
OCTOBER IS THE BEST MