
Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control. These three alone lead life to sovereign power. Alfred Tennyson

To lead the people walk behind them. Lao-Tzu

A lot of young girls have looked to their career paths and have said they’d like to be chief. There’s been a change in the limits people see. Wilma Pearl Mankiller

There are two things people want more than sex and money—recognition and praise. Mary Kay Ash

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. John Quincy Adams

He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself. Proverb

There are too many chiefs and not enough indians. Proverb

There are no small parts, only small actors. Proverb

Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Proverb

December's Capricorn new Moon falls on December 22 in Australia and December 21 in the United States. This new Moon is smack on the Solstice - absolutely smack on it. We are being asked to gather up our strength, to stand strong within our sense of self determination, self confidence and being ready to lead the charge towards the things we want in life. This new Moon occurs right when Saturn - the ruler of this Capricorn new Moon - is leaving Scorpio and going into Sagittarius. The last few years have seen Saturn going through Scorpio, and for many, and for the world, it has been a rather difficult, confronting period. Hopefully, Saturn's sojourn through Sagittarius will be an easier ride. At the very least, we can hope for a less intense time. This new Moon's energy takes us into 2015, so, it seems that standing up, standing tall and taking on your own individual power is one of the major messages as we move into the new year.

The Sabian Symbol for this new Moon (and the solstice) is Capricorn 1: An Indian Chief Claims Recognition and Power From the Assembled Tribe. The following is from my book - The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom.

This Symbol shows someone in a position of authority, standing strong, staking their ‘Claim’ and place amongst the people that he or she leads or represents. This is a Symbol that can be associated with the Jesus story. Jesus’ karmic lesson was to rise above the crowd; to claim power in situations, places and with people; and to accept any consequences that such a ‘Claim’ could lead to.

There could be leadership issues here. Sometimes we need to rise to the occasion and take charge, and this is most likely one of those times. This can sometimes lead to a struggle for control. You may be challenged to remind those around you of your leadership qualities and your ability to be strong, reliable and accountable. There’s the need to stand up in front of others and be counted as someone who has what it takes. As long as nobody is “lording it over” others, life can operate in a smoother manner, with everyone understanding their place in the scheme of things. We all have to find the courage to stand up and exhibit a show of strength now and then. However, there can be the flip side: are those above you reminding you of the lesser position you occupy in the scheme of things? You can find your own internal authority by believing in yourself, by ‘Claiming Recognition and Power’ and acknowledging your nobility and courage. There can be challenging events happening in the external world, a battle of wills perhaps, but if you stand strong and firm in your inner belief in yourself, you can come out victorious with a greater sense of authority radiating out to those around you. People will take you more seriously. Always know when to listen to and give way to the rights of others and you’ll be given a stronger position in society.

Keywords: Assuming authority and the need for it. Benevolence bestowed. Winning by charisma and strength of numbers. Finding a true sense of place. Signs that one should be in charge. Staking one’s claim. The ‘Claim of Recognition’. Respect. Having to stand up or stand out in the crowd. Having the charisma of leadership. Consolidating power. Popularity contests.

The Caution: Power tripping and struggles. Over-inflated views of one’s self. The continual need to quieten power battles. Being challenged by those left and right. Demanding attention and that others follow orders. Taking over. Selfish and ego-driven.

The Karmic Condition of this new Moon (the degree before) is Sagittarius 30: The Pope Blessing The Faithful. In order to be a 'chief', one needs to be 'blessed' by the faithful, and, to have blessed those who are faithful to you in return. This shows the two-way street of both giving and receiving respect, position, acknowledgement and the rewards that can come through a powerful individual and their relationship with the people around them.

Keywords: Rituals of reverence, blessings and worship. Sincere interest in others. Being on the inside looking out or being on the outside looking in. Recognizing the source of enormous inner riches. Rewards for loyalty. Seeking support or recognition. Eye-to-eye contact. Being remembered. Charisma and presence. Having an audience with someone.

The Caution: Overwhelming political or spiritual rituals. Lust for power. Negating, projecting and transferring one’s shadow onto others. Not taking responsibility for one’s actions. Begging people to dispense favors. Sucking up to be accepted or recognized. Manipulating for desired ends. Nervous reaction to power or position. Demanding obedience. Lording it over people. Leaving people out that don’t measure up or conform. Having people at one’s beck and call.

