

Abington Heights Class of 1966 50th Anniversary High School Reunion, June 4 at the Country Club of Scranton. The event will include music by The Glass Prism. Info: call Barbara Evans at 570-357-0196.


Knights of Columbus Abington Council No. 6611 Bingo, at 7 p.m. every second Tuesday in the OLS Gathering Room. Cost: no cover charge; Bingo cards are 50 cents each or three for $1 per game. Complimentary light refreshments served. Wheelchair accessible. Info: call Chris Kane at 570-587-1390.

Alzheimer’s Association of Greater PA support group meetings, 7 to 8 p.m. the last Tuesday of every month at Elan Gardens, 465 Venard Road, Clarks Summit. Info: call Rhonda Fallk at 570-585-8099 or Rita Fenton at 570-586-0179.

Stroke Support Group meetings, 6 p.m. the first Wednesday of every month at Moses Taylor Hospital. For survivors of stroke and their caregivers. Cost: free. RSVP/info: call Colleen Dodgson at 570-770-5257.

The Lackawanna Historical Society’s Civil War Roundtable meetings, at 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Catlin House, 232 Monroe Ave., Scranton. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the Civil War era, 1861-1865. Annual dues: $20 for individuals and $25 for families. Reservations are required. Info: 570-344-3841 or email lackawannahistory@gmail.com.

Over-eaters Anonymous meetings, 7 p.m. Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. Thursdays, 9:45 a.m. Saturdays and 3 p.m. Sundays at First Presbyterian Church of Clarks Summit. Cost: free. Info: 570-587-4313.

Abington Lions Club used eyeglasses collection, at Abington Community Library. Collected eyeglasses will be recycled and distributed to needy people in the United States and countries abroad. A yellow container is set up in the library.

The Women of Trinity Lutheran Church’s Monthly Bible Study, 12 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at 205 West Grove Street, Clarks Summit. All are welcome to this informal bible study. Bring a brown bag lunch. Info: call Joyce at 570-222-3041 or Carole at 570-587-1088.

Countryside Community Church ‘Common Ground’ alternative service, 6 p.m. once a month beginning April 3 in the fellowship hall at the church, 14011 Orchard Drive, Clarks Summit. The format will consist of contemporary music, a short message, table discussion and prayer in a coffeehouse-type setting. Info: 570-587-3206 or countryside-church.org.

The Abington Area Community Classroom offers continuing education classes throughout spring. Register now for April classes: Thirteen Olives (Wednesday, April 13), Basic Smoking (two Mondays starting April 11), 21st Century TV (Thursday, April 14). Info/register: gatheringplacecs.org or 570-563-2402.

Countryside Community Church Spring Flower Sale, at the church, 14011 Orchard Drive, Clarks Summit. Pick up is from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Saturday, May 7 and orders are due by Sunday, May 1. 10” Hanging Baskets will be offered this year in several colors and types. Pre-orders only. Cost: $20. Info: 570-947-2474, syoutz812@comcast.net or countryside-church.org.


Climate Change and Pennsylvania, 6 to 7:30 p.m. April 6 at the Lackawanna College Environmental Education Center, 93 MacKenzie Road, Covington Twp. Join Kate Gibbons from PennFuture, to learn how climate change impacts Pennsylvania’s waterways, plants, fish and wildlife, economics and residents’ health, along with what people can do about it. Cost: $5. Pre-register (required): 570-842-1506.

Free Anxiety Screenings, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. April 7 in the McGowan Center for Graduate and Professional Studies at Marywood University. Event will include an educational presentation and written self-test, a private meeting with a mental health professional, and, if appropriate, a referral. Cost: free. Info: visit bit.ly/1YdjGg9 or call the Psychological Services Center at Marywood University at 570-348-6269.

Annual Spring Chicken Barbecue, 4 to 6 p.m. April 9 at East Benton United Methodist Church, 200 Jordan Hollow Road, East Benton. Cost: $9 for a dinner, $6 for a half chicken only. Tickets: 570-983-8951.

Scranton Beets presentation on the power of plant-based nutrition, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 9 at the Abington Community Library. Learn how a whole foods plant based diet can help prevent and reverse chronic health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes, achieve a healthy weight, and take control of your health. Attendees will also have a chance to win a plant based cookbook.

‘Sviachene’ Easter Dinner, 12:30 p.m. April 10 at the St. Vladimir Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church’s parish center, 428 N. Seventh Ave., Scranton. Advance takeouts and table reservations only – no tickets sold at the door. Takeouts available from 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Drawing for door prizes including Ukrainian hand decorated pysanky and a theme basket raffle will be conducted. Cost: $13 for adults; $6 for children age 6-12; free for age 5 and under. Reservations (deadline April 4): call Dorothy Fleck at 570 346-4164.

