When last we left our heroes, the balance of power was swinging back. The oldest of the old guard was making its last stand, roping in two former proteges to take out the new heroes. With yet another old guardsman single-handedly charged with destroying their new champion, the final, desperate stab of the Attitude Era began. Has the Authority gone all-in, and will the new superstars be able to call?
The PG Rant for Raw, April 21, 2014.
Live from Baltimore, MD.
Your hosts are your hosts.
Pre-Show notes:
Your special guest panelist is Dolph Ziggler.
Daniel Bryan is in the house.
Your I-C semifinals are Rob Van Dam vs. Antonio Cesaro and Sheamus vs. Bad News Barrett.
Superstars match: Big E Langston against Damien Sandow.
Next week, Hugh Jackman will guest star. No, we're not in England. Boo.
Kane as the Big Red Monster is expected back tonight.
Kofi Kingston draws Superstars duty as well, against Titus O'Neil.
Booker T says Wade Barrett will win the tournament. Alex Riley picks Cesaro. Ziggler passes.
We look back at the annihilation of the Shield last Monday and the reformation of Evolution.
And first out of the back is your champion Daniel Bryan. And his new bride Brie Bella is leading the YES chants in the ring. They both lead the YES chants in unison in a cool moment that not even JBL can ruin. But maybe Stephanie can, because she's out before we can go anywhere. Stephanie joins them in the ring. She says she couldn't resist coming out and congratulating them. “I'd be chanting Yes too.” Stephanie points out what a great week it was for Bryan. The pictures of the wedding were “breathtaking, if you're into that kind of thing”. And the WWE wants to give Daniel Bryan a wedding present – but not a traditional one. The gift: a match at Extreme Rules with Kane for the title. Bryan is not worried. Stephanie reminds us that Kane at his worst is out of control and wanted to eviscerate Bryan. Stephanie tells Bryan to get Brie out of harm's way.
And here comes Kane. But Stephanie tries to tell Kane to back off, saying this is the wrong place and wrong time. No sign of Kane even though his music plays. Stephanie tries to hold Kane off as Bryan and Brie walk out of the ring... and right to Kane, who was waiting at the timekeeper's table. Stephanie tells Kane to let him go as he bowls over Bryan and stalks Brie. Bryan recovers to attack but gets the worst of it until he drop toe holds Kane into the steps. He leaps, but is caught and sent into the barricade. (During this time, Stephanie told Brie to run for her life in legitimate concern.) Kane threatens a Tombstone on the outside, and despite Stephanie's protests, he delivers. Stephanie tells Kane to stop, and finally, Kane listens, walking away... or not, because he grabs the steps. Not even Stephanie's protests can stop Kane as he picks Bryan up and drags him to the steps. Crowd begs NO. Kane picks Bryan up and delivers a second Tombstone, this time to the steps. Stephanie calls for medial help as she seems uncharacteristically broken up. Crowd chants for Bryan. Everyone is out to check on Bryan as Kane walks off. Announcers argue that Stephanie knew what would happen... and Kane throws Bryan off the stretcher. He rips off Bryan's neck brace as Stephanie keeps yelling at Kane to stop. Kane clears the table as Cole yells to the back for someone to intervene. Kane throws chairs everywhere as Stephanie is screaming at Kane to stop. Kane throws Bryan onto the table. Cole is yelling at the WWE officials to do something as Kane picks Bryan up for a third Tombstone, this one through the table. Which doesn't break.
“Kane! You bastard!” Stephanie is angry. Crowd chants You're A Bastard at Kane. Bryan is being tended to as we go to break.
Andy's thoughts: Please, don't have Stephanie be insincere. The idea that even she thinks Kane is going too far cements Kane as a top heel again.
We come back, and Daniel Bryan is still being wheeled out of ringside. Stephanie is still in the ring, concerned, while Brie is nervously holding Bryan's hand. We look back at the whole thing. Cole is blaming Stephanie, while JBL rightly points out that Stephanie was trying to stop it. Stephanie asks for a round of applause for Daniel... while holding his titles. So much for a turn, but you wonder. We see all three Tombstones as even JBL thinks it's overkill.