The Quest Symbol (the degree following) of this new Moon is Capricorn 2: Three Stained-Glass Windows In A Gothic Church, One Is Damaged By War. This is the Sabian Symbol of the Sun every year at Christmas and it shows how faith, hope, justice, belief in the future ,etc, can be ruined or wrecked by the careless actions of people who are not acknowledging, sensing or sensitive to the needs of those around them. This Symbol can very easily show the story of the crucifixion of Jesus. It can also show how worry and fear can turn us into our own worst enemies. Where we should feel safe, we sometimes feel vulnerable and exposed; where we should be able to relax and enjoy, we find ourselves (or others around us) being the target of bad thoughts, threats, difficulties, etc. In order to succeed in our creative and spiritual lives, we need to be able to let down our guard and just be, just relax into situations. With this degree around, it can be that bad news keeps coming through when we'd rather be celebrating and enjoying.

Keywords: Seeking sanctuary. Careless aggression where love should be. Religious or philosophical differences that spark off problems. Fears of being “under attack” whilst in the spotlight. Sorrow and despair over losses. Loss of faith. ‘Windows’ that are cracked, broken or smashed. Cracks and shattering. Rescue of endangered holy places. Loss of love through harsh circumstance. The need for repair.

The Caution: Feeling disconnected from the reality of what’s going on. Fearfulness OR fearlessness, when one should be careful. Signs of rubble all around. Aggression between people. Burning down churches. A lack of safe places. Being shell-shocked and ravaged. Cold breezes entering sacred spaces. Psychological and emotional scars. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

It's curious that this degree of the broken stained-glass window is the degree of the Sun each year right on Christmas. The degree following is also part of the Christmas story - Capricorn 3: The Human Soul In Its Eagerness For New Experiences, Seeks Embodiment. This literally describes the incarnation of Christ (whether we believe he existed or was born on Dec 25 or not, it is symbolic of that story). Christmas is to celebrate the 'incarnation of Jesus'. On a more personal level, this Symbol speaks very much about the commonly felt desire to 'embody' oneself, to drop into one's potentiality; to give birth to all that you can be. I particularly like this Sabian Symbol as it shows enormous potential, birth and rebirth. I find it very often highlighted in the charts of writers and creative people.

As mentioned in the intro above, Saturn, the ruler of this Capricorn new Moon, is on the very last gasp of Scorpio - Scorpio 30: Children In Halloween Costumes Indulging In Various Pranks. This can be quite a difficult degree - although it certainly does have its light side. I think with Saturn here, though, many of us are over the various 'pranks' that life has been playing on us and we're looking forward to releasing the feeling like we're dancing on the edge of life and death in exchange for some lighter relief. Hopefully, Saturn going into Sagittarius can bring us that. With Saturn on Children In Halloween Costumes, we have, terribly sadly, seen the murder of many children this week. As I write this, we learn that 8 children from the one family in the north of Australia have been murdered, we have events in Africa with Boko Harum abducting children and youngsters, the slaying of children in Pakistan and the siege in Sydney with its attendant grief and tragedy.

Keywords: The madman inside all of us. Astro-drama. The lifting of the veil between the living and the dead. Un integrated energies playing tricks on the unwary. Tricksters. Creative surprises. Halloween. Trick or treat. Practical jokes played on the unwary. Roaming the streets. Dressing up. Ghouls and ghosts.

The Caution: Being unable to connect with real and immediate emotions. Contempt for the establishment. ‘Mucking around’ and not getting to the core of things. Evading one’s responsibilities through being silly or madcap. Not respecting other people's boundaries.

A few days after this new Moon, Saturn will move into Sagittarius. The Sabian Symbol for Sagittarius 1 is Retired Army Veterans Gather To Reawaken Old Memories. This is quite apt for this new Moon smack on Christmas and New Year as we often see people we haven't seen for a long time - perhaps they're people we've got shared memories with, people we've grown with or fought alongside in life, perhaps they're people we are just meeting but feel like we've known for perhaps several lifetimes.

