
Every RV owner knows the feeling – you pull into the campground and find plenty of great sites available. Excellent! However, that feels of excitement can quickly turn to stress as you realize you don’t know which one to pick. Since there are more than a few steps involved in setting up your RV once you park, you don’t want to have to change spots later in the week. The one you pick is the one you are going to stick with for the duration of the trip.

To help you settle on the right spot the first time, consider the five helpful tips below.

#1 – Take a Look Around

When you are sure there are plenty of sites available, feel free to take your time and browse around until you find the right spot for you, your family, and the RV. Tour at least once around the campground, and get out at any sites that look good to inspect further. It will probably only take an extra 10 or 15 minutes to explore the campground, which is well worth it in order to find a great site for the rest of the week.

#2 – Think Ahead

Just because the campground is mostly empty now doesn’t mean it will stay that way through the rest of your trip. If you are arriving on a weekday but staying through the weekend, there is a good chance that the campground will gradually fill up as the days go by. With that in mind, pick a site that will afford you the level of privacy that you desire even if the campground reaches its limit.

#3 – Ease of Use

It is great to find a site with a view or easy access to the water, but it is even better for find a site that is easy to use. What makes a site easy to use? Level parking, quick access to utilities, a nice picnic area, and more all can play into the equation. You are on vacation, so don’t take on any unnecessary headaches by trying to squeeze into a spot that just isn’t right for your RV.

#4 – Ask for Help

If there is a campground host (or campground owners at a private RV park) available, ask them for input on the best site to choose. They should have inside information that can help you make your decision easily. Also, by introducing yourself right from the start, you will be able to return to them as your point of contact should you need help during your stay.

#5 – Go with Your Gut Feeling

When all else fails, simply pick the site that you are drawn to when you first drive by. There doesn’t necessarily have to be a profound reason behind your decision – you could simply decide that you like the spot. As long as the spot fits your needs appropriately, don’t be afraid to listen to your instincts to set up a great week of RV camping.

The post Five Tips for Picking the Perfect Campsite appeared first on RVing.how.

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