
Welcome to the November 2013 edition of the Fly on the Wall.  I hope you’re ready to buzz into our house and see what’s going on here.  I promise you two things:  a)  I won’t swat you because you are a guest in our house and b)  We will do our best to entertain you.  This post is being simultaneously posted along with twelve others.  So please, enjoy yourself and then visit some of the other blogs listed at the bottom of this post!

The Princess presents her “Thanksgiving Feast! Can you tell what is what?

This post exclusively belongs to the Princess.  This is the second such post that she has starred in.  Yes there are other people that live in our house, but she far outnumbers the rest of us in quotes, funnies, and imagination. Here is just a sample of what I hear at our house.  And this was just the stuff I remembered to write down!

Grandma was sewing The Princess’s Halloween costume.  She was telling The Princess how she learned to sew when she was her age, and that she had taught her younger sister and some of her nieces how to sew when they were quite young as well.

Grandma:  “When I taught your aunt to sew, I taught her to sew by hand.”

Princess:  “You taught her to sew up her hands?????”

Grandma finishing up The Princess’s tutu for her costume. No hands were sewn in the making of this costume.


I have a couple of shows I watch religiously.  Often I just dvr them and hope to watch them at night after the kids are in bed.  However sometimes we just try to watch them while the kids are in the room.  We were trying to watch an episode of The Big Bang Theory that I had dvr’d the previous week.  Two minutes into the show, The Princess starts chattering so loud we can’t hear it.

Evil Genius pauses the show and says”You have ten seconds to get anything you need to off your chest.”  Meaning of course that she says what she needs to say.

And what happens?  Both kids immediately look down and stare at their chests…

We have this recurring problem with the little kitty turning off the power strip behind the tv. The Princess tried to put a stop to this madness. She made signs and put them all over the living room. I told her kitties can’t read. So she drew a picture as a visual aid.


“Mommy some cheese dip is made out of something called sequin.”


It is November, which in Iowa is also known as winter.  Since the beginning of the less than nice weather, The Princess has already lost four winter hats.  FOUR of them!  For the first time ever, I could actually say that The Professor is better at keeping track of something that his sister is.

We aren’t having any more problems with the hats.  How did I manage to get her to start keeping track of them?

“You really need to keep better track of your pretty hats.  If you keep losing them, I’ll make you start wearing ugly BOY hats!”

For those of you who don’t know my daughter, her reaction was roughly like that of Luke Skywalker when Darth Vader revealed that he is his father…


“I think the next time we go to Grandma’s house we should see if she has some wood and build some woodpecker houses.”

“Ok, but we could probably do that here.”  I replied.

“No… we have to go to Ottumwa because it’s kind of close to China.”

Ms Imagination: Turned a corner of her room into a “living area” as she calls it. She and her pillow pets and dolls are watching tv, can’t you tell? (She even drew a tv).

The Princess comes barreling down the stairs one evening:  “Mommy!” she yells “What do my lips smell like????”  She totally couldn’t get why I wouldn’t smell her lips.


Our Princess did not get her way over something, probably that she wanted chocolate for the 40th time that day.  Angrily, she went up to her room and started playing her instruments while singing very loudly.  What song was she playing?  The Imperial march…


An observation by our resident expert:  “I know why most towns have water towers.  So you know what town you’re in!”

She sure loves her brother. I hope she still will be so quick to say that in a few years!

Had enough?  Want more?  Then fly yourself right over to the blogs below that are also open for business!  Want to get in on the action next month?  Then go visit Karen at Baking in a Tornado for the scoop on the poop.  See what I did there?  Flies?  Poop?  LOL!

http://BakingInATornado.com                                     Baking In A Tornado

http://www.justalittlenutty.com/                                Just a Little Nutty

http://followmehome.shellybean.com                          Follow me home . . .

http://stacysewsandschools.wordpress.com/                  Stacy Sews and Schools

http://www.menopausalmom.com/                                     Menopausal Mother

http://mooreorganizedmayhem.blogspot.com/                Moore Organized Mayhem

http://themomisodes.com/                                 The Momisodes

http://spatulasonparade.blogspot.com/                      Spatulas on Parade

http://www.therowdybaker.com                              The Rowdy Baker

http://sorrykidblog.com/                       Sorry kid, Your Mom Doesn’t Play Well With Others

http://momsdontsaythat.com                            Moms Don’t Say That

http://www.juiceboxconfession.com                      Juicebox Confession

Filed under: ADD, Blogging, Family, Humor, Kids, Marriage, Motherhood

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