But the show must go on: the I-C tournament semifinals are tonight! Cesaro/RVD and Sheamus/Barrett! And here's the first one! Barrett gets pyro when he throws off his cape. Barrett's bad news... isn't quite as bad as what happened to Bryan. It's that the luck of the Irish runs out. It's not St. Patrick's Day.
I-C Tournament Semifinals: Bad News Barrett v. Sheamus. Barrett gets the first shots in, attacking in the corner but getting caught after the ref pulls him away. Sheamus pounds away in the opposite corner. He rakes Barrett's eyes across the ropes as the crowd is on Barrett's side. Sheamus with a cross-corner whip and Finlay Roll. Sheamus to the top, but Barrett stops him and follows up, only to get caught and headbutted down. Barrett to the apron, but Sheamus knocks him to the floor and follows with a crossbody (!). He picks Barrett up by the nose and rolls him in, going to the apron. He goes for the Ten of Clubs only for Barrett to send him into the post and boot him to the floor as we go to break.
Sheamus/Barrett, part two. Barrett has a chinlock as Sheamus gets to his feet and fights out. Barrett with a kick off of a whip, but he runs into a tilt-a-whirl slam. Sheamus recovers with Irish Hammers and a running shot to the gut. Kneelift follows, and a running flip knee that leads to the Ten of Clubs. He goes up with a Battering Ram shoulder for two. Blind charge finds elbow, but Barrett runs into the Irish Curse for two. Big E Langston watches in the back as Sheamus pulls himself up. He goes for the Celtic Cross, but Barrett fights out and sends Sheamus into the buckle. Wasteland is blocked, Brogue Kick misses, and the Winds of Change gets two. Barrett is frustrated as my HD feed freezes, so I switch to SD as Barrett loads up the Bull Hammer. It misses, but Sheamus eats boot. Barrett goes up, but Sheamus yanks him off with the Celtic Cross (White Noise, whatever) for two. Back to HD, which is working now as the two slug it out. Sheamus wins it, but ducks a clothesline and does a Cactus bodypress to send them both out. Sheamus throws Barrett in and follows as This Is Awesome. Barrett kicks Sheamus away and catches him charging with the Bull Hammer for the pin at 10:32. ***1/2 Two crusty Brits beating the tar out of one another. What's not to love? So now Barrett is in the final next week on Raw.
Last week, Evolution came back together officially. They are here tonight.
Andy's thoughts: Okay, I doubt they're doing a heel vs heel match in the final, so everyone who thought Cesaro was advancing has to be nervous. Suddenly, Jack Swagger's whereabouts become very important in the other semifinal. I'm calling it now: that's how the other match ends. Swagger costs Cesaro, RVD advances.
Do you bo-lieve? These vignettes are amazingly cheesy. Even Cole doesn't know what to make of them.
Hey, remember when Zack Ryder was big enough that Hugh Jackman could be in the same segment with him? And when he punched the lights out on Dolph Ziggler? Ziggler wants to bury the hatchet with Jackman, who will be here next week, and then Damien Sandow got involved and Twitter got silly. But most importantly, Hugh Jackman is back next week. JBL: “I hear he doesn't like you at all, Cole.”
Tonight's WWE App vote is important: Will John Cena face Luke Harper by himself, Harper and Rowan together, or the whole Family? This will be an interesting vote.
And now on the stage for commentary, Bray Wyatt. He talks about the first time he “was struck with truth”. It was a bitter truth, an intense truth, but he liked it. It was real. “Free will has become man's biggest illusion.” It's promised to you just in time to lose it, and what's left? A nation of sheep led by wolves and owned by pigs. Bray, though, had an idea: tonight's a wonderful night for change. Tonight, they have left power to the people, the fools that they are. Tonight, there IS free will, and the people make a choice. And what fate will the Knight in Shining Armor have. Will it be the path of less pain, or will he learn the truth? That truth: “We stand against you”. It doesn't matter who or what stipulation, they stand against him. And when Extreme Rules and the cage match arrives, two monsters enter. It doesn't matter what monster has the teeth or the claws, because the truth remains that the fans don't love Cena anymore. He asks the crowd to feel it, because every time they cross paths, Wyatt gains more followers. “Listen, John! Listen as it happens!” He calls the crowd to sing with him... and a decent number of them do. “Feel! Feel with me!” Wyatt drops to his knees and smiles as we go to break.