Lackawanna County Backyard Beekeepers meeting, 6 to 8:30 p.m. April 12 at the Abington Community Library. Whether you are already a beekeeper, are interested in becoming one, are interested in honeybees, or have land that you would like to use to help sponsor a beehive, this is the place for you. Beekeeping and honey bee information is exchanged in an informal and friendly environment.

Abington Community Library Teen Leadership Committee meeting, 4 to 5 p.m. April 13 at the library. A group of tweens/teens in grades 5-12 focused on giving a voice to all young adults for programming, book selections and more.

Healthy Steps: Reducing the Risk of Falling for Older Adults, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. April 12 and 14 in the Scout Room at the Waverly Community House. Presented by Prime Time Health and the Voluntary Action Center. Info: 570-586-8191.

‘Not Your Grandmother’s’ Designer Purse Bingo, 5 to 9 p.m. April 15 at Brooks Theatre on the campus of Keystone College. Bingo games begin at 6 p.m. Prizes will include designer handbags, gift baskets and more. Proceeds will support the college’s hospatility and event planning students with their new four-year hospatility business management program. Cost: $20 online by visiting Eventbrite.com and searching for the Keystone College Designer Purse Bingo or $25 at the door. Info: brenda.lidy@keystone.edu or 570-945-8334.

Tails for Troops, 12 to 3 p.m. April 16 at McDade Park. Marywood University’s Student Veterans Alliance is teaming up with the non-profit organization, Dog T.A.G.S., to raise money to pair veterans diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), or Military Sexual Trauma (MST), with rescued shelter or adopted dogs and put them through service dog training. Features a K-9 Talent and Dog Pageant with first and second place overall pageant awards for most patriotic and best trick, along with local shelter dogs available for adoption, food and local vendor sales, basket and 50/50 raffles and music by Rock 107’s Prospector. Cost: free admission. Info: 570-961-4584 or sva@m.marywood.edu.

Clarks Summit Borough Mayor Patty Lawler’s Second Annual Brunch honoring ‘Good Neighbors,’ 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. April 16 at the Ramada. Includes brunch, door prizes, entertainment, raffle baskets and more. Guest speaker: Katie McGinty. Cost: $22. Tickets: advance only, by calling 570-585-4804.

Marywood University Undergraduate Open House, April 16. For high school students and their parents. The program will begin with registration at 9 a.m. in the Fireplace Lounge in the Nazareth Student Center. Info: 570-348-6234 or marywood.edu/admissions/.

Penn State Master Gardeners’ Earth Day celebration, 12 to 4 p.m. April 16 at The Mall at Steamtown in Scranton. The latest research-based information will be available on topics such as composting, tree care, growing vegetables, pollinator friendly gardening, container gardening and more. There will be prizes and seedling trees to take home. Cost: free. Info: 570-963-6842.

Essential oils informational program with Bridgette, 6 to 7 p.m. April 19 at the Abington Community Library. Attendees will learn what essentials are, their benefits and an overview of several oils that can be used daily. Cost: free.

Mountain View Garden Club meeting, 7 p.m. April 19 at the Clifford Fire Hall, Route 106. This month’s speaker is Gayle O’Brien from Humming Hill Lavender Farm and Apiary, who will give a presentation on “Growing Lavender in NEPA.” Info: contact Mary Ann O’Pecko at maopecko2000@yahoo.com or 570-785-5691.

Edible Landscaping, 6 to 7:30 p.m. April 20 at the Lackawanna College Environmental Education Center in Covington Twp. Donna Zagrapan, from the Penn State Extension Master Gardeners Program will present an informative program designed for beginner to seasoned gardeners. Topics include how to get started; best management practices; when, where and what to plant; how to maintain an edible landscape and the best way to enjoy your harvest, including recipes. Cost: $5 per person. Pre-register (required): 570-842-1506.

Lecture on Pope Francis’s Encyclical Letter, 7:30 p.m. April 20 in the McGowan Room, in the Swartz Center for Spiritual Life at Marywood University. The third lecture in the series on Pope Francis’s Encyclical Letter, Laudato Si (Praised Be You): A Conversation on the Care of “Our Common Home.” A panel will discuss issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, global warming and pollution. Cost: free. Info: contact Mary Ann Smith at 570-348-6211, ext. 2528 or masmith@marywood.edu.

