
Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Advent

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - All Saints

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - All Souls

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Ascension

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Ash Wednesday

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Beheading of Saint John the Baptist

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Blessed Peter Claver

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Blessed Veronica of Milan

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Circumcision of Our Lord

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Conversion of Saint Paul

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Corpus Christi

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Easter Sunday

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Epiphany of Our Lord

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Exaltation of the Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Feast of the Holy Name of Mary

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Feast of the Holy Relics

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Five Wounds of Our Lord

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Good Friday

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Holy Guardian Angels

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Holy Saturday

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Martyrs of Japan

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Maundy Thursday

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Most Holy Crown of Thorns of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Palm Sunday

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Purification, commonly called Candlemas-Day

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Quinquagesima Sunday

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Aelred, Abbot

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Agnes, Virgin, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Andrew Avellino

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Andrew, Apostle

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Antony, Patriarch of Monks

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Apollinaris, The Apologist, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Augustine of Hippo

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Bartholomew, Apostle

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Bathildes, Queen

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Bertille, Abbess

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Blase, Bishop and Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Bridget of Sweden

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Brigid, Abbess, and Patroness of Ireland

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Bruno

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Callistus, Pope, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Canutus, King, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Catherine of Alexandria

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Catherine of Genoa

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Cecilia, Virgin, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Charles Borromeo

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Clare, Abbess

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Clement of Rome

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Cloud, Confessor

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Crispin and Saint Crispinian, Martyrs

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Cyprian and Saint Justina, Martyrs

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Cyprian, Bishop, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Cyril of Alexandria

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Didacus

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Dionysius and His Compansions, Martyrs

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Dorothy, Virgin, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Edmund of Canterbury

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Edward the Confessor

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Eleutherius, Abbot

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Eligius

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Eucherius, Bishop of Orleans

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Eusebius, Priest

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Eustachius and Companions, Martyrs

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Evaristus, Pope and Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Felix of Valois

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Fiaker, Anchorite

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Finbarr, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Firmin, Bishop, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Francis Borgia

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Francis of Assisi

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Francis of Sales

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Frumentius, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Fulgentius, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Gall, Abbot

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Genevieve, Virgin

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Gerard, Abbot

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Gertrude, Abbess

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Giles, Abbot

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Gregory, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Guy of Anderlecht

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Hedwige

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Helena, Empress

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Hilarion, Abbot

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Hilary of Poitiers

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Honoratus, Archbishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Hubert, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Hyacinth

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Ignatius, Bishop, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint James of La Marca of Ancona

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Jane Frances de Chantel

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Jane of Valois

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Januarius, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Jerome, Doctor

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint John Cantius

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint John Chrysostom

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint John of Matha

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint John of the Cross

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Joseph Calasanctius

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Jude

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Lambert, Bishop, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Laurence Giustiniani

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Laurence O'Tool, Archbishop of Dublin

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Leonard

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Liberatus, Abbot, and Six Monks

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Louis Bertrand

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Louis of Toulouse, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Louis, King

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Lucian, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Luke

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Macarius of Alexandria

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Magloire, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Malachi, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Marcella, Widow

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Marcellus, The Centurion, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Mark, Pope

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Martin of Tours

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Martin, Pope

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Matthew, Apostle

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Maximus, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Mello, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Michael, Archangel

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Narcissus, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Nicholas of Tolentino

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Odo of Cluny,

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Omer, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Paphnutius, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Paul, The First Hermit

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Peter of Alcantara

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Peter of Alexandria, Bishop, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Peter's Chair at Rome

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Philip Benizi

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Placid, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Polycarp, Bishop, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Quintin, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Radegundes, Queen

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Raymund Nonnatus

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Raymund of Pennafort

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Remigius, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Romuald, Abbot

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Rosalia, Virgin

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Rose of Lima

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Rose of Viterbo

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Saturninus, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Sebastian, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Seraphia, Virgin and Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Simeon Stylites

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Simon

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Stanislas Kostka

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Stephen, King

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Tarachus and His Companions

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Teresa

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Thecla, Virgin, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Theodore Tyro, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Theodoret, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Theodosius, The Cenobiarch

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Thomas of Villanova

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Timothy, Bishop, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Titus, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Ursula, Virgin and Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Vincent, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Wenceslas, Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Wilfrid, Bishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint William, Archbishop

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Willibrord

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saint Zephyrinus, Pope and Martyr

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saints Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Saints Julian and Basilissa, Martyrs

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Theban Legion

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Trinity Sunday

Pictorial Lives of the Saints - Whit Sunday

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