Los Matadores & El Torito v. 3MB. We look back to Main Event and MIDGET MADNESS! They give it a video package. Really. It's Drew/Jinder/Hornswoggle. JBL calls this a five-man tag. Drew and Primo start, but the little ones want each other so they tag in. Hornswoggle does a Slater impression and the two are face-to-face. They slap each other to start, and it turns into a lightning slapfest that Torito breaks up with a headscissors. Torito with a springboard headbutt and he charges, getting a Bronco Buster. Torito with a moonsault, Jinder breaks it up. Epico sends Jinder flying, and McIntyre tags in, cutting off everyone and leaving him alone with Torito. Torito ducks a big boot and gores Slater, who was on the apron. Torito kicks Drew low when he's picked up, and the Matadors come in for a triple-team senton as Torito pins Drew at 2:49. A moment of silence for the Chosen One's career. DUD
Last week, Evolution beat the everloving heck out of the Shield. This leads to a limo arriving with Evolution inside, fashionably late as they were 10 years ago. They'll be here next.
Announced for Extreme Rules on SmackDown was Shield/Evolution. And that announcement brings out Evolution. For once, JBL has a valid point: Batista and Orton weren't about to reform Evolution and aid Triple H until the Shield decided to attack them last week for seemingly no reason. HHH opens with a laugh. It's because he's thinking about the Shield being shown up. They were the baddest men on the planet – they said so every week – and then their daddy comes out and spanks them. That was humiliation for the Shield, and it's just beginning. Orton makes it clear: sometimes only a single spark sets the world on fire. That spark: the careless act by the Shield that set in motion their destruction via Evolution. And Orton shows us an Evolution highlight package, segueing into the Shield beating last week. Back live, Batista asks if it's clear. They have 31 World Titles “between” the three of them. (The word is “among”.) He says the Shield has no idea what they're in for...
...but that just brings the Shield to the ring! Evolution quietly exits as the Shield race into the ring. Rather than follow, Ambrose takes the mic. He says that last week wasn't the first time they've been down and it won't be the last. Well done, boys. But it raises the question to HHH: “Do we look humbled to you?” There's a reason they were hired to protect HHH and “that creampuff Randy Orton”. It's that the Shield is the meanest, nastiest, dirtiest animals in the industry. The dogs are angry. Rollins tries to calm Ambrose down, but says they have every right to be angry after what they did last week. “You and 12 other guys, of course.” But Rollins knows darn well what they're getting into because they started it. So here's a dose of reality: they didn't want to fight. They talk about how they were built for dominance, but they're not. In their match in two weeks, they will face the Hounds of Justice in all-out war, and when push comes to shove, they won't be looking out for Evolution. They'll all be looking out for themselves. Orton will look out for Orton, Batista will save his Hollywood self, and HHH will do what's best for the boss. But the Shield is a dominant force. They will rip Evolution to pieces, and the reunion will screech to a halt. There will be no one to blame but themselves, because when HHH made the match, he put the nail in his own coffin, and the Shield is the hammer. Reigns says that last week they were given an ultimatum. This week, they give them one. In a few seconds, they will charge the ramp to start a fight. Evolution can do one of two things: be men and fight back – or try to – or be creampuffs and run off to hide.
Reigns drops the mic and here they go. But the 11 men from last week surround Evolution on the stage. HHH says there's always an Option Three. And in life, you either adapt or perish. Ambrose yells that Evolution are cowards and the Shield isn't that stupid... as Evolution's music plays. So there. (For the record, HHH's voice was half-gone during the segment.)
We look back at what Kane did to Daniel Bryan. Update: he's at the local hospital undergoing tests.
Later tonight, John Cena has a WWE App Match. He'll face Luke Harper, maybe Erick Rowan, and possibly Bray Wyatt too. You tell us.
Meanwhile, on the Exotic Express, it's party time all the time! Don't be a lemon, be a Rose Bud. Soon.
