
11 lives saved on Yom Kippur. Jews view saving life to be more important than the sanctity of the holiest day of the year. So Israeli doctors worked hard to perform eleven vital transplant operations on Yom Kippur, thanks to the donation of organs from three patients who died three hours before the onset of the festival.
Fooling viruses to self-destruct. (Thanks to Israel21c) Israel’s Vecoy Nanomedicines is developing a “virus trap” that lures viruses using their “cell-host recognition” mechanism. If the virus locks onto the trap, it is destroyed. If it mutates, then it can no longer attack cells and therefore cannot cause any damage.
A drink to cure liver disease. NasVax, an Israeli company based in Ness-Ziona, has developed an oral treatment for people suffering from Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) commonly known as “fatty liver disease” which affects up to 15 million US citizens. It is undergoing trials and also conversion into a pill.
The Technion and stem cells. Here is an update on the latest developments in Israel Technion’s stem cell research. It includes healing the heart, creating pancreatic tissue for diabetics and repairing or growing bones.
My child – the doctor. Israeli kids are twice as motivated to become doctors as are kids elsewhere. A total of 14.3% of 15 year olds in Israel said they wanted to go into the medical field when they grew up, the highest rate among all 34 OECD member countries, and double the 7.4% OECD average for youths planning a career.
Needle-free blood tests. Latest article on Israel Technion’s non-invasive technique for imaging blood cells. Spectrally Encoded Flow Cytometry (SEFC) offers the capability to detect common disorders, such as anaemia and bacterial infection, plus life threatening conditions, including sepsis, thrombosis and sickle cell crisis.
Europe approves Israeli burns treatment. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recommended approval of third degree burns treatment NexoBrid, developed by Israel’s MediWound Ltd. NexoBrid is a gel made of enzymes that removes burnt tissue, reduces the risk of infection and shortens recovery time.
Breath test for cancer proves effective. Dr. Hossam Haick of the Israel Technion has just finished analysing the results of breath tests of patients with a suspected tumour. The study of 74 Colorado patients correctly identified 53 malignant tumours and 19 benign ones. The test even highlighted the most effective treatment options.


Israel’s water degree. Israel’s Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) College runs a unique B.Sc. degree in Water Industries Engineering. In its latest intake, 50 undergraduates will study physics, chemistry, microbiology, economics, marketing, material engineering, electrical engineering, and IT.

Samsung’s new camera is Israeli. Korean tech giant Samsung has revealed that “all the camera processing technology” in its upcoming Galaxy S3 smart camera and cellphone is Israeli. The camera is unique in the fact that it lacks buttons, with all actions commanded by a touch screen on the back of the device.

Three of the best. Technion President Professor Peretz Lavie hosted a panel of the leaders of three top hi-tech Israeli companies - Mooly Eden of Intel-Israel, Eyal Waldman of Mellanox and Zohar Zisapel of RAD Data Communications. They discussed how Israel’s top quality engineers progress to found successful start-ups.

It’s not rubbish. Here is the latest video about the Hirlya Recycling Park. What used to be Israel’s largest garbage dump is now an Environmental Education Centre, an energy generator and a modern facility for separating waste into recyclable materials.

Eight new species discovered. In a cavernous underworld 100 meters beneath a soft limestone quarry in Ramle, Israeli scientists have found eight new animal species. Isolated for millions of years in a 40-meter-long hall in a 2.7-kilometer-long cave, seven of the species thrived by living off bacteria in their underground lake.

Don’t talk – TU Me. An Israeli smart-phone app called TU Me could take over from WhatsApp as the leading method for exchanging texts, photos, music, videos and map locations over the Internet. It can even do free, high-quality Voice Over IP calls.

How about U? Israeli hi-tech company Conduit has just launched a new Internet browser called “U”. At present, the media is sceptical that the browser will win people from the likes of Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. But in the end, I suppose, that depends on U doesn’t it?

Have you got a Moment? Israel’s Moment.me application collects all the photos, videos, and tweets from an event and presents them in multimedia albums called “moments” where people can see “360-degree views” of the entire experience. It supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+ networks.

Use Israeli technology to build your family tree. Israel-based MyHeritage now includes automated smart record matching to link family names to original documents, birth records, marriage certificates, Ellis Island passenger lists, newspapers and even tombstones.

Israeli chips for security imaging. Dr. Eran Socher of Tel Aviv University is developing small, cheap computer chips that can be used to search for concealed weapons. The complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) chips emit safe, low-level radiation to produce an image.

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