by Dr. Massouda Jalal // Former Minister of Women, Afghanistan
Afghanistan is one of the countries with a very young population. Its youth population represents 40 percent of the total; and 68 percent of all Afghans are 25 years old and below[1]. Female youths comprise nearly half of these figures. Their employment challenges are inextricable to the prevailing issues in their political, economic and cultural contexts. As known to the world, Afghanistan has been battered by armed conflict for more than three decades now. This reality had seriously devastated its economic base, weakened human capacities, and fuelled massive poverty across the county. Some 36 percent of the Afghan population still lives below the poverty line[2] despite more than 641 billion dollars of assistance poured in by the international community during the past 13 years.
The Afghan economy is just beginning to breathe again and is still too frail to absorb the employment needs of its people. According to a 2013 survey of The Asia Foundation, many Afghans consider unemployment as one of the most serious obstacles to national progress[3]. Its unemployment rate was estimated at 35 percent in 2008[4]. Although recent figures are not officially available, unemployment is believed to be sharply rising because some 400,000 youths enter the labor market annually and the economy is not creating as many job opportunities to absorb them.
Expectedly, in the stiff competition for limited employment opportunities, the female youth are the ones who are often left out. Part of the reasons is the wide gender gap in youth literacy. While the male youths’ literacy rate for age 15-25 is 49 percent, the figure for females in the same age bracket is only 18 percent[5]. Serious factors that sustain their marginalization in the labor market stem from a patriarchal culture that considers them as unequal, less capable, less in need of employment, and inappropriate for many tasks, such as travelling, late-night assignment, interacting with male clients, or working in public places. The National Youth Policy of Afghanistan, for example, recognizes that “young women have fewer work opportunities than men” and substantiates it by citing Afghanistan’s employment-to- population ratio of 80 percent for males and only 43 percent for females. It states that the gender gap in employment is “mainly due to conservative cultural attitudes which limit the role of women in public spaces and prevent many girls and young women from attending schools, trainings, and work outside their homes.”[6]
There are some female youths who are able to find gainful employment. However, their vulnerability to degrading treatment, sexual harassment in public places and in the workplace, and discrimination in promotion, task allocation and access to training opportunities constrain them from being productive and staying in their job. The pressures of early marriage, frequent pregnancy, caring for aging members of the family, and widespread insecurity in public places often force young women to give up employment. Violence against women (VAW) is also a deterrent to young women’s economic productivity. Studies on domestic violence in Afghanistan reveal that one in three girls were victims of sexual violence and 62.5 percent experienced physical violence[7]. In addition, work-related decisions of young women are circumscribed by consent from conservative family heads and other male relatives who often object to training or promotion opportunities that put their daughters and sisters in the company of male colleagues.
Unfortunately, activism for gender equality is not yet burgeoning in the private sector or in labor unions. Cases of gender-based discrimination are many, but in the absence of effective mechanisms for redress, they remain hidden and young women pay the consequences in ways that make protective policies look like a parody.
Afghanistan is still in a precarious transition journey towards peace and democracy. Extremism, disunity among ethnic lines, and dominance of oligarchs in the political scene still make it difficult for Afghans to hope with certainty for a better tomorrow. Yet, as far as employment opportunities for female youth is concerned, there are a few strategic developments that could be cited as potential windows of opportunities.
Adoption of the National Youth Policy – One of the biggest and most recent opportunities for promoting employment for female youth was the imminent adoption of the National Youth Policy by the Afghan government. The policy is designed to serve as take off point for a comprehensive strategy to develop the youth sector, including their economic potentials. It provides that it will “promote sustainable youth entrepreneurship through increased access of youth to finances, increased financial literacy and business skills, opportunities to gain work experiences, and the establishment of youth job centers”. The National Youth Policy also gives strong focus on the interest of female youth and their access to employment. It commits to promote trainings on gender issues in the workplace, build the capacity of girls and young women, and develop a National Youth Employment Action Plan which includes creation of sex-disaggregated data on labor and employment, apprenticeships and internships, youth job centers nationwide, overseas employment for youth, and jobs within the civil service.
Implementation of commitments to the youth -The implementation of the promises under the National Youth Policy is expected to face challenges. Nevertheless, the youth agenda received prominence in the party platforms of candidates during the recent presidential election. The youth voters, especially in the urban centers, also campaigned hard to get their voices heard and their visibility in the electoral process indicated a vibrant youth constituency that the new government could not afford to ignore. Under the Ministry of Information and Culture, the Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs is mandated to ensure the effective implementation of the National Youth Policy and concerned agencies of government, including the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and its provincial branches, are tasked to support the implementation of the policy within their respective areas of coverage.