Andy's thoughts: So, uh, why does HHH get to have backup and the Shield don't? Wait, let me rephrase: where was everyone who got sick of HHH's power plays back in the day? Barrett was out there – couldn't Sheamus attack him? Why didn't Cesaro go for Swagger? Why is HHH unopposed? It makes the Shield look impotent when they promise to attack, and then they can't. Now, yeah, I get it: the Shield will finally get them in a fair fight at Extreme Rules and run through them. But... why should that be a fair fight? Why can't HHH make that a lumberjack match? How do you ever give him his comeuppance when he keeps changing the rules? This isn't WrestleMania, and the fans aren't demanding it anymore.
Go! Sign up for the Network and get your one-week trial! Offer expires Friday! They will have the Best of Hall of Fame – a new show which shows people's great induction speeches. All week at 10PM.
Ryback and Curtis Axel are on commentary.
Non-title: The Usos v. Rhodes Brothers. Last night on Total Divas, Jey got married to Naomi. Justin Gabriel sighting! Dustin and Jey start. Dustin with a headlock, and he runs over Jey and gets an inverted atomic drop and armdrags. Jey reverses it. A shoving match breaks out as Dustin is unhappy. It leads to a slugfest, which Dustin wins. Cody in, and a springboard dropkick gets two. Cody works the arm, but Jey elbows out and brings in Jimmy. Double-team Hotshot gets two. Running diving headbutt follows, then a running chinlock. Cody fights his way out, avoiding a back suplex and getting a sliding uppercut. Dustin in, but Jimmy gets an armdrag and in comes Jey. Jey works the arm, but Dustin reverses and controls. Dustin gets a kneeling uppercut off of a mistake, and Cody's in. Cody tries a rollup, but Jimmy got a blind tag. Jimmy's caught, but Jey with a superkick to end it at 3:17. Ending got a little weird, but this match needed more time. 1/2* Post-match, Cody shoves Dustin away and walks out on his own. Dustin walks after him... but during that distraction, Rybaxel leaps into the ring and attacks the Usos. Jimmy is dumped, and Jey gets a running kick from Axel. Shell Shock follows. Ryback: “You play with fire, you get burned.”
Slam City plug. We get a look at Mark Henry's new job working at a kids' pizza place.
Later tonight, Rob Van Dam faces Antonio Cesaro!
Andy's thoughts: Well, the Rhodes Brothers... this is what happens when politics trumps fan desire. The New Age Outlaws got the tag belts and dragged the Rhodeses to their level instead of getting elevated. Cody's career got derailed. And yeah, Dustin was on borrowed time, but still.
(Update suggestion: what if Orton recruits Cody as the “Future” of Evolution to replace Batista when the latter goes on movie duty?)
Did You Know WrestleMania 30 was the most-watched WrestleMania ever? Was it?
Layla v. Emma. Out of curiosity, is this Santino/Fandango feud going anywhere? Emma shakes hands with Santino, who gets yanked off the apron by Fandango. Layla takes over with a mat slam and rubs Emma's face into the mat. She mocks Emma's dance and gets two. Layla chokes Emma on the ropes, then gets a snapmare and surfboard. Emma fights out, but misses a dropkick. Layla shows off before taunting Emma. Clothesline misses, and Emma gets one of her own. Santino gives Fandango the Cobra for no reason, allowing Emma to... pull her boot off? Oh, dear, SHE has a pink Cobra. It strikes for the pin at 2:20. This happened. 1/2* As with Santino, the Cobras have minds of their own and want to make out, but the humans attached to them break it up. This also happened.
Up next, how much trouble did the WWE Universe put John Cena in?
Andy's thoughts: see, compare the Emma/Santino comedy to the midget comedy. One of them is advancing characters and stories. The other involves Hornswoggle.
People liked Legends' House. And you can watch it any time you want in the On Demand section!
