
Okay so, I'm sure there have GOT to be some fans of this show out there. Back on the old 'D (xenforo) I had a club for CW lovers where some discussion took place (only between @Aki and I to be honest but I think that’s because people generally forgot that “clubs” existed and might not have known that there was a discussion started). It all started by the two of us convening on my profile to talk about the newest episode every week, then we moved it to the CW club, now I'm going to move the discussion here (I kept an archive of the conversation so I thought I would include it in this topic in case anyone wanted to contribute to the season 1 discussions).

But aside from all the below conversations, and to get us all warmed up for the season 2 premier that is starting soon, does anyone else watch this show? Are you excited to see what the "Mountain Men" have in store for the 100? Any predictions for the new season? Let's get to discussing!!!!

If you don't know what this show is about, here is a series preview:

Below is a copy of the aforementioned weekly discussion of season 1. I’m putting it here because you just never know when someone feels the same way you do about an episode or has the same questions or predictions. It’s a long read and I don’t expect anyone to read it obvs but the option is there if you want to jump in to talk about Season 1. So please chime in with your thoughts!


EPISODE 1 - "Pilot"

Domina: Am REALLY impressed with the CW's new show "The 100" thus far. What a great pilot!

Desertpuma: It looked like it could be pretty good .. certainly a relatively new concept too

Domina: Right?! I am especially feeling the plot foreshadowing of a 'Lord of the Flies' type of world Octavia's brother is creating. Not to mention one of my fav chars from Continuum has migrated to the show. Really stoked for it!

Aki: Jasper was all adorable but than bam D:

Domina: Oh man, I know what you mean. Someone else here on the 'D was saying how they were really excited to see Jasper's actor on the show... I didn't have the heart to spoil anything for them.

Aki: Please show us scifi voodoo old earth medicine or something and save Jasper D:

EPISODE 2 - "Earth Skills"

Domina: Did you watch it yet Aki? If not, don't read the next comment....

Domina: Success!!! Not exactly sure how, but very thankful to know you-know-what didn't happen. I will say this though, they wanted it to be a major cliffhanger because last week I checked Jasper's actor's IMDB and they only had the one episode listed (whereas the main charries had way more). I just checked it again, he is good to go for at least 10 more eps!

Aki: Yes! Alive! and omg... THE HOCKEY MASK KILLER! RUN!

Aki: Also what beats me is why do they need to cull 200 people and keep it a secret? Why not come out about the problem and ask for volunteers to send down to Earth? If they don't have that capability then why did they send the first hundred all the way down?

Domina: Right?!! Or at the very least instead of killing the 200 due to lack of oxygen, force or trick them to go down to earth? At least that way they will have a fighting chance... even if the satellite people are unsure of the radiation. Better to be dumped onto a planet where they can breath than floated into the atmosphere where they can't.

Domina: What are your thoughts on the new girl? The super hot young mechanic who just might be the third member of a budding love triangle?

Aki: Is she gonna be a miracle braniac that can magically fix a problem an entire team of engineers cannot? :| That's my concern mainly right now. BUT! I'm more interested in Hockey Masked Man! Also why the hell didnt they have a backup communication system or send ADULTS down with the children just incase? Sending children to start a civilization... There's obviously something else going on...

Domina: I think they hinted that she was an engineering prodigy, but yeah... I feel you on that note. The hockey masked dude is very mysterious, I'm also pretty interested in him or any other "grounders" out there. The communications thing, it's obvious that Jasper's friend is going to figure out how to reverse communicate with the wrist bands, so again... that makes teenagers the genius' and the adults the idiots.

Domina: Which maybe is why they sent children to start a civilization, cause they were clearly a lost cause. That, or the adults are all extremely selfish and value their lives more than their children's. But in reality... the teenagers are the stars of the show because that's what the demographic audience wants to see.

Aki: It amazes me how the group hasn't divided into more than two factions yet, honestly. Or that the fact the children aren't freaked out. But, I did like the hinting at sexual relationships... Seems like something teens would do xD. Yeah. Jasper's friend is gonna be kickass.

