

Genesis Global Network, GGN, is a company full of vision for the future. Have you joined the train? You must not be left behind. Join our GGN team NOW! and become an Ambassador. After joining, this article walks you through the initial set-up of your new GGN account so you can begin to earn.

I decided to write this article, to guide new GGN affiliates to speed, in response to the many questions I have so far received from new sign-ups after publishing my first GGN post entitled: Join Genesis Global Network Prelaunch - become a founding member and make money online!. You can see that post here.

Initial Steps After GGN Sign-Up
So you signed up in GGN under us so as to join our GGN team. Thanks and congrats! That was a wise choice because we wont leave you on your own. Besides, we are confident that spill-overs from uplines in our team will help contribute to your success.

Below are steps for you to take to gainfully position yourself in this new and upcoming online home-based business. (N.B: Upcoming because the company is still in prelaunch and also steadily growing everyday).

1). Fund Your GGN Account
Currently, as at the time of writing this post, you can fund your GGN account only via SolidTrust Pay (STPay), PayToo or using a bank draft. GGN is working to add other payment processors. To register an account with SolidTrust Pay, please see this article. To register an account with PayToo, please visit PayToo website.

Step-by-step guide to fund your GGN wallet:
To transfer money from STPay or PayToo into your GGN account, follow the steps below:

Log into your GGN Back Office

On the left side menu, click on 'Transactions', and then on 'Load E-Wallet' (see image below - click image to enlarge)

On the left side menu, click on 'Transactions' >> 'Load E-Wallet'

Input your payment processor information (if it's your first time, otherwise jump to #5 below): On the right side of the page that comes up, and under 'Alerts' look for "You should have your payment processor info entered into the system loading your E-Wallet. Click here to update or verify." Click on "Click here to update or verify." to enter your username for STPay or PayToo

Then, go back to 'Transactions' >> 'Load E-Wallet'

Input the amount you want to load into your GGN account: On the left side of the page that comes up, and under 'Load E-Wallet', fill in the following spaces - Amount (the amount of money you want to load into your GGN wallet), Payment type (select your desired Payment processor from the drop-down), and Enter Security PIN (enter the Personal Identification Number, PIN, you submitted while signing up with GGN)

Click on the blue-colored 'Load' button to take you to your Payment processor (STPay or PayToo) to authorize transfer into GGN.

Now, your account is funded, and you can upgrade to a premium Ambassador package and also buy Business units.

2) Upgrade To A Premium Ambassador Package
After initial sign-up in GGN, you are placed in the system as a Topaz (or FREE affiliate); however, I strongly advice to leave the Topaz level as soon as possible and upgrade to any of the premium Ambassador packages, at the least Ruby or higher.

Below are descriptions of the various packages:

Topaz (Free) - You get a GGN Back Office but do not get any Rank Volume (RV); however, you earn 20% Sales Commissions on Personal Sales of any GGN products and services.

Pearl ($12 per month) - In addition to a GGN Back Office; you get a RV of 10, up to 5 Free E-books per month, 1 URL for the GGN “Traffic Exchange”, Company Marketing System, 10% Discount on Premium Advertising and you earn 20% Personal Sales Bonus (*20% could be in Cash or Coins).
On the Genesis Rebate Pool (see below), you earn 5% on 1st Level BU Sales and up to 1.3% Cash Back on BU Purchases. On the matrix, you are placed on a 2 x 5 Matrix with minimum 2 Personally Sponsored Ambassador, PSA (62); and your matrix earns from $0.25 to $2.00 per Paid Ambassador.

Ruby ($40 per month) - In addition to a GGN Back Office; you get a RV of 50, up to 5 Free E-books per month, 4 URLs for the GGN “Traffic Exchange”, Company Marketing System, 15% Discount on Premium Advertising and you earn 20% Personal Sales Bonus (*20% could be in Cash or Coins).
On the Genesis Rebate Pool, you earn 5% on 1st Level BU Sales, 2% on 2nd Level BU Sales and up to 1.5% Cash Back on BU Purchases. On the matrix, you are placed on a 2 x 10 Matrix with minimum 3 PSA and 200 RV (2000+) (Your 50 RV + 3 Rubies @ 50 RV = 200 RV). Your matrix earns from $0.25 to $2.00 per Paid Ambassador.