Renee Young is standing by with John Cena. She asks about the potential handicap match. Cena says he knows his fate is in the hands of the fans. Bray has said the fans have a voice, and he'll find out if they listen to Bray. Cena respects the choice of the Universe, so if they vote him to fight all three, so be it. (The arena does duelling chants, which Cena calmly waits out.) Cena knows the score: ever since WrestleMania, he hears that song getting louder and louder. Cena's starting to think Bray has the whole world in his hands. If he has to face three people tonight, his back is against the wall. But that's tonight; when he gets through tonight, he'll get Bray one-on-one in a steel cage. So tonight it's about survival. Bray may have the whole world in his hands, but he can't put Cena down and should never count him out.
Vote! Now! Time's running out! How many people does Cena face?
An air-raid siren means we have new music, and it belongs to Cesaro! Paul Heyman has a microphone and, for the first time in a long time, more heel than face heat. He introduces Cesaro before reminding us about that whole Beat the Streak thing. We go to break as Heyman riles up the crowd some more.
Actually, there's a good reason they went to commercial: he bragged about Beat the Streak throughout the break. And he's still going when we come back. This is ridiculous even by WWE standards. I mean, I've seen memes that joke about this, but it really happened. And finally, he's cut off by the opponent.
I-C Tournament Semifinals: Antonio Cesaro v. Rob Van Dam. Cole brings up the Heyman history with RVD. Cesaro opens with a headlock, shoving down RVD for one. Another headlock, but this time the leapfrog sequence eventually leads to a Cesaro suplex... that RVD flips out of. It leads to an RVD superkick, but Cesaro catches RVD in a backbreaker for two. Cesaro with an elbowdrop, but his whip to the corner leads to RVD leaping over Cesaro and into a flying kick and monkey flip. RVD taunts, but gets levelled as the camera looks at Heyman. Cesaro with a suplex for two. Stepover enzuigiri by RVD, and he gets shoulder rams into the corner. After a backflip, Cesaro sends RVD into the post and dropkicks him further as we go to break.
Cesaro/Van Dam, part two. Cesaro has the chinlock as we return. RVD fights out, getting a kick and sunset flip, but Cesaro fights out and stomps on RVD for two. Karelin Suplex gets two. The crowd wants a swing as Cesaro lands a forearm on RVD and stands on RVD's head. Cesaro with an uppercut and he rakes the face of RVD with his boot. Second-rope elbow gets two. Back to the chinlock. RVD gets to his feet, elbowing out, but Cesaro with knees to the gut. RVD blocks a buckle shot and gets a high kick. RVD punches Cesaro away and begins the comeback, landing a superkick and Rolling Thunder for two. RVD with a forearm and he blocks a charge, getting a top-rope kick. RVD wants the five-star, but Cesaro played possum and uppercuts him off the top. Headbutting follows. Cesaro with an off-the-apron superplex try, but RVD kicks Cesaro down and lands the split-legged moonsault for two. Spin kick by RVD misses, and Cesaro with a charging uppercut for two. Slugfest begins, and RVD gets the leg cradle for two. Cesaro with a double-underhook powerbomb out of nowhere for two. Swing is called for... but Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter head to ringside. A confused Cesaro looks on, and RVD escapes and kicks Cesaro in the face to send him outside. Swagger and Cesaro have a standoff, and RVD dives to take advantage, but Cesaro catches RVD with the uppercut coming in. Managers begin arguing, so Cesaro throws RVD in, but during the chaos Swagger throws Cesaro into the post. That's a countout try, and Cesaro can't get back in so RVD advances at 13:13. CALLED IT! ***1/4 Swagger attacks Cesaro after the match as Colter calls the shots. WE THE PEOPLE. But Cesaro elevates Swagger out of the ring and is suddenly alone in the ring with Colter. Colter begs off, but Cesaro grabs him by the beard. It's Swing time, but Swagger saves Colter. Big boot is caught, and the GIANT SWING OF DOOM is Swagger's to take. Twelve rotations. Cesaro stands tall to end the segment, but Heyman is unamused.
So next week, it'll be Rob Van Dam against Bad News Barrett in a #1 Contenders match.
One more look at Kane beating Daniel Bryan down. Update: Daniel Bryan only has a stinger and is being held overnight for observation.
So how many people is John Cena facing tonight? Vote.
