Happy Monday!
So if you follow me on twitter (@Rebeccaruns), you may have seen me post a Sheldon Cooper GIF where he tosses the roommate agreement in the air. I posted that because of the weather on Sunday hampering the Army Run. But, I could probably use that GIF again to describe week 10 of Marathon training (can’t use it on here, copyright.).
Week 10 of NYC Marathon Training
This is going to be the shortest training post of all because I had a grand total of two runs this week. That is right, two. Here is what happened:
Monday – Off (I ran 20K the day before), but I did run a XCountry practice. So there was some jogging in there
Tuesday – 9K steady run. It was an absolutely beautiful day out. I ran 9K in 1:01 and felt great. No issues to report. I did stop a couple of times to take some pictures:
Wednesday – Off
Thursday – Sick with death cold 2014. I was at a XC meet and barely survived the day. I was in bed by 5pm. No running occurred except the 100m to run to an injured athlete. Thought my head was going to explode.
Friday – Sick at home, so still no running
Saturday – Really busy with picking up race kits, grocery shopping and still feeling under the weather
Sunday -21.1KM
Finally! Back out there. So why not run a half marathon? I ran the Army Run Half Marathon. More to come with the race recap of course. But I have a new Half Marathon PB – 2:15:28! I ran slightly faster than that, but my garmin died at 2:11 with 500m to go, but I always go with official results for PB’s anyways (I did a LOT of weaving, more on that later). I met my goal by having a pretty awesome negative split half. Very happy with the results! I was going to tack on some extra KM, but in the morning, I just wasn’t feeling good and by the time I finished, it was raining so heavily that it looked like I had jumped in a pool.
Total Km for Week 10 – 30.1
This week was supposed to be 39KM and was a down week, so really, I don’t think in the grand scheme of things, my marathon training is going to suffer from missing out on 9K. I still increased my long run by 1K and it all fits with my 10% increase for this week. It should be fine. I am really happy with my half marathon race as it was finally a race that seemed to work. I guess that is what happens when you train properly right? I know 2:15 isn’t the fastest time out there, and many of you are way faster than me, but I’m getting there. What I do know now, is that I’m pretty sure I can do the half 2x and run a full, but at my 6:50 pace. Running at around 6:25 was surprisingly comfortable, but my body was aching at 18K – so I do plan on slowing it down for the marathon.
Onwards to week 11 – I’m trying to figure out where my long run is going to land because I have a 13K Beer run on Sunday that I’m helping run. Should be fun!
Stay tuned for more Army Run posts later on tonight/tomorrow.