
The frequent sound of Jake brakes being used by large trucks is on its way out of Elkin, following the town commissioners’ unanimous vote Monday night to ban the practice by tractor-trailers and other large rigs who use the noisy alternative to traditional brakes.

Commissioners Bob Norton and Dr. Skip Whitman were excused from the meeting by a formal vote of the other commissioners.

After a citizen who lives near the intersection of the CC Camp Road and North Bridge Street intersection complained about the noise at all hours of the day and night from the truck traffic on the main thoroughfare, Elkin Police Chief Monroe Wagoner looked into ordinances in other towns where the practice of using Jake brakes already has been banned.

At Monday’s meeting of the board, Mayor Lestine Hutchens said other citizens have complained of the noise as well, and Wagoner presented a proposed ordinance for the commissioners to consider and cost estimates to erect signs at the entrance to the town so that drivers are aware of the ban.

Since the vote Monday, it is now unlawful to use Jake brakes, formally known as engine brakes, to slow a vehicle, except in the case of an emergency, according to Wagoner’s proposed ordinance, which was adopted.

The town will purchase six signs at a cost of $800 to $1,000 to install at the city limit signs.

Wagoner explained that Jake brakes are used to limit the use of standard brakes to reduce wear and tear on those brakes, but they do produce a loud noise when doing so.

According to the ordinance, any driver using Jake brakes when it is not necessitated by an emergency will be cited with a Class 3 misdemeanor and a $50 fine.

Also, several people were recognized during the meeting, with Lt. William Rountree being introduced as Elkin Fire Department’s newest full-time member. Fire Chief Mike Morton noted that Rountree has been with the department for five years.

Upon retiring in August, Elkin Police Sgt. Danny Butcher was recognized for his 18 years of service to the town as an officer, corporal and then sergeant, and was honored with a resolution to present him with his badge and service sidearm as keepsakes. Hutchens read the resolution honoring him.

Jack Partin also was recognized for his contributions to the town and the Elkin Valley Trails Association work by Hutchens and Bill Blackley of the EVTA.

Blackley said Partin was instrumental in getting easements for the E&A Rail Trail, which is part of the NC Mountains-to-Sea Trail.

Janie Cheek and Josh Cheek also were to be presented plaques, but they were unable to attend.

“Special thanks to the Winebarger, Cheek and Partin families for their keen interest in the common good of our community and especially for their provision of easements to enable the construction of bridges, trails, wildflower gardens and other improvements on land along the Elkin & Alleghany Rail-Trail, Stone Mountain Trail and Mountains-to-Sea Trail,” Blackley said on behalf of the town elected officials, the town employees and the EVTA board and its members. “A unique thanks goes to Worth Winebarger (12-3-1918 to 02-02-2003), who was a self-educated business pioneer who passed down his wisdom, as well as his love of the outdoors, to many in Wilkes, Surry and Yadkin counties.”

In other business, Brian Horton was appointed by the commissioners as a member of the Main Street Advisory Board.

Wendy Byerly Wood may be reached at 336-258-4035 or on Twitter @wendywoodeditor.

After 18 years of service, Sgt. Danny Butcher, center, retired in August and was recognized Monday by Mayor Lestine Hutchens and Chief Monroe Wagoner.


After 18 years of service, Sgt. Danny Butcher, center, retired in August and was recognized Monday by Mayor Lestine Hutchens and Chief Monroe Wagoner.

Wendy Byerly Wood | The Tribune

Jack Partin, center, is recognized for his contributions to the trail development in Elkin by Mayor Lestine Hutchens and Bill Blackley of the Elkin Valley Trails Association.


Jack Partin, center, is recognized for his contributions to the trail development in Elkin by Mayor Lestine Hutchens and Bill Blackley of the Elkin Valley Trails Association.

Wendy Byerly Wood | The Tribune

Elkin Fire Lt. William Rountree, left, is introduced as the town’s newest full-time member by Mayor Lestine Hutchens.


Elkin Fire Lt. William Rountree, left, is introduced as the town’s newest full-time member by Mayor Lestine Hutchens.

Wendy Byerly Wood | The Tribune

By Wendy Byerly Wood


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