Woodcock Watch and Art Show, 4:30 to 7 p.m. April 22 at the Endless Mountains Nature Center in Tunkhannock. Celebrate Earth Day with Tunkhannock Middle school artwork focusing on American Woodcocks at the Howland Preserve, part of the North Branch Land Trust. After viewing the artwork in the historic red barn, Rebecca Lesko will lead those interested in viewing the Woodcocks doing their swirling mating dance later the evening. Info: howlandpreserve.com.

Earth Day Open House, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 23 at Everything Natural, 426 S. State St., Clarks Summit. Features demonstrations, educational materials, live music, children’s craft and story time, a medication take back event and more. Info: 570-586-9684 or everythingnaturalpa.com.

Countryside Community Church Shaklee Fundraiser, 1 to 2:30 p.m. April 23 at the church, 14011 Orchard Drive, Clarks Summit. Shaklee offers all-natural nutrition (vitamins, protein shakes), cleaning, and beauty products that are pure, safe and green. Promotional period will run from April 23 through May 22. Info: 570-947-2474, syoutz812@comcast.net or countryside-church.org.

Scranton Charter Day, April 23 at various times and locations. In honor of the city’s 150th anniversary, a host of special events will be held, including historic walking tours, a sesquicentennial Luncheon, quilting club display, LEGO contest, choir showcase, an architectural scavenger hunt, 150th birthday party, fireworks and more. Info: scrantontomomorrow.org or 570-963-1575.

SIAMO Italian Conversation Hour, 2 p.m. April 24, at the Taylor Community Library, 710 S. Main St., Taylor. Info: 570-290-7212, info@siamonepa.com or siamonepa.com.

Chicken-n-Biscuit or Ham Dinner, 4 to 6 p.m. April 26 at Clifford United Methodist Church, Main Street, Clifford. A take out and dine in option will be available. Cost: $8.95. The meal includes the dinner, dessert and a drink.

Abington Community Library Teen Leadership Committee meeting, 4 to 5 p.m. April 26 at the library. A group of tweens/teens in grades 5-12 focused on giving a voice to all young adults for programming, book selections and more.

Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 to 6 p.m. April 27 at the Triton Fire Hall, 116 W. Tioga St., Tunkhannock. Info: download the free Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-733-2767.

Backyard Beekeeping: Internal and Environmental Challenges, 6 to 7:30 p.m. April 28 at the Lackawanna College Environmental Education Center in Covington Twp. This workshop will focus on the various challenges faced by the honeybee, and how to proactively manage them. Topics will include colony collapse disorder, resultant honeybee losses and what this means to beekeepers, American Foulbrood, honeybee stress diseases, the Varroa Mite, Nosema, insects, bears and small animals, apiary inspection and a review of the apiary calendar. Cost: $25. Pre-register (required): 570-842-1506.

Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 to 6 p.m. April 29 at Clarks Summit United Methodist Church, 1310 Morgan Hwy. Info: download the free Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-733-2767.

Walk for Epilepsy, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 30 at PNC Field, 235 Montage Mountain Road, Moosic. Info/register: epilepsywalknepa.org, 215-629-5003 or 800-887-7165.

Seventh annual “You Live Here, You Should Know This” local history game show, 6 p.m. April 30 at the Slocum Hollow Bar at the Lodge at Montage Mountain. sponsored by The Lackawanna Historical Society and planned by local students from Valley View and Riverside High Schools. Players on eight teams will answer Jeopardy- style questions about people, places, and events in Lackawanna County. Cost: $10 general admission and $5 for students. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Info: 570-344-3841 or lackawannahistory@gmail.com.

Bluebells Festival, 1 p.m. May 1 at the Endless Mountains Nature Center in Tunkhannock. Includes activities such as crafts, children’s scavenger hunt and amphibian and reptile search, a hike led by Jeff Mitchell, wild edibles walk, meditation, yoga, Bluebells art with Ali Wilson, bird walk with Joe DeMarco, photo booth themes, a basket raffle and more. Cost: free.

Return from the Tropics: A Story of Migratory Birds, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. May 4 at the Lackawanna College Environmental Education Center, 93 MacKenzie Road, Covington Township. Join Darryl and Jackie Speicher from the Pocono Avian Research Center for an informative migratory bird presentation followed by a birding hike. An indoor presentation will be available for inclement weather. Geared to all ages. Cost: $5 per person. Pre-registration is required. Info/register: 570-842-1506.


Friends of the Abington Community Library Book Sale, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 9 at the Clarks Summit United Methodist Church. More than 10,000 items for sale, including books, talking books, CDs, and DVDs. Donations accepted year-round at the library. Friends members may attend a Preview Sale from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, April 8. Friends membership applications are available at the library.