Initiatives for youth empowerment – Youth empowerment is among the priorities of some international agencies that support the reconstruction efforts of Afghanistan. The World Bank, for example, is supporting the government to implement the Afghanistan Access to Finance Project, a 50-million dollar program to improve access to credit for micro, small and medium enterprises. This project will target the ultra-poor and is a potential source of resources for self-employment of poor female youth. USAID and UN Habitat also cooperate with the government to implement the Youth Empowerment Project which creates a national network for 120 female and male youth groups whose members are equipped with skills to participate in the economic life of their communities. USAID is also supporting a Basic Education, Literacy and Technical-Vocational Education and Training (BELT) and Skills Training for Afghan Youth (STAY) which includes the development of female youths’ economic productivity. The World Bank’s Adolescent Girls’ Initiative which was implemented to help adolescent girls and young women to succeed in the labor market is also worth mentioning. There are other similar initiatives, but the point is not to enumerate all of them. The point is to raise the question of how they actually help promote the entry and retention of female youth in the workplace.
The challenges to the employment of female youth in Afghanistan are interwoven into the general hardships of the people and the gender issues that confront Afghan women in general. It is clear that in the case of Afghanistan, so much needs to be done to correct the significant gaps on female youth’s employment. Some actions that could be taken by the new government of Afghanistan are:
a) Eliminate harmful practices that prevent girls and female adolescents from completing their training and education, such as child/forced marriage, violence against women, insecurity in public spaces, forced and frequent pregnancy, and restrictions to their mobility. These are already in the agenda of the previous government. However, more actions are needed to widen the coverage of interventions and create a compelling and enduring impact nationwide.
b) Invest in high quality education of adolescents and girls to ensure that they will be competitive in the job market, especially in areas that are most needed in the country. This means investing in scholarships for girls in new professional fields such as information and communication technology as well as in careers that are traditionally dominated by men such as law, diplomacy, trade, commerce, management, journalism and mining. A few organizations have been helping brilliant female youth to pursue education overseas with the help of international partners. If programs like this could be expanded, they will go a long way in helping promote the competitiveness and employability of female Afghan youth. The creation of a special fund for advanced education of the brightest Afghan women and girls is also recommended.
c) Ensure a women-friendly work environment by developing and implementing a gender sensitive labor inspectorate program that prescribes the basic conditions for a gender sensitive workplace. These may include gender awareness of supervisors and male colleagues; presence of mechanisms to prevent and punish sexual harassment, demeaning attitudes toward women, and discrimination in hiring, training and promotion; and existence of policies and measures that support the needs of female workers such as child care and nursing facilities, clean and secured toilets and diaper-changing facilities, transportation support, and pertinent leave privileges. Conferment of awards to recognize gender sensitive employers should be initiated by concerned institutions of government and civil society.
d) Educate labor unions and employees’ associations on women’s rights as workers and the importance of their roles and contributions in achieving economic progress and motivate them to include women’s agenda in their negotiation and bargaining agreement priorities. Promote a quota policy on the representation of women in the decision making bodies of such labor unions and employees’ associations and capacitate women union leaders on negotiation tactics, leadership, management, and effective communication techniques. Disseminate case models of gender sensitive labor unions and if possible, promote cross-border study missions to expose unionists to good practices in gender sensitive labor advocacy in the workplace.
e) Introduce a quota policy in sectors where women’s participation falls below 30 percent. Many women oppose the idea of a quota. But this is not a bad idea and this is supported by Article 4 of the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women. Afghanistan has a 25 percent quota provision on the representation of women in the Parliament and this policy went a long way in securing quantitative and qualitative representation of women and their concerns. For example, since mining is a high value sector at this point in time of Afghanistan’s economy, this sector should adopt a quota policy that will result in at least 30 percent representation of women in mines policy mechanisms and in technical and administrative positions.
Poverty is a cause and an outcome of women’s subordination and this link is inextricable. The future of our world belongs to the youth. Let the youth lead in determining the global vision of tomorrow. And as they do, let them be reminded that investments on women’s advancement is not an option, nor an accommodation or a luxury. It is a strategic imperative that this world cannot do away with in defining a-post 2015 development agenda that is sustainable, inclusive and meaningful to all.