Keywords: Masculine domains. Understanding the individual’s needs and idealistic struggles. Moratoriums and calls for peace. Past life memories of fellowship. Prisoners of war. Memorials to war. Bringing up painful memories in the hope of sharing understanding and healing. Tears of the past. Being confronted by memories. School, and other, reunions. Talking over strategies. Finding comrades. Brothers and sisters.

The Caution: Being unable to let go of the past. Exaggerating past successes to justify current strategies. Excluding others as being “unworthy”, having not experienced the struggle or pain. Going over things from the past and never letting them go. Boasting and glorifying. Identities that belong in the past.

Mercury is on Capricorn 8: Birds In The House Singing Happily. This is most likely about the need to stay positive, to stay strong, to listen to the songs of nature, of birds, to play music and remember to be light-hearted.

Keywords: Being at one with everything. Tunes sung or whistled. The promise of contentment. Communal sharing and fun. Faith in the good things of life. Music. Instruments. Playing the piano. Singing. The radio. Chattering in the background. Entertaining others. Seeing the beauty in life. Reminding others of how life can be rewarding. The sound of voices. Birds. Positive thinking.

The Caution: Idle chatter. Smug superiority and the feeling that one has it all. Not seeing the happiness inherent in one’s everyday life. Whining and complaining. Making noise for the sake of it. Looking only at the difficulties one faces. Feeling caged in. Unable to fly when and where one wants to. Loneliness. Feeling abandoned by the good things.

Venus is on Capricorn 15: In A Hospital, The Children's Ward Is Filled With Toys. This, again, reflects this last week or month's emphasis on children and their safety and care. Does your 'inner child' need healing? What toys can you employ to make your life easier, happier, more carefree? Venus is conjunct (together with) Pluto. This can bring about some very strong reactions in people all the way rom needing to heal situations to wanting to cut off from others if relationships are past their usefulness or relevance in our lives. Venus in Capricorn can bring up issues to do with money, whether it's about making more or feeling the pinch of lack, and with Venus passing over Pluto in the hours before this new Moon, some realisations or decisions can bring up the need for a whole new plan, a whole new strategy, a whole new vision of the future.

Keywords: Bringing simple gifts to the sick or disadvantaged. Looking after one’s responsibilities. Nurturing people of younger years or those who’ve had less growth. Workshops held to improve one’s health; be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Drugs, crutches, cots, doctors, nurses. Waiting for and needing individual attention. Waiting rooms. Magazines. Toys. Gadgets. Puzzles. Games.

The Caution: Making a large generous show when one doesn’t really care. Being dogmatic. Feeling in charge of healing and not listening to what others have to say. Using gadgets instead of simple human caring. Fear of things such as needles, etc. Being greedy and wanting all the toys.to remember to spread joy, good vibes and positivity even in amongst the difficulties that you may be facing now.

Mars is on Aquarius 14: A Train Is Entering A Tunnel. This shows the need to continue to
plough through with your own agenda, regardless of what others are doing. Of course, sometimes we have to answer to what's going on around us, but Mars here generally shows the ability, or the need, to fight on regardless, to plough through to one's objective and to not let distractions get in the way. Mars is actually in quite good shape at this new Moon = sextile Uranus and trine the moon's nodes in the few days after the new Moon. So, it may really pay off to make sure that you're not being distracted from the things you want to be doing. Mars here can bring up the feeling of "full steam ahead and damn the consequences!".

Keywords: Deep penetration. Cutting through extraneous or stifling detail. Persistence. Shortcuts to a desired end. Heart bypasses—physical, emotional, spiritual, etc. Cutting to the chase. Going for the objective regardless of side issues. Working at getting something finished or done. Near-death experiences. The need for track maintenance. Dropping all distracting considerations. Fallopian tubes. Hurried sex.

The Caution: Being overcautious. Taking the long way around. Shortcuts that inhibit deep penetration. Cutting through the crap. Tunnel vision. Cutting people off. Not listening to others. Having a one-track mind that doesn’t allow for detours or deviations. Severe changes in pressure. Railroading and bulldozing.