Craft Show, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 9 at the Tunkhannock Area Middle School, 200 Franklin Ave., Tunkhannock. Sponsored by the middle school band. A bake sale and refreshments will also be offered.

Marywood University’s Second Annual Radical Book Fair, 12 to 9 p.m. April 9 in the Nazareth Student Center. Cost: free admission. Info: scrantonradicalbookfair.weebly.com/.

Waverly Elementary School Rummage Sale, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 16 at 103 Waverly Road, Waverly. Items can be donated from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. April 11 through 15 in the school lobby. Local pickup available by contacting Beth Scialpi at 570-499-4285 or bethbut78@gmail.com. No TVs or computers.

The Dalton Community Library’s Book and Bake Sale, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 16. Features a selection of adult and juvenile fiction and nonfiction, magazines, paperbacks, recordings, baked goods and more for sale. Donations are accepted year round. Info: 570-563-2014.

Countryside Community Church Annual Dutch Auction, April 30 at the church, 14011 Orchard Drive, Clarks Summit. A covered dish dinner will be held at 5 p.m., followed by the Auction. Donation of gifts for the auction may be wrapped or unwrapped. Proceeds fund the “Warm Hugs” outreach. Info: 570-587-3206 or www.countryside-church.org.


Block Party, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. April 6 at the Abington Community Library. Children ages 3-5 may join in the free play with blocks, vehicles, animal and people figures. No throwing blocks, and no knocking someone else’s building down. No registration required.

Natural Wonders: Super Seeds, 1 to 2:30 p.m. April 7 at the Lackawanna College Environmental Education Center in Covington Twp. For children ages 3-6 and a guardian. Children will learn the tricks of seed dispersal and the ingredients for growth. Each child will plant a seed to take home. Cost: $8. Pre-register (required): 570-842-1506.

American Girl: Maryellen’s World, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. April 8 at the Abington Community Library. Learn about American Girl Maryellen’s life during the 1950s. Enjoy a treat and make a craft. Bring your doll along if you’d like. For grades K-6. Info: 570-587-3440.

Recycled Pages, 4 to 5 p.m. April 12, 19 and 26 at the Dietrich Theater in Tunkhannock. For ages 5 to 12.Each week students will work with Everhart Museum staff to create artwork made from old books, newspapers and magazines. Projects include mixed media book art, DIY journals, recycled book terrarium, botanical drawings and recycled costume pieces. Cost: free; Sponsored by the Overlook Estate Foundation. Info/Register: 570-996-1500.

Tom Knight show, 11 a.m. April 14 at the Dietrich Theater in Tunkhannock. Join Tom Knight and his puppets for a collection of songs and skits for children about the environment, animals, food and books. Cost: free; Sponsored by the Tunkhannock Junior Women’s Club and Toni Hockman. Tickets: 570-996-1500 or at the door while they last.

Block Party, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. April 14 at Abington Community Library. Children ages 3-7 may join in the free play with blocks, vehicles, animal and people figures. No throwing blocks and no knocking someone else’s building down. No registration required.

Beginner Spanish language classes for children, 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. six Thursday afternoons beginning April 14 at the Waverly Community House. Instructor: Rebecca Petrini. For children ages 5 to 10, the course is designed to introduce children to basic Spanish vocabulary, including but not limited to numbers, colors, the alphabet and meet and greet phrases in a variety of contexts.Cost: $65 (includes materials). Info: 570-586-8191, waverlycomm.org or visit Waverly Community House on Facebook.

Homemade Bird Feeders, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. April 15 at the Abington Community Library. Students in grades 4-6 may come make homemade bird feeders and enjoy snacks.

Junior League presents: Kids in the Kitchen, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. April 17 at the Abington Community Library. Celebrate Earth Day with a story and prepare a healthy snack. For children ages 3-6. Info: 570-587-3440.

Natural Wonders: Awakening Amphibians, 1 to 2:30 p.m. April 21 at the Lackawanna College Environmental Education Center in Covington Twp. For children ages 3-6 and a guardian. Feel a frog and learn about its extraordinary life cycle. Children will use their senses to learn about frogs as they search for the critters around the property. Cost: $8. Pre-register (required): 570-842-1506.

Mad Science: Use the Force, 3 to 4:30 p.m. April 23 at the Dietrich Theater in Tunkhannock. For ages 7 to 14. Instructor: Rand Whipple, of Box of Light Studios. Cost: $17. Info/register: 570-996-1500.

Reach the Abington Journal newsroom at 570-587-1148 or news@theabingtonjournal.com.

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