
HUGHESTOWN — Rosanne Ricotta sat next to sixth-grade student Victoria Kintha to enjoy breakfast.

Until then, the two had never met but, within minutes, struck up a conversation about subjects in school and what cool movies are in the theater.

Ricotta called it a learning experience getting to know what students like and dislike about school while Kintha said it was a way for her to make a new friend in Ricotta.

“I love making new friends,” said Kintha while she and Ricotta exchanged a fist bump.

Ricotta was one of four school board members, alongside president Kent Brattlee, vice president Maria Noone and Martin Quinn to attend a special breakfast at the middle school hosted by the student council.

This was the first time the middle school hosted a breakfast for the school board as students and board members ate toast, scrambled eggs, sausage patties and potatoes.

The event was in honor of School Director Recognition Month for January, which honors school board members across the country.

It is sponsored by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA).

The event began with school principal Patrick Bilbow introducing students to school board members and informing them of what they do to help the school district and the importance of what they do, which is done a volunteer basis.

“They establish what the policies of the school district are and then they say to (Kevin) Booth, who is the superintendent, and to me, your principal, and to Mr. (Joseph) Giambra, your vice principal, ‘Here’s the policies, now you guys have to run the school and educate the kids,’” Bilbow said to the students. “They’re very, very important for helping our school district be successful.”

Students Ciaran Bilbow, Kallie Booth, Riley McCawley and Michael Moscatelli then led everyone in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance followed by Andrew Bennett playing the National Anthem on his trumpet.

Several more students — Jayda Eike, Bobby Savakinas, Maura Mihalka, Katie Koss, Kayleen Dolan, Frankie Tetlak, Thomas Thatcher, Isiah Barr and Jack Long — contributed in reciting a poem about volunteering.

Bilbow then told everyone breakfast was ready and, table by table, students and school board members got their food.

It was also required that one school board member sit at each table to interact with the students.

Bridget Brogan, moderator for the student council, was pleased with the event and how much interaction there was between students and school board members.

“I thought it went wonderful,” she said “I think the students really enjoyed meeting the school board, and the school board looks like they really enjoyed coming in and interacting with our students. You don’t really see that many students at their meetings at night.”

Noone found herself surrounded by several students interested in engaging conversation with her from subjects such as basketball, school and even the school’s toast.

“I love sitting here because every one of these kids has a smile on their face,” said Noone. “They’re very happy to be here and some of them they really know what they’re doing. They’re talking about their future, and they’re happy.”

Some students, such as Booth’s daughter, Kallie, and Bilbow’s son, Ciaran, were already acquainted with Noone.

Sixth-grade student Isabella Giardina, however, had a great first impression meeting the school board vice president.

“I think she’s funny,” said the 11-year old.

As for whether the school board members will be treated to breakfast next year, Bilbow said he’s hopeful of it.

“We would definitely like to do this,” he said. “It was a great situation and we thought it was as beneficial for our students as it was for the board members to get to meet one another and talk to one another and really give them what a clear understanding on what each other does, what a board member does and what do the kids think of what’s happening in their school. I think it was a really great day.”

Middle school students Jayda Eike, Bobby Savakinas, Maura Mihalka, Katie Koss, Kayleen Dolan, Frankie Tetlak, Thomas Thatcher, Isiah Barr and Jack Long take turns reading an appreciation poem to the volunteers of the school board.


Middle school students Jayda Eike, Bobby Savakinas, Maura Mihalka, Katie Koss, Kayleen Dolan, Frankie Tetlak, Thomas Thatcher, Isiah Barr and Jack Long take turns reading an appreciation poem to the volunteers of the school board.

Amanda Hrycyna | For Sunday Dispatch

Eighth-grader David Vito plays the National Anthem on his trumpet.


Eighth-grader David Vito plays the National Anthem on his trumpet.

Amanda Hrycyna | For Sunday Dispatch

Board of Education volunteer Rosanne Ricotta talks with Middle School students during breakfast.


Board of Education volunteer Rosanne Ricotta talks with Middle School students during breakfast.

Amanda Hrycyna | For Sunday Dispatch

Martin L. Mattei Middle School Principal Patrick Bilbow speaks before the School Board Directors Recognition Breakfast Thursday morning.


Martin L. Mattei Middle School Principal Patrick Bilbow speaks before the School Board Directors Recognition Breakfast Thursday morning.

Amanda Hrycyna | For Sunday Dispatch

Principal Patrick Bilbow stands behind Middle School students Kallie Booth, Ciaran Bilbow, Michael Moscatelli and Riley Moscatelli as they pledge allegience to the flag before the start of their program Thursday morning.


Principal Patrick Bilbow stands behind Middle School students Kallie Booth, Ciaran Bilbow, Michael Moscatelli and Riley Moscatelli as they pledge allegience to the flag before the start of their program Thursday morning.

Amanda Hrycyna | For Sunday Dispatch

Marty Quinn, a Pittston Area Board of Education member of 28 years, talks with seventh-grade student Kathryn Koss.


Marty Quinn, a Pittston Area Board of Education member of 28 years, talks with seventh-grade student Kathryn Koss.

Amanda Hrycyna | For Sunday Dispatch

Martin L. Mattei Middle School students host Pittston Area School Board members for breakfast

By Jimmy Fisher


Reach Jimmy Fisher at 570-704-3972 or on Twitter @SD_JimmyFisher

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