RW3 Named Best-in-Class for POI Retail Execution Vendor Panorama
RW3 was listed as Best-in-Class in the Promotion Optimization Institute’s Retail Execution Vendor Panorama 2016, published in June. The 54-page report surveyed 75 Consumer Packaged Goods companies and evaluated 20 tech solutions for effectiveness in promotion optimization. It also reported the latest trends in promotion optimization and retail execution. Among its key findings:
When asked to respond to the statement: “You are satisfied with your ability to execute at the store level” more than 30 percent said they disagreed or strongly disagreed. Only 20 percent said they agreed, and none said they strongly agreed.
Without the right tools to understand and address promotion issues that arise, a strong strategy is useless.
Deep functionality that lets CPG companies sell more is the most important benchmark for a tech solution. This includes “retail activity optimization (RAO), image recognition, guided selling, social selling, gamification, voice recognition, and in-flight analytics.”
Customization should take a back seat to easy upgrades as the technology continues to evolve and improve.
RW3 was lauded for its ability to sell more, its user experience, flexibility, solution completeness and analytics. Researchers named RW3 Best-in-Class for Merchandising and Retail Activity Optimization:
“Services offerings around data analytics that allow user to outsource any of a number of analytical functions so that sales people can receive the analysis and focus more on selling. We know of no other vendor that does this.”
For more information, read the POI Retail Execution Vendor Panorama 2016 (link)
About RW3 Technologies, Inc.
RW3 provides SaaS and custom retail execution and monitoring field applications for sales forces and marketing specialist in the CPG industry. Specializing in data integration, retail activity optimization (RAO) and customer relationship management (CRM), RW3 provides field reps with solutions that increase speed-to-shelf, expand market share, and increase overall ROI. RW3 helps CPG organizations tap into the power of big data to create a unique competitive advantage. Visit RW3 online at to learn more.
About the Promotion Optimization Institute
POI brings together manufacturers, retailers, solution providers, analysts, academics, and other industry leaders with the specific objective of collaboratively improving the promotion and distribution of consumer goods. Members of POI share cross-functional best practices in both structured and informal settings.
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