Aki: I'm also astonished that they dropped many kids of talented fields and many were arrested for no good reason... Makes me wonder... To start a civilization, did they purposely arrest a farmer's kid, engineer's kids, etc? Is it just me or does the future seem like "guilds" again. You're born into the profession of your parent?

EPISODE 3 - "Earth Kills"

Domina: Ummmm after this week's episode, I have NO TRUST for the young children. I am seriously disturbed by what went down the last 5 minutes!! ...also sad because I don't think this one will be like a Jasper situation. I think that was it for you know who... and right after the hatchet was buried too *weeps*

Domina: As for the talented delinquents, I'm going to guess someone smart planned that. Like Dr. Mom. I mean, if you knew that there was only a certain amount of oxygen left and that you would FOR SURE die, wouldn't you want to send the /right/ kids to have a chance at starting a new civilization? I'm thinking that those kids don't have the freedom to pick their profession, its pretty much survival of the fittest on the Ark.

Aki: haven't seen it yet! Will read your comments after I see it


Aki: Future serial killer and it's the kid?

Domina: RIGHT?!?!!! Sad and disturbing all rolled into one dough-eyed little psychopath. Did you happen to see the preview of next week? Shit is about to go DOWN. This show is /far/ too entertaining.

Aki: I haven't seen the preview... Nicely played CW. Star Crossed is boring. But, this teen drama has a chance and is gonna be the canceled one right?

EPISODE 4 - "Murphy's Law"


Aki: Surprised the little one mentioned it?

Domina: WOW, this episode was intense. This is where the Lord of the Flies aspect really took hold. I gotta say, I really like John and it is wholly biased and based on the fact that I love his character on Continuum and thus, love the actor. For some reason when he does evil jerk asshole, he does it in a way that lets you know that somewhere, deep down inside, there is some good just fighting to get out.

Domina: The pissing thing, that was just straight up hilarious. To be honest I am really surprised that the little girl spoke up and even more surprised that she straight up sacrificed herself the way she did. I still think she had a touch of psycho in her though... or rather - did. Man, I can't wait for next episode. I am READY for this love triangle to get heated. I bet Raven could totally kick Clark's ass in a fist fight.

Aki: OMG! I know right? I also freaken love Jasper! He's adorable! The casting is great. So is STar-Crossed, but the writing is so much better and it's intense. Good job writers... Good job. But, can they keep it up without getting stale? Also Jasper was supposed to die! :o But they decided to keep him! http://www.zap2it.com/blogs/the_100_devo...ot-2014-04

EPISODE 5 - "Twilight's Last Gleaming"

Aki: Oh my god. The 100. Wow. I kind of expected they'd save. But. Wow.

Domina: I'm still kind of taking it all in and shocked that it happened, especially with the timing of the rocket flares. I...I... I don't even know what to say. I think I need to re-watch that episode just to re-take it all in. Just... WOW. best. show. ever.

Aki: Totally.

Domina: I haven't watched this weeks ep yet, but I did rewatch last week's last night and omg THE FEELS. The story with the dirty faced ginger was heartbreaking. When he fell into his death sleep and dropped his daughter's clip I just couldn't stop bawling. What a devastating episode!!!

Domina: I also felt like I was punched in the gut when I saw Clarke's face drop when Finn and Raven embraced and kissed RIGHT in front of her. Like, way to catch a girl off guard!!! And how excited are you that we actually got to see a grounders face? and it wasn't even mutilated like the scary two-headed deer either! I'll be watching this week's ep in a few hours. I am sure I will have lots to say.

EPISODE 6 - "His Sister's Keeper"

Aki: It's super flashback heavy of Octavia growing up <3

Aki: YESS OMG the grounders have politics!

Domina: Oh WOW. Okay, I liked this episode. It wasn't fast paced or anything but it did answer a lot of questions I had. #1) I wanted to know about Octavia's upbring beneath the floorboards so I'm happy we got to see that. and #2) I REALLY wanted to know if the grounders were divided or all on team 'grounders' ...my guess is the dude who chained up Octavia was some sort of grounders rebel.

