
Last year – I put on an event called DotComXpo. People came from all over the world to experience 3 days of 100% actionable content with zero pitching.

The feedback was through the roof (in a good way), and people are still asking about when the next “DCX” will take place.

I have bad news. Good news. And jaw-droppingly awesome news.

First, the bad news. This year the DCX will not be taking place as it did last year in Stamford. Why? Well, keep reading to the good news.



I understand not everybody can make it out to a live event. Between time away from families, work and the expense – it’s just not in the cards for everyone. Believe me, I get it. I haven’t traveled once in 2013 so I could be home with my family.

You can experience the entire event without having to leave your home. All you need is an Internet connection and it’s like you are there!

Plus, it’s a big drain on my business to put on a live event of that size. With so many speakers, dealing with hotels, film crew, etc.. it’s just a lot of effort. And I wanted to take a year off from large events (I’ve been doing at least one big event a year for over 10 years). So yeah, there’s a selfish reason for me to take this online.

But wait, there’s more…


Because I’m not hampered by the restrictions of a hotel space – DCX can be even bigger. Much bigger. And draw speakers that might not usually travel.

So check this out – at DCX2 there will be 100 SESSIONS!

Yes, you read that correctly, 100 awesome sessions. It will be the biggest event EVER, by a mile. I already started reaching out to my vast network and have killer sessions already booked.

Here are just a few already committed…

How to get to #1 on iTunes for massive free traffic (I’ve booked TWO people who have #1 podcasts on iTunes in different categories – so no stone will be unturned)

How one woman generates over $60K per month on Amazon Kindle (she’s not a “guru” and you probably never heard her name before)

The step-by-step guide to low-cost Facebook traffic (your guide to fast traffic)

From zero to your first sale (getting over the hump)

How to take an existing 5 or 6-figure business to 7 or 8-figures

Everything you need to know about converting your site to SALES (the #1 persuasion tactic that will have people clicking like crazy)

How to build a membership site (from scratch, right before your eyes)

The truth about free YouTube traffic (and how to dominate it!)

And so much more…

And this was after starting yesterday – I’m just getting warmed up. Haven’t even scratched the surface.



 I like to deliver and raise the bar. So instead of paying $1,500 or more (like you had to for my in-person event last year) – you can experience the entire online event for FREE.

Yes – I said for free.

What’s the catch? 

The first “catch”: There will be event sponsors. Before each session – there will be a 30-second “word from our sponsors”. If you would like to be a sponsor of DCX2 (or know someone who would be a good fit), please email jessica (at) dotcomxpo.com with SUBJECT=DCX2 SPONSOR

The second “catch”: Well, there is none. I’m hoping that getting in front of 100,000 people is enough incentive to bring in some good sponsor revenue. Plus, when people experience one of my events – it might lead to future purchases down the road.

You get world-class training and I create sponsor revenue. It’s a win/win for everyone.



There are a few ways to get involved in DCX2…

1. Get on the VIP waiting list and you’ll be notified first when we go live.

2. If you (or someone you know) would be a good fit as a sponsor for DCX2 – please email jessica (at) dotcomxcom SUBJECT=SPONSOR. Sponsorship spots are limited

3. There are a few open spots for speakers – it will be highly competitive for the coveted slots, but if you can bring the heat – email jessica (at) dotcomxpo SUBJECT=SPEAKER. Tell us about you, your business, potential title, why you are the best person to deliver this talk and any links to previous talks you have given. 

4. FEEDBACK (see below)

This event is for YOU, plain and simple.

So please take 30 seconds to list below either TOPICS you’d like to see covered or SPEAKERS you’d like to see below. 

The more potential topics/speaker we get – the better the event will be.

Thanks for your time – I look forward to “seeing” you at DCX2.




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