Andy's thoughts: So we are getting a heel/heel matchup at Extreme Rules that everyone wants to see. And to make matters more intriguing, neither man can be turned in this match. If you turn Cesaro, you've forgiven the Streak being broken; but if you turn Swagger, you inherently say you are xenophobic and proud. All I ask for is a good, long match. We all know Cesaro's winning.
Renee Young is backstage with Rob Van Dam. But before anyone can say anything, Paul Heyman and Antonio Cesaro show up. Cesaro points out RVD didn't do it on his own. RVD: “Is that so?” Heyman says it is so. He's surprised at Rob Van Dam and is surprised RVD would accept a tainted win. RVD isn't worried; he has a clear conscience. He tells Cesaro to dump Heyman as soon as possible, for his wallet's sake. Heyman's unhappy with that, but RVD just points to himself and walks off.
Non-title: Aksana v. Paige. Announcers play up her defense against Tamina at Extreme Rules. Paige with a gut kick to start and a forearm. She does a hairpull slam on Aksana, then another. To a headlock, which leads to a springboard sunset flip for two. Paige with knees to the face, and she shrieks. Aksana begs off, only to attack and set Paige up top. Top-rope armdrag follows, then a snap suplex. Aksana kicks the ribs, then chokes Paige against the second rope. Slide out and slap follows by Aksana, getting one. To the double-handed chinlock. Aksana drops elbows to Paige's shoulders before continuing the hold. Paige to her feet, but she runs into a back elbow. Aksana pushes Paige's head around and gets a side suplex, Dino Bravo style. Paige with a kick out of nowhere or one. Short clotheslines by Paige, but Aksana blocks with a kneelit. Spinebuster by Aksana gets two. Elbowdrop follows. Aksana tries another spinebuster, but Paige with a guillotine and headbutts. Step-up knee to the head by Paige. She floors Aksana and goes for the Scorpion Cross Lock, connecting for the tapout at 4:42. Crowd was silent for this one, which is too bad because I kinda liked it. *1/4
Your SmackDown main event is Cesaro against Jack Swagger... wait, on SmackDown!? Wow. Heyman and Colter will be at ringside.
Andy's thoughts: Okay, so much for the Extreme Rules match. I guess they're going Cesaro/RVD instead. Fair enough. Still, that match on Friday better be good.
The SmackDown Rebound is about Alexander Rusev destroying R-Truth and Xavier Woods.
Alexander Rusev v. Sin Cara. At Extreme Rules, Rusev will face both Truth and Woods in a handicap match. Rusev shoves Cara into the corner, but Cara tries to stick and move. He lands chops and kicks, but he's caught on a springboard and Rusev delivers the knees on the ropes. Fallaway slam follows. HE calls for a knee, and delivers a series of jumping knees in the corner before adding a forearm smash. Crowd is bored and chants for JBL. Rusev smacks Cara and goes for an arm stump-puller. Rusev with a headbutt, but Cara cuts off a charge. Rana try goes nowhere as Rusev tries a powerbomb, but it's a sunset flip for one. Cara with the Tajiri elbow, but a charge is reversed. Cara catches Rusev with the big lift-up kick and missile dropkick. Cara charges right into a shoulder tackle, though, and Rusev with a gutwrench suplex. Lana gives the order, and it's Crush Time. Sambo Slam and Camel Clutch get the win at 3:00. Not a good sign that the crowd got bored this fast. 3/4*
Never mind that, though! You have a vote to make! How many people is John Cena facing in tonight's main event?
If you want to win, you need to prepare. Prepare, so that you can be ready... to bo-lieve.
And from Bo Dallas to John Cena. The joke writes itself. Crowd is divided on Cena, as per usual.
