
From the inventors of Shishavac, the latest innovative design of the best hookah charcoal burner is coming soon to the market. The replaceable infrared emitters use innovative heating technology to ignite hookah charcoal of any type up to 40% faster and over 60% more efficiently than other competing products. Whether its coconut hookah charcoals, wood charcoals, or any traditional hookah charcoal used, the Blazen Burner was developed to proficiently ignite any type of charcoal you wish with speed and precision unlike other traditional coal igniters such as gas or coil stove tops. And with a simple turn of a switch the infrared lights instantly heat your hookah charcoal without the use of any flames making it safer than other conventional methods. The brilliant and compact design allows for easy portability of the Blazn Burner and its stainless steel basket and removable handle allows for even easier transportation of your charcoals to your hookah. Whether your lifestyle involves hookah sessions daily or just on occasion, you no longer have to wait on your coals to be heated giving you a longer and more relaxing eloquent hookah experience.

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