Domina: I feel sorry for the rebel dude though because he CAN'T communicate with the 100 cause obvs he doesn't speak English. But Octavia seemed to know that he was a good guy-ish. Also! Good to know who put Bellamy up to shooting Jaha. I figured it was probably the shady guard dude from Continuum. But I wonder if he was just the messenger, cause that councilman guy who is next in line for Chancellor seems equally shady.

Domina: ...aaand last but not least... the tension between Raven and Clarke was amazing this episode. I love how Raven sort of suspected it as soon as the day began and started conversing with Clarke. Also, way to avoid an angry girlfriend blowout Finn LOL, Raven can't even think about being mad when his life hangs in the balance. I can't wait for next week!!!!

Aki: What if he does know English but is mute? O___O Just throwing that out there... xD I thought Raven was gonna be all like screeeewww this. And stop fixing the radio. IT's kind of sad all those people died though was hoping to see the space station reactions. But perhaps the next episode would be more space station? We did get to learn only 10 days passed from the first drop!

EPISODE 7 - "Contents Under Pressure"

Domina: Well, he is officially not a mute! But what is UP with his infatuation of Octavia? is it as simple as love? Or do you think she might remind him of someone else he knows? I'm pretty sure he is not with the other grounders. Probably a lone wolf type. I hate that they were torturing him like that, I really feel sorry for this dude!

Domina: So I guess we got to see the reactions up on the ark. I gotta say, that shady councilman made me really feel bad for him this ep. He was truly upset about the fact that he rushed the death of 300+ peeps. What is up with Diana though? She seems SHAAAADY as hell. I see a new adult villain arising! Next week should be interesting. I can't wait!!!

Aki: I won't be able t osee it for a week No more Hulu +

Domina: Oh no! Too bad you don't have Netflix, they add the new episodes right after they air. stream-tv.me is a favourite streaming site of mine as well, and it's free. You should check it out!

Aki: I'm American I don't get it same day... though I should tell them I'm Canadian and switch myself with HOla huh?

Aki: -facepalm- I pay for cable. I could turn my tv on and use on demand......

Aki: I only pay for cable for hbogo anyway >_> <_<

Domina: haha, the difference between Canadian and American Netflix will always boggle my mind. Like how you guys have Continuum and Lost Girl on your Netflix but we don't... and they are Canadian shows *shakes head*

Aki: You guys have Stargate. -sad-

Aki: Oooh. That guy totally understands English. I thought he was being mute on purpose or he is actually mute. I feel bad that jaha lost his son. But, I swear Diana is up to something and is in league with that parent.


Aki: This episode also really shows there are really two leaders of the 100: Bellamy and Clarke. Octavia is clearly a power player!

Aki: If they were able to get the knife perfectly imaged up ont he station, then how come they cannot detect ground radiation easily? Does a "radio" really do all that?

EPISODE 8 - "Day Trip"

Domina: LOL @ their "radio" which has somehow now become a live video feed. You are so right about Bellamy and Clarke both being the leaders, that was especially clear in this episode. And... correct me if I am wrong but do I see a romantic spark between them forming? We will have to see how that plays out.

Domina: Speaking of romances, THE GROUNDER (whose name we now know is Lincoln) AND OCTAVIA ♥♥♥ I am not sure if I am a little creeped out by that Romeo and Juliet 'ship' or not. I mean, I sort of was under the impression that he was much MUCH older than her. Their age gap seems a little far apart but maybe he is actually younger than he looks? Either way, I like it. And I like how Finn gave him the pass to escape as well.

Domina: I think bringing the guns to camp will backfire on the 100 (total unintended pun there LOL). But we will have to see, Finn was foreshadowing that shit could go down though. AND last but not least, the shady guard dude from Continuum was TOTALLY working for that shady lady the whole time! What is her endgame? Major villain alert though. Can't wait for the next episode!!!!