Main Event, WWE App Match: John Cena v. The Entire Wyatt Family (53%). Unsurprisingly, Harper/Rowan was third with 9%. Cena is visibly nervous, and he looks into the crowd, trying to show that he's wondering if he's alone. Wyatt, despite being a heel, calls out the city he's in to get a face pop. Wyatt tries to hide a smile on his way to the ring. Bray: “Can you feel it, John?” Crowd is loud and incoherent. It's a triple-team mugging to start before the bell rings. The referee forces the Family back, since only one is legal at once, before checking on Cena. Cena's ready, so Harper races in and keeps up the attack. He picks Cean up and drops an elbow before choking him in the Wyatt corner. He tags Rowan in, and Harper throws Cena into a Rowan slam as the crowd is duelling for Cena. Rowan with a battering ram shot into the turnbuckle, but Cena fights back before leaping into a fallaway slam. Bray tags in (“THIS is the hero you fight for!?”), pretending to slow-dance with Cena's body before knocking him down. Harper back in, and he gets a shot to the chest, but Cena reverses and gets a Stinger Splash. Harper cuts him off with a running elbow. Harper steps on Cena's head and picks him up by the nose. A face claw follows, then a European uppercut. And another. A third misses, though, and Cena gets a German suplex. Rowan in now, and he stomps away on Cena. Pumphandle backbreaker follows as Bray converses with Harper. Rowan gets two. Bray back in, and he fakes a running kick before just staring and smiling at Cena. Harper back in, but Cena leaps up with elbows and tries the STF. Rowan breaks it up, and Harper floors Cena again. Another elbow to the back of the head and Harper dumps Cena. Rowan tries to follow on, but Cena slams him into the barricade, only for Harper to toss Cena into the steps. They surround Cena as we go to break focusing on Bray's sadistic smile.
Main event, part two. Cena is trying to rally, but Harper ducks the shoulder tackle and Cena flies out of the ring. Cena pulls himself back up without any resistance, but Harper catches him in the corner to try a superplex. Cena fights away, knocking Harper off the turnbuckle, and he gets a Tornado DDT. Bray in with a uranage, though, to cut it off. He gets two. Bray goes ground and pound on Cena, grinding a forearm into the throat. Bray goes outside after hanging Cena on the middle rope, and he punches Cena's head into the post, followed by a running headbutt. Bray begins singing before returning to the ring and tagging Rowan. Rowan with a straight right and the NOOGIE OF DOOM. Bray taunts Cena as Cena tries to fight out. He pulls the fists off his temples and fires away on Rowan. Rowan reverses a whip but misses a blind charge and nails the post. Bray in, and he gets an avalanche on Cena and the INVERTED LOOK OF DOOM. He even goes to the John Carpenter spider-walk. But when he stands up, Cena bowls him over with a lariat – he was biding his time. Cena cuts off Rowan and Harper to begin the comeback on Wyatt. Harper is low-bridged out, so the Five Knuckle Shuffle connects on Bray. AA connects, Harper saves. And it's a three -on-one as they throw the match out at 14:01. Really? **3/4 Bray directs traffic from the bottom rope as Harper and Rowan do an avalanche-big boot double-team. They pull Bray up to one knee. They then pull Cena up so Bray – in his good time – can land Sister Abigail's Kiss. Crowd seems to chant for Harper. Bray cradles Cena's head and takes the mic to sing. Baltimore doesn't seem as interested in singing as they were earlier, so Bray goes to a second verse. And another refrain as he begins laughing. Bray laughs and keeps singing as the show slowly comes to an end.
Bray should've won clean. Seriously. He had a 3-on-1. Bad ending to a good match.
(Of note: during the Backstage Pass, Bray taunts the entire locker room to ask for a challenge. No one replies, so the Family picks Cena up... and here comes the Shield for the save.)
After the post-Mania Raw was a home run, we've had two straight singles. We're moving to the next show, which is what they need to do. Next week is the go-home show, and that's where the hard sell will happen. As it is, this is business as usual. I wasn't bored, I'll put it that way.
Tonight, though, they had a chance to make the Wyatt Family make a statement and it missed. Cesaro/Swagger being on SmackDown disappoints me, but the fact that Barrett is the next I-C champion is great. Extreme Rules is coming, and it's moving along nicely to get there.
MATCH TIME: 53:54 over eight matches
BEST MATCH: Sheamus/Barrett
WORST MATCH: The midget-induced tag match
FINAL RATING: 5. It did the business, and there may not have been many big stories coming out of it, but Extreme Rules has a look to it that I'm ready for.
Okay, I'll be back next week. Boys, take it away.