
Last night I was reading a post by James Dunne on the benefits of running on varied surfaces. In the post I came across a video by podiatrist Ian Griffiths on the topic of limb stiffness in running. I’ve written about this topic myself, and also wrote a post on how alterations in limb stiffness might explain why some runners have reported that shoes as different as Hokas and Vibram Fivefingers provide some benefit in managing knee pain.

In the video, Ian does a nice job explaining what limb stiffness is, how it is modified by varying surfaces/shoes, and what the implications for injury might be. It’s a topic that fascinates me, and one that I have pondered a lot as it relates to my own footwear preferences.

Gather the family, cook some popcorn, and enjoy! (sadly, my wife was not interested in watching this with me last night…sorry Ian!)

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