Sapphire ($70 per month) - In addition to a GGN Back Office; you get a RV of 100, up to 5 Free E-books per month, 7 URLs for the GGN “Traffic Exchange”, Company Marketing System, 20% Discount on Premium Advertising and you earn 20% Personal Sales Bonus (*20% could be in Cash or Coins).
On the Genesis Rebate Pool, you earn 7% on 1st Level BU Sales, 3% on 2nd Level BU Sales and up to 1.7% Cash Back on BU Purchases. On the matrix, you are placed on a 2 x 15 Matrix with minimum 4 PSA and 500 RV (Your 100 RV + 4 Sapphires @100 RV = 500 RV) (67,000). Your matrix earns from $0.25 to $2.00 per Paid Ambassador.

Emerald ($120 per month) - In addition to a GGN Back Office; you get a RV of 200, up to 5 Free E-books per month, 10 URLs for the GGN “Traffic Exchange”, Company Marketing System, 25% Discount on Premium Advertising and you earn 20% Personal Sales Bonus (*20% could be in Cash or Coins).
On the Genesis Rebate Pool, you earn 10% on 1st Level BU Sales, 3% on 2nd Level BU Sales and 2% on 3rd Level BU Sales. You also earn up to 2% Cash Back on BU Purchases. On the matrix, you are placed on a 2 x 20 Matrix with 5 PSAs and 1200 RV (2 MILLION +) (your 200 RV + 5 Emeralds @200 RV = 1200 RV). Your matrix earns from $0.25 to $2.00 per Paid Ambassador.

Emerald Diplomat (No monthly renewals) - Is a special lifetime package offered ONLY during the Beta and Prelaunch stages, and meant for the first 1000 registrants who qualify for it. It was to close on May 15th, but extended till 31st May following an outcry from ambassadors. Diplomats are exempt from monthly renewal fees.
To become a DIPLOMAT, you pay a ONE TIME $1000, and earn a one-time commission of $200 and 250 Genesis Coins. *(Genesis Coins can earn rewards 6 days each week but accumulate for 10 weeks. They then convert to Business Units and earn cashback rewards for another 90 “Pay-Days”.)
In addition to all the benefits of an Emerald Ambassador, other benefits of the Emerald Diplomat Ambassador include a 200 monthly RV, Fun deals, Getaway deals, and several discounts and earnings as shown in the image below (click to enlarge).

The ONE-TIME Emerald Diplomat Package - qualification, benefits and earnings

Diamond (yet to be activated) - this will probably be activated after the company launches fully in August 2014.

Step-by-step guide to upgrade to a package:
To upgrade to one of the premium Ambassador packages described above, ensure that you have funded your GGN account, and then follow the steps below:

Log into your Back Office

On the left hand menu, click on 'Transactions' >> 'Change Package' as shown in the image below (click to enlarge).

On the left side menu, click on 'Transactions' >> 'Change Package'

On the page that comes up, choose the package of your choice and upgrade.

If you are on a package you no longer like or your current package has expired, you may want to change to a different package, click on 'Renew Package'

3). Purchase Business Units (BUs)
GGN has three rewards program for its Ambassadors - Sales Commissions (from sale of GGN products and services), Matrix Commissions (depends on your Ambassador Package and also your position in the team's matrix) and the Genesis Rewards Pool, GRP (a share of the company's profits).

To qualify to partake in the GRP, you must purchase Business Units (BUs). Each BU costs $1 and the minimum amount to purchase is 10 BUs (at $10) while the maximim to purchase is 10000 BUs (at $10000).

