


The entries are in and it's time for you to vote for your favourite of the following fictitious roleplays! We've got some excellent ideas here and I'm sure I'm not the only one that wishes some of them were real, so choose your vote wisely.

Good luck, everybody!

Entry #1

Site Name: The Emerald Inn

Directory Category: Original Fantasy > Medievalesque/Historical Fantasy

Activity: Fairly active with several new posts a day.
Rating: 2-1-1  / PG-13
Types of Characters/Creatures Allowed: humans, elves, dragons/draconians... any fantasy creature, really! (If unsure, check with the staff first!).
Time where the RP is set: Equivalent to 1300-1400/medieval era.


A few years ago, mysterious circumstances had dropped a red-headed woman in a strange land, a land completely new and unknown to her. The flora and fauna, the inhabitants, the landscape, everything, was different.  And she was completely alone and on her own.

But she was resourceful, a survivor. Taking on the simple appellation of "Jade," she lived off the land, hiding in the forest among the trees and trying to stay alive while she figured everything out for herself. And avoiding the natives.

However, that all changed one early morning when she came across a small building. An inn. The prospect of real food, hot water, a comfortable place to lay her head at night, overturned her previous need of solitude. She pushed open the door... and it was deserted. Cobwebs and dust everywhere.

Dejected, Jade left the small tavern and inn behind her. Until she stopped. She could not continue running when she hadn't a destination. Perhaps setting down roots was the best way for her to gain information on this strange land.

So that's what she did. It was hard work, but she eventually got the the place up and running again. Named it the "Emerald Inn" after the name she had claimed for herself.  Soon she had travelers passing through, staying the night or coming in for a bite to eat before moving on. Gradually she gained tidbits about her new homeland. And slowly any thought she had had about wanting to leave disappeared. She was happy... for the first time in a long time, she was happy.

Until it all changed, once more...

* * *

The Emerald Inn is set on the border of a kingdom; its far distant castle can be seen, barely, from the inn. An old dirt road runs past the front of it before joining up with one of the main thoroughfares of the land on its way to the town center and its castle.  Because of this, most of the inn's patrons are travelers, using the tavern and inn as a way station.

However, there are a few whose stay is longer than intended. Something has kept them there long past overdue. Something... enchanting, perhaps. Or perhaps it is just the good food, the delicious berry wine, the friendly and beautiful host.

It is surrounded on three sides by a dense forest, a forest that is quiet but from time to time, strange things are said to emanate from it.

Will you choose to stay... or go?  Have an adventure... or run from it?

Other Notes:  N/A

Entry #2

Site Name: More Than a Story

Directory Category: Crossover/Multi-genre

Activity: While we are a new RPG, there are already 40 active members who post every 1-2 days, resulting in at least 10-15 posts a day (often times more).
Rating: 3-3-3
Types of Characters/Creatures Allowed: We're open to all types of characters including (but not limited to): canon characters, witches/sorceresses, warlocks/wizards/warlocks, pirates, mermaids, fairies, dwarves, humans, werewolves (and other were folk), pans hobbits, trolls, psychics, nymphs, dragons, knights, royalty, peasants, and elves.
Time where the RP is set: This is AU.

Plot/Story/Ad: Once upon a time, in a land of myth and magic there existed a magical kingdom where your favorite series join in unity to craft an epic tale. Heroes and villains fight for what they want. Some long for love and a happy ending. Others want justice or vengeance - depending on how the side). Acceptance and friendship are other goals. There are even some who long for adventure. What is your story? Join us will you and help craft a marvelous tale!

Other Notes: There are monthly contests for fanart, fanvideos, and fanfiction where winners can help create major plotlines, choose a new fandom to include, sub-forums, the next contest, or get special avatars or signatures as well as notable polls for best thread, player, character, etc. This is an AU role-play in which you can choose a character from such fandoms as Merlin, OUaT, Galavant, GoT, Robin Hood, Frozen, LotR, and the Chronicles of Narnia.