EPISODE 9 - "Unity Day"

Domina: SHIT WENT DOWN THIS WEEK'S EPISODE!!!! Let me know when you are all caught up I have so much to say lol

Aki: I just watched the one where they hallucinated.

Domina: That was the one that my above comments were about. Last night's episode though.... just you wait LOL

Aki: Okay! Watched it! WHO WERE THE OTHERS THAT TRIED FIRST?! Could there be a second station that landed, but, were killed off by the grounders?

Domina: So much to say about the grounders and this episode, but I want to watch it again first so I can take it all in while I am not multi-tasking. I have copied over our discussion so I will post in the club thread after I finish my re-watch

Aki:I was surprised Jasper shot first honestly. Clarke brought backup. Why wouldn't they? Also damn! The grounders! Such... I was like I recognize their princess. I also love how the Grounders see Clarke as a leader. I so agree. It's her and Bellamy that leads the Youth. Also was that crash the exodus ship? Or was it a part of the station?

Domina:I'm not surprised Jasper shot first, we saw through the gun scope that one of the grounders in a tree gave a signal to another grounder in another tree who then pulled back the string of their bow. It looked like the tree grounder was about to shoot an arrow at Clarke. I also think Jasper was a little spooked. One of the grounders in a tree had a big spear and it looked like it was pointed at them. After what happened to him the last time a hidden grounder had a spear aimed at them... I don't blame him.

The grounders are COLD! That princess was going on about shit the 100 have done to them when Clarke never even bothered to mention that they were greeted to earth with a spear in Jasper's chest followed by grounders stringing him up to bleed out and act as a trap for anyone rescuing him. The flares were an accident and didn't it seem like they went REALLY high into the atmosphere so that the Ark could see them? I mean, was it the debris of the rocket flares that fell back to earth and accidentally wiped that village she spoke of? How did it manage to fall so close to where they all are? And when she spoke of these "others" who have "come and tried" to go to war with the grounders, were they just other grounders from other parts of the world? Or have more space peeps tried to come down to earth in the past? I am a little disappointed that the conversation was cut short. I want to know more about these grounders!!! Specifically how they (and their horses) have managed to live through the radiation period.

I think the grounders see Clarke as the real leader because their leader is female. It will be interesting to see what happens when Diana gets down to earth and goes up against the grounders princess. I see a sort of foreshadowing pattern in regards to the women being in charge in this show, which is actually really cool. There is no doubt the majority of the 100 see Bellamy as their leader, but they also know that Clarke is in charge too and since Bellamy lets her take the reins a lot of the time, they listen to her. This unspoken government they seem to be building though won't mean anything when the parents come down to earth. Especially not with that bitch Diana leading the guard.

Can we talk about how evil and self-serving she is for a moment? I mean, how dare she make that decision to essentially kill everyone on the ark just so that her and her minions could secure a ride down to earth! Did you see all the lights in the ark go out after they launched too? WTF! Is that like... the end of the ark now? I need answers!!!

As for the crash... I don't think it was the exodus ship. I really don't think they would kill off Clarke's mom like that. Not in such an obvious way that the cliffhanger wanted you to believe. I think it was just fallen debris of the space station. I mean, did you see how shit broke off when they launched?

Side note... I really wish we knew WHERE in the world they are.

EPISODE 10 - "I Am Become Death"