Jupiter is on Leo 23: A Bareback Rider In A Circus Displays Her Dangerous Skill. Whether the 'skills' you 'display' are 'dangerous' or not, one needs to be able to show what they're made of, to be upfront about what you're capable of doing. Of course, some of us will feel like they're living in a 'circus' and it can be hard to take things seriously - many things may look like a 'performance' for others, but, there is quite possibly a need to show others what you are capable of doing or completing or performing.

Keywords: Defying gravity. Controlling one’s animal instincts. Courage and mastery over one’s energies. Shows of strength. Situations where one might get “bucked”. Rushing in where angels fear to tread. Being shown in the media. The allure of drama and danger. Life as a circus or carnival. Amazing displays of skill. Superheroes. Comic book characters. Impressing people with well-rehearsed skills.

The Caution: “Showing off”, losing control and falling. Demanding attention. Looking for applause. Fooling with nature’s energies. Arousing or controlling animal passions. Acting wildly and not thinking about the consequences.

Uranus is on Aries 13: A Bomb Which Failed To Explode Is Now Safely Hidden From Discovery. Although this Symbol implies that the 'Bomb' is going to be 'Safely Hidden', as this is Uranus and the sign is Aries, whether the bomb is going to go off or be defused depends on the particulars of situations that unfold. We've been having some seriously confronting events lately and many people are somewhat tired or stressed out and people are wondering what is going to happen next. Uranus and Pluto are again squaring each other, which means that the feeling of life being somewhat of a pressure cooker can have some people or situations boiling over.

Keywords: Pressure valves. Getting away with something. Tantrums and frustration. Tempers that simmer. Explosive behavior. Bombs, explosions. Sudden and forceful events. Intelligence organizations, CIA, FBI, ASIO, etc. Valuable lessons of self-restraint. Relief from problems. Discharging nervous energy. Security checks. Last minute escapes.

The Caution: Suppressing stress or illness. Doing inappropriate things and thinking the secret safe. Repressing emotions. Undefined anger. Pressure cooker energy that needs to be released slowly. Explosions damaging more than expected. Activists. Deception behind one’s back. Clash of ideals. Terrorism.

Neptune is on Pisces 6: A Parade Of Army Officers In Full Dress. Neptune here can have many tired of the frequent talk of war, the need to turn up 'fully dressed and ready to tackle life', the feeling of having to be the one in control, having to do the jobs of others perhaps, the feeling of having to put your own needs aside in order to get things done. Neptune can show us the 'glamor' of having to be *on* all the time, whatever that might mean to you.

Keywords: National pride on display. Reminders of those putting life and limb on the line for kin and country. Uniforms, hats. People seeking recognition from the community, regardless of what they’ve personally achieved. Patriotism. Memories of war. Being committed to service. Medals. Stripes. Uniformity. Grinning and bearing it. Projecting the “right image”. Drills and routines. Displays of courage. Assembling together. Braiding and piping. Spit and polish. Parades and marching. Police and law enforcement. Guns and bayonets. The importance of looking good.

The Caution: “Stiff” and unfeeling displays. Having special privileges that others don’t. Doing what one must do. Hiding behind a façade. Not being prepared, or able, to show one’s true self. “Drill sergeants” who scream and shout. People parading their importance. False courage. Taking the glory away from the little people. Wearing anything.

Pluto is on Capricorn 13: A Fire Worshipper Meditates On The Ultimate Realities Of Existence. Many may be looking at the 'meaning of life'. And the reasons why we are here. Pluto here, especially in Capricorn, on this degree, can bring up issues to do with global warming and climate change, gas-fracking, corporations versus the little guy, the reasons why we struggle to continue with the same struggle. Notice that Venus and Pluto are conjunct (Venus is on Capricorn 15, The Children In A Hospital Ward), so, many relationships (of all types) are bound to be going through adjustments and/or breakthroughs. What is the 'ultimate reality of existence?' - why are you doing what you're doing? What good does it bring you? Do you want to continue doing it?