Entry #3

Site Name: Take My Hand
Directory Category: Other Forums > Sci Fi

Activity: Typically 15 - 30 posts a day.
Rating: 3-3-3
Types of Characters/Creatures Allowed: Asari, Turians, krogan, salarians, volus- other aliens from the Mass Effect universe, and humans.
Time where the RP is set: 2184 CE (the future, obviously)


The galaxy's hero dies, and a new terror reaches out from the heart of the Milky Way to abduct entire human colonies- leaving not a trace, no signs of a struggle.

The Alliance is too slow to react, its investigations fruitless. The Council refuses to intervene.

The people of Elysium watch as their neighbors vanish one by one, knowing they could be next. . . and that they have no one to turn to. With no one to rely on but each other, the inhabitants of Elysium are forced to band together. Ancient krogan whip farmhands into shape, disabled turian veterans teach the importance of teamwork and obedience, and retired asari teach their human comrades what it is to face a commando unit.

The planet's denizens vow that if they are to go, then it shall not be quietly. When the threat arrives at their doorstep, they will meet it head-on with all they've got- but will it be enough?

Other Notes: Mass Effect AU set between ME1 & 2, going through the events of 2, 3, and beyond.

Entry #4

Site Name: Soot

Directory Category: Medi/Historical Fantasy RPGs

Activity: There's an average of around 15 players with 50 posts daily overall.
Rating: 3/3/3
Types of Characters/Creatures Allowed: Humans and humans with magical abilities.
Time where the RP is set: Victorian era


It has been centuries since the forces of light magic and those of dark populated the earth. In a battle many humans at the time swore would welcome the apocalypse, the forces of light magic sealed themselves away with the dark to protect humanity from extermination.

Now, it's the 1860s and a new queen has taken the British throne. Along with this new development comes a far more shocking occurrence: for the first time in centuries, people have shown the ability to use light or dark magic.

As panic sweeps the land and the new queen struggles with the public's perceptions, those who show power over magic are being hunted down...and the threat of a deadly plague looms on the horizon, seemingly brought spread by dark magic.

The forces of light and dark are at war again, yet man proves to be the greater threat. How will you survive?

Other Notes: Self-hosted, yo

Entry #5

Site Name: Sky University
Directory Category: Other Fandom -> SciFi

Activity: Daily posts!  Look at all this activity!
Rating: 2-2-2
Types of Characters/Creatures Allowed: Children of superheroes.  Mostly humans, but mutants and nonhumans accepted
Time where the RP is set: Modern

Plot/Story/Ad: Sky High!  The greatest school for the world's greatest soon-to-be superheroes!  The Heroes of Tomorrow!

But what happens when our heroes (and the occasional villain) graduate?  What do they do with their life?  While many go on to save the world or take it over, many more decide to perfect their skills and focus their studies at Sky University.

Here, students can attend classes like:

-Secret Identities and Not You

-Costume Design 211: To Cape or Not to Cape?

-Villain Psychology

-Future Tech: The Heroes of Tomorrow

While earning their Bachelor's or Master's in Heroic Studies or Villainous Theory.

A four-year program not for you?  Sky University also offers a 2-year certificate program in Sidekicking!
Other Notes: This is an AU univeristy world to the awesome movie Sky High

Entry #6

Site Name: A Time To Kill
Directory Category: Original - Real Life

Activity: Several active members, 5 posts daily.
Rating: 3-3-3

Types of Characters/Creatures Allowed: Humans only
Time where the RP is set: Present
Plot/Story/Ad: A Time To Kill is an original story based on two men who raped a young girl and our story follows the townsfolks reaction to this rape, as well as their trial and possible conviction. Nothing is set in stone, so if these two men get off, how will the people react? This story is up to you.