The percentage of profits you qualify for in the GRP depends on your Ambassador Package (e.g. Pearl - earn 5% on 1st Level BU Sales and up to 1.3% Cash Back on BU Purchases; Ruby - 5% on 1st Level BU Sales, 2% on 2nd Level BU Sales and up to 1.5% Cash Back on BU Purchases; etc etc - see 'Upgrade To A Premium Ambassador Package' above for detailed descriptions), and also the number of BUs purchased.

The most exciting detail of all is that GRP profits are paid out daily. So waste no more time, and buy as much BUs as you possibly can to get yourself up to speed in this upcoming and continuously growing company!!

Step-by-step guide to purchase BUs:

Log in to your Back office

On the left side menu, click on 'Transactions', then on 'Purchase BU from EWallet' (if your GGN wallet has been funded from STP or PayToo) or on 'Purchase BU from Cash' (if you have received cash earnings from GGN)

In the space provided for 'Business Units I want to purchase:', input the number of BUs you want to buy

In the space provided for 'Your Security PIN:', input your PIN

Finally, click on the blue-colored 'Purchase' button to buy your BUs.

4). View 10 Ads Daily
Equally as important, but especially important after upgrading to a premium package and buying BUs, you need to view, NOT post, at least 10 ads everyday. Again, you must view 10 ads everyday to qualify to earn in the daily GRP.

Step-by-step guide to view daily ads:

Log into your Back office

On the left side menu, click on 'Daily Tasks', and then on 'View Ads' (see image below - click on image to enlarge)

On the left side menu, click on 'Daily Tasks' >> 'View Ads'

On the page that comes up, wait for the ticking seconds to tick down to zero; then click on 'THE NEXT AD' button, and also allow the seconds to tick down to zero again.

Repeat #3 above until you have viewed 10 ads and received a confirmation from the system: "Congratulations! You Are Qualified for this task! Please view a few more ads to help us serve more clients."

Congrats! You are now qualified to share in the GRP for that day!!

5). Add websites to the GGN Traffic Exchange system
Finally, to get yourself to speed in GGN, you are allowed to add your personal website(s) plus other websites you interact with (e.g. local businesses you patronize, etc) by URLs. See What is a URL?.

Step-by-step guide to add URLs:

Log in to your Back Office

On the left side menu, click on 'Daily Tasks', and then on 'Traffic Exchange' (see image below - click to enlarge)

On the left side menu, click on 'Daily Tasks' >> 'Traffic Exchange'

On the page that comes up, under the 'My Websites' section, add your personal website's URL into the space provided, and then click on the blue-colored 'Add URL'. Add as many (minimum of 1) as your package allows.

Scroll down the page, and repeat the steps in #3 above under the 'Pay It Forward Websites' section. Under this section, you can add an unlimited number (minimum of 2) of URLs, irrespective of your package.

The URLs are now added, and appears under the 'My Websites Report' section and 'Pay It Forward Websites' section respectively.

Allow some few minutes to hours for GGN Traffic Team to either APPROVE or DECLINE your submissions.

You cannot input any URL into the 'My Websites' section if you are still on Topaz (i.e. a Free affiliate). You must upgrade to a premium package to add URLs in this section. The number of URLs you can submit under the 'My Websites' section depends on your Ambassador package.

Weekly Official GGN Presentations and Webinar
GGN wants every Ambassador to grow and become successful in its online-based business. So, during this pre-launch period and much afterwards, the official corporate at GGN will hold Business Presentations and Training Webinars every week on the days and the times shown in the images below (click to enlarge).

I repeat, these events occur every week online for maximum accessibility to everyone who can get connected to the internet. You are strongly encouraged to plan towards attending these events as very important information and materials are disseminated every week at those occasions.

The online venue is at www.ggnwebinar.com. When you get to the site, input your username as requested to attend events. Please endeavor to attend these weekly Training Webinars and Question & Answer sessions.

Finally, kindly note that Eastern Time (ET) is approximately four (4) hours behind the Greenwich Mean Time (for e.g Monday 9pm ET is the same time as Tuesday 2am GMT). Please bear the time differences in mind, and try to work out what your own local time will be and attend!

If you have concerns, please use the comments section below.

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