Keywords: Self-conquest. Kundalini energy. Playing with dangerous elements to reach a higher state of being. Philosophy. The stories of our lives. Examining life and its meaning. The buzz of being alive. Questions of our very existence. Finding the reasons behind everything. Contemplation and meditation. Incense. The hypnotic spell that fire can cast. Staring into the flames. Throwing oneself into the deep end. The search for core truths.

The Caution: Overestimation of personal power and abilities. Obsession to the point of self-obliteration. Being intense. Going too deeply. Exhausting oneself. Excluding family and friends because of philosophical or spiritual convictions. Not seeing the woods for the trees.

The Moon's north node is on Libra 17: A Retired Sea-Captain Watches Ships Entering And Leaving The Harbour. The north node seems to be saying that we should be watchful at this time to observe our lives and to observe others. We may want to get back out into the fray, but we may more urgently need to take some time out, particularly if this has been a big, eventful or difficult year for you. This degree is like a hiatus in the storm of life - up until recently, the node has been on Libra 18: Two Men Placed Under Arrest and Libra 19: A Gang Of Robbers In Hiding. These are two rather difficult Libran degrees and they can bring up psychological hangups, problems, obstacles in the way of people relating properly, etc. The trick with this recent transit of the node over these degrees is to shine a light on the issues that are bothering you. This can lead to an incredibly enriching healing.

Keywords: Memories and peaceful contemplation. Disconnection from the past. Concentrating on more immediate circumstances. Fatigue and the need for rest. Being a spectator rather than a participant. Being part of an audience. Voyeurism. Turning to domestic pursuits. Writing one’s memoirs. Nostalgia. Safe ports or harbors. Retiring from public life.

The Caution: A cop-out, escaping from reality. Relying on past experiences. A need to defend one’s shoreline. Losing faith in life. Staring at lost opportunities and times gone by. Not wanting to contributing any more. Losing interest in the struggle. Disillusionment. Frustration. Boredom.

The Moon's south node is on Aries 17: Two Prim Spinsters Sitting Together In Silence. This is interesting when considered along with the north node on the Retired Sea Captain. This is very much about relationships, and, this nodal axis is in Libra/Aries which speaks about our needs 'as an individual' versus our needs 'as a person who is in relationship with others'. The end of March and through April 2015, Uranus will be transiting over Aries 17: The Two Prim Spinsters degree. This can bring up all kinds of issues regarding relationship fulfillment, desire and needs. It will be an interesting transit as Uranus (particularly on this degree in Aries) transiting over those points that the south node has been over can see people wanting to break away from the past. Some relationships will no doubt break up while others are likely to go into new possibilities, new depths and realisations.

Keywords: The need to loosen up emotional blockages. The struggle to hold onto one’s original identity. Compromise because of social expectations. Meditations that communicate. Exclusive relationships. Relationships that have a quiet “knowing”. Dignified silence. Inner withdrawal. Communicating through body language.

The Caution: Emotional isolation. Refusing to accept relationship. Pretending to be someone that one is not. Disapproval of younger, more vital energies. Being fussy and judgmental. Chattering that is not conducive to growth or true relating. Gossip. Difficulty in communicating. Being shutoff, or shutdown. The loss of joy and spontaneity.

Chiron is on Pisces 14: A Woman Wrapped In Fox Fur. With Chiron here, we are being asked to notice how we come across to others, along with the even more important question of how we feel about ourselves. Are we living up to our ideals, our possibilities, our true potentials?

Keywords: Outer expressions of real inner worth. Animal magnetism and attraction. Intelligence and its display. Cloaks of feminine wit and sexuality. Beguiling minds. Animal totems and furs. Perceived beauty. The sense of having class and money. Beauty, fashion and talent. Being forward and upfront. Sense of personal style. Grace and composure. Elegance. Knowing what to say and when. Dressing up. Money spent on beauty. Tempting others with sexual signals. Perfumes. Pheromones. Taxidermy.

The Caution: False fronts and expressions of wealth. Selling out for momentary, or monetary, gain. Wrapped in intellectual superficiality. The fatal allure of beauty. Scoring points solely through charisma. Being so caught up in fashion and glamor that one loses a true sense of self. Being overdressed.

I wish everyone a happy holiday season - I hope you get to enjoy and catch up with family members and loved ones as we head towards the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015.

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