Entry #7

Site Name: The Muggle King
Directory Category: Crossover

Activity: Moderate activity- posts daily. Medium-sized member base.
Rating: 1:1:1. PG-13
Types of Characters/Creatures Allowed: Muggles, Witches/Wizards, Spirits, Fae, creatures typically found in the HP Universe.
Time where the RP is set: Medieval England

Plot/Story/Ad: With an influx of Christianity taking over Albion, magic is slowly drifting into it's own world and is hidden from plain sight but some remember the old days, where magic was freely used and muggles sought out witches and wizards for the cures for their ills and troubles. Those wizards seek to bring back the balance between the worlds and some only wish to rule it.

When Salazar Slytherin asked his star pupil to return to Hogwarts to teach, Merlin wasn't expecting to meet Morgan, the girl he had once delivered to the sacred island of Avalon, the girl whom the muggle community referred to as 'le fae'. Nor was he expecting to hear that she had no idea she had a brother, a brother he had predicted would lead Albion back into a world of peace and prosperity. Things become a whole lot worse when news that the muggle King, Uther Pendragon is dying and left no heir to take over the Kingdom, Merlin realises he has many mistakes to right and if he is truly to bring the wizarding world back into Albion, he has to first bring back the Once and Future King.
Other Notes: We are a Harry Potter/Arthurian Legend Crossover.

Entry #8

Site Name: Enigma IV
Directory Category: Sci-Fi

Activity: 25+ posts a day, active & fast-paced
Rating: 3-3-3
Types of Characters/Creatures Allowed: Humans only.
Time where the RP is set: Present, AU.


Welcome, please turn your eyes towards the light, look into the center dot.


Tell me, do you remember your name?

Where you come from?

Who you are?



Welcome to Enigma IV. What is Enigma IV? Well, no one knows. Just like no one knows your name. Or theirs, for that matter. In fact, no one here seems to know how they got here, or why they are. All you need to know is the Wardens are your friends, we're here to help you. We'll help you remember, and then we'll help you rebuild.

Rebuild from what?

Well, it's best if we don't get into that.


Project Enigma IV. Welcome to a Sci-Fi mystery. Start as an Enigma, one of the experiments woken in the lab. You don't know who you are, or where you've come from, but you have vague remembrances. Your hands itch with the memory of skills forgotten, skills the Wardens say will be useful in the rebuilding of Arcom. It would help if you knew what that meant, but you have to trust the Wardens. They bring food, education, and safety at no cost. The secrecy of Project Enigma IV is said to be for the sake of safety, but that can only be trusted so far.

One of the Wardens has given you the means to find the truth. Do you want to?

That's up to you.

Other Notes: --

Entry #9

Site Name: Peacemaker
Directory Category: Medievalesque/Historical Fantasy RPG's

Activity: We've got about 100 members and wow they sure are active. They're, like, posting everywhere and make so many cool interesting characters. Probably 100 posts a day. Activity is great.
Rating: 2-2-2
Types of Characters/Creatures Allowed: Humans, mostly. Somebody could play a horse though.
Time where the RP is set: Past, old west times circa 1876. Alternate Universe.


Set in an alternate version of the western United States during the time of cowboys and indians and banditos and gold miners, Peacemaker is a roleplay set around the boom town of Las Madres. Being an alternate universe setting, Peacemaker is a spaghetti western roleplay. Every pesky thing from reality that might get in the way of shootouts, duels at high noon, and nearly supernatural gunslingers is done away with in favor of more action. What's left is the raw distillation of the wild west at it's wildest, and the poor little town of Las Madres and it's inhabitants are knee deep in it.

You'll meet many different sorts making their way in the brave frontier: Grizzled gunslingers that've killed more men than most will ever call 'friend', fast-talking snake salesman trying to sell the next miracle cure, indian braves protecting their homeland, filthy outlaws making their living in all the wrong ways, desperate gold miners looking to strike rich, gamblers lying through their teeth, and many more... when you pass through Las Madres and pull up a chair at the Wild Colt Saloon, you never know who you might be sitting across from.
Other Notes: Cowboys are cool.