Domina: Sooooo this episode was good! Not as OMG-worthy as other episodes in the series thus far but nonetheless, good. The thing I like about this show is that even the "slow" episodes have some sort of crazy threat the grounders need to overcome. This week was no different, that was apparent when people started bleeding tears and coughing up blood. There were some character developments that I am pretty happy about it. First, I am glad that Jasper was only a "I'm hot shit" douchebag for this episode. If that had dragged on for any more than one I would have been kind of pissed. As soon as he started sassing his bff about how cool he was now and how he had a big tent (lol) I was all NOOOOOOO! I love Jasper, I want him to stay his sweet self, just the way he is, just the way he has always been... except maybe with Octavia on his arm. Moving on to Raven. I am glad she finally stopped being so stubborn and let Finn go. I mean pretty much everyone, even her, knew that he was just staying with her out of obligation and because he is a good guy. But it was clear, to EVERYONE, that he likes Clarke more. So it was nice to see Raven finally accept that, no matter how much her heart was breaking. Bellamy and Octavia... I am very happy they are back on team siblings above all else. Don't get me wrong, I love Lincoln, he is an awesome dude and all and I was really sad to see their Romeo and Juliet love story die, but what did he expect? She can't just run away and leave everyone to fend for themselves and probably die? FAMILY COMES FIRST. It may have taken Bellamy being sick for Octavia to see that but at least she finally saw it. Now maybe she will stop acting like a typical whiny brat teenager when it comes to him and Bellamy will stop acting like an overbearing controlling jerk when it comes to her.

I am a little pissed that they didn't resolve anything to do with the Ark that happened last week. Something about them finding the bodies amongst the ruins of the drop ship just didn't seem FINAL, you know? Like the fact that they were so vague about it and killed off two of the main adult characters (Clarke's mom and Diana) without much of an explanation just seemed like a set up for that crash not actually being the exodus ship. I dunno... something just seems really off about it all. I want answers! I want closure! I want something, anything. Next week, they have some splainin' to do.

You know what I am happy about? Murphy coming back! I know, I know, at the end they made him look pretty darn evil. But I just have so much love for this actor and the way he plays evil. Like his character on Continuum is so damn layered and conflicted and interesting and honestly, that is how I see him on this show too. So he snuffed out a dude at the end, buddy did try to hang him to death in the first place. I don't care what anyone says, I still have hope for him. I probably will defend that actor to my grave in any villain role he is cast in cause he does it so well!

Anyways, that's what I got for this week. Next week though... well, it's shaping up to be quite the interesting episode!

Aki: Alright. I think this was the weakest episode they aired thus far. It wasn't bad. But, it also wasn't the best either. It could've been better. Though, I wonder... How the heck did only 14(5) die. That was a lot of blood loss. 24 hour virus like that? Weird future they live in. I'm actually surprised nothing about the ark. Or not even a conversation of them reporting the dropship, everyone died on board. Looked to be a few bodies. Were there survivors?

That ending from Murphy. Damn.

Also I think the flares... Maybe many of the grounders live in trees? We had a confirmation they aren't the only group.

EPISODE 11 - "The Calm"

Domina: Soooooo did you watch the latest episode yet?

CLARKE'S MOM LIVES!!!!! I knew they wouldn't kill her off. She's way too cool of an adult character to have an off-screen death like that power-hungry bitch Diana.

This episode was good, like last week it wasn't great but it was still interesting! Clearly they are setting us up for some an amazing two-parter that is on the horizon for the next two weeks.

Raven and Bellamy, I didn't really see that coming. To be honest I kind of thought that him and Clarke were going to hook up. Is it weird that I still hope they will? I'm just not feeling the Clarke/Finn thing.

The Monty sub-plot (with him trying to figure out what the weird sounds were), especially at the end of the episode was probably the most interesting part of this week for me. I can't help but wonder.... ARE THEY BRINGING ALIENS INTO THE SHOW???? I mean, you have to wonder. What the hell was he all mouth gapey at before he was monty-knapped? It has to be aliens, right?

I still love Murphy. I can't figure out if he is good or bad (I've said it before and I will say it again, that actor is great at playing that sort of role).

Also, the lack of Jasper in the episode upset me. It should be a rule that he HAS to be in EVERY SINGLE episode of this series.

Aki: I will catch up tomorrow! I promise! I'm in Vegas right now Wish me luck on a fortune hhahahaha.


EPISODE 12 & 13 - "We Are Grounders (parts I & II)"

Domina: Good luck!!!! (I know I am late on this lol)

Moving on to The 100... Did you catch up yet? Cause episode 12 was pretty great.

I will give you one spoiler that had me SO torn... Jasper and Murphy enter a hostile situation against each other. It's like WHYYYYYY?!!!! Why did they have to pin my two favourite characters against each other?!!!!!!

