigns Officer is responsible for running, and helping other Executive members to run, campaigns on campus and in the wider community. In particular they work closely with the Education and Wellbeing and Sustainability Officers to ensure the smooth running of any relevant campaigns. They work alongside the President and Communication Coordinator (staff member) to ensure VUWSA has a strong message on student based issues in the community and media, particular around Budget Day and University Fee Setting.

Hours: Minimum of 10hrs per week. Receives a $2,000 honorarium over the year.

For further information see page 41 of the VUWSA Constitution.

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