Entry #10

Site Name: Breakfast of Gods
Directory Category: Fandom

Activity: Across the board, 300 new posts every day, from 60 active members, spread out across 12 different squads in 3 branches.

At least 18 moderators as well, separate from the members, and 5 admins, all active.

Rating: 2-1-3
Types of Characters/Creatures Allowed: Humanoid, max size 6'5", min size 4'7", no magical/scientific powers whatsoever (because you'll be given some as you progress here), canons from other series allowed if reverted to pre-hero state, canons from this series allowed
Time where the RP is set: Future (2064), AU


Ever wanted to eat gods for breakfast?

Oracle Cells have fed, grown and evolved into massive creatures called the Aragami, and have reduced the human population to a mere third of its former size.

Nature has overtaken the once modernized world, and where skyscrapers stood now lay piles of rubble where the nigh-invulnerable Aragami attacked.

But humans have evolved too, past the four-person defense squads and their battle capabilities alone.

- Player Custom Weapon Shops

- Bullet Crafting

- Auto-updating Battle Data

- Branch-specific Blood Art types

Now every God Eater can create their own God Arcs, weapons fashioned from the very cells that decimated the humans in the first place, using a portable Oracle Evolution System. The OES reforms the Oracle Cells in the God Eater's possession to build upon established God Arc forms.

Coordinate with your squad, socialize with members of your branch, and visit other branches to increase survivability and learn new Blood Arts.

What will you be having for breakfast today?

Other Notes: This is that God Eater thing I wanted to do, but the original monster graphics would be so hard to make... And I have no idea how to make the OES without some serious game dev experience.

- The OES will be similar to a game's interface, think Spore if you've played it. Otherwise, it's a place where you can visually pick God Arc parts, adjust their sizes and colors at various points and put them together, provided you have the cells required.

- Additionally, requests can be made to update the system with new markings or logos that would be associated with each squad/individual. Weapon parts too, if they're viable.

- The God Arcs will be the auto-updating bit, but of course, the players' RP ability and coordination will be key to finishing the missions.

- Blood Arts are special moves, essentially, that can't be used more than a certain number of times in a row or require cooldown posts depending on the move.

- "What're all those moderators for?" 1 moderator for each squad controlling their Aragami, 2 moderators for each branch to encourage activity between squads and keep things nice and clean.

- "Well then, what are the admins doing?" Coming up with new event ideas and approving/improving weapon parts and Blood Art applications.

- In the original God Eater, a good number of people were Old-Types and couldn't switch between gun and blade modes, but for this RP there is no such thing as an Old-Type. All canons will get their own blades/guns plus the missing counterpart, as well as a shield for gunners.

-Naturally, events of the GE series never occurred so the canon characters will be playing as their non-traumatized selves, just starting out in the branches of their choosing.

Entry #11

Site Name: And Business is Good

Directory Category: Other Fandom/Crossover RPG

Activity: Posts daily, five minimum, as many as we can max. Someone usually around, ready to answer questions or welcome anyone in.
Rating: PG-13
Types of Characters/Creatures Allowed: Mainly humans, with allowances for poor mutated beings.
Time where the RP is set: Near present with some modern history divergance

Plot/Story/Ad: There’s a small town in the way-outs, with an old institute of science nearby. it’s your casual town, nothing to sneeze at. Sure, maybe the water tastes a little funny, and there’s occasionally a green haze in the air. Alright, yes, maybe there’s a baby or five born with an extra two, or an extra ear, but they’re just as beautiful as any other child! Those eggheads at the institute know what they’re doing, promise they do! All you gotta do is ask! Ya ever see one of them walking around town in their fancy lab coats, just go ahead and ask what sort of business they do at that decrepit old place. They’ll all yell ya the same thing…Business is Good!

And Business is Good is a small town rp with a mix of supernatural and sci-fi mixes, where your character’s an experiment in larger scale plan for scientific discovery and conquest. Will you be part of the experiment, or the one conducting?

Other Notes: (Optional) Do you have any other notes about your site you feel people should know?

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