...Oh right, cause Murphy is a psychopath.

I'll put in my two cents about the episode once you are caught up

Aki: I watched the last one. Now I need to watch WE Are TheGrounders huh? Dammit



OMG OTHER PEOPLE HAVE TECHNOLOGY HELL YEAH! I kind of expected a military would at least have an underground bunker right and keep it to themselves? Look at those paintings. Eastern United States. They're obviously in that mountain they were supposed to find. Remnants of old government?

Domina:HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That episode tho!!

Now THAT is how you do an amazing season finale. One problem taken care of, a new one arises.

Yeah, I was a bit surprised to find out that "The Mountain Men" actually have technology and resources that seem to be more advanced than the Ark. I think you are right, the quarantine area must have been that bunker they were originally supposed to find. The thing is, to go and collect famous artwork to put around your high-tech super secure underground (or on a mountain?) bunker would mean that whoever built it, knew the world was about to meet a nuclear disaster and thus went and collected priceless items to save? Does that seem... shady to you? Anyone given THAT much of a heads up of nuclear war must have somehow been involved in creating it in the first place, right?

There is SO much I want to know about the Mountain men. I can not wait for next season!!

Let's talk about character deaths here...

I am happy to know that Monty is alive. I figured he got abducted by aliens or something but the Mountain Men makes SO much more sense lol. I knew the grounders hadn't gotten him though.

Speaking of the grounders... so, is that specific group of grounders all dead now? I mean, I am guessing that the cannibals are, and most likely the grounders too. But do you think there are other grounder factions in the area?

Octavia and Lincoln. I am glad they escaped together. I hope they end up saving Clarke and Monty and whoever else was captured by the Mountain Men.

Finn and Bellamy. They can't be dead... right? I mean no. No, that is preposterous to imagine that they would kill off two of the MAIN 100. They must have gotten away. I feel like they just wanted to fake you out and make you believe that they killed off those two. I'm sure the season 2 premiere will have some sort of explanation about how they managed to get away before the rocket blast bbq'd everyone. Maybe Bellamy, Finn, Lincoln and Octavia will all meet up and rescue everyone from the Mountain Men next season.

Raven. Did she die? I know she was all pass-y out and bleeding internally but I don't think she died. Now that the Mountain Men have the drop ship peeps, they will probably save Raven in their state of the art bunker.

The Chancellor. Poor guy! That scene was so sad, his little send off. Sadly I don't think there will be hope for him up there in space alone. Unless the Mountain Men have some sort of rocket ship they can use to go rescue him, but I dunno... I doubt it. I feel like they put the two adults they intended to save on the same area of the ark for a reason. We all knew that Clarke's mom and that counsellor dude were going to live.

Oh my goodness. I just... UGH. I have too many feels about that episode. It's almost overwhelming. That scene with Octavia and Bellamy saying goodbye. The part where Clarke had to make the decision to close the drop ship without Finn and Bellamy inside. The parents taking their first glance at the ground for the first time (side note: isn't it stunning!! That's the province I live in! It makes me so proud when I see beautiful landscapes like that in the shows I watch.)

Anyways... FEELS!

This show is just so fucking amazeballs.

Aki: I AM SO GLAD IT GOT RENEWED OH MY GOD! I really wonder if the Mountain Men represent the remnants of government. And is that why all the tribes fear/respect the mountain men? With the Ark crashing and knowledge spreading, the rumors people from space became true... So it could make them curious and since it seems they're mostly American the Mountain Men could feel obligated to include the Ark because the Ark has working knowledge to their level of technology?

Very well done!

Jaha just wow. :| That's a great end to him to be honest.

I LOVe how main characters aren't safe.

Domina: I just saw this and I had to share cause I thought it was hilarious. Oh Jasper!


I know main characters aren't safe but please don't be George RR Martin D:

Domina: Do you think Finn or Bellamy actually died? I really do wonder....

Aki: Finn maybe. Bellamy? Nah.

Domina: #bellarke forever <3

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