
Constituents in the Marianas are asking how President Trump’s Executive Order on Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry to the United States may affect them. In summary, the order bars citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries – Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen – from entering the United States for 90 days. Lawful Permanent Residents, also known as "green card" holders, from those countries are exempted, but may face additional vetting during the entry process. Refugees from any nation are barred from admission for 120 days. Syrian refugees are barred indefinitely.

The congressional office is at all times prohibited from giving legal advice, so citizens of any of the affected countries, living in the Northern Marianas, are encouraged to seek private legal counsel before traveling. I spoke on the House floor in favor of Congress voting whether this Executive Order should be rescinded. In my view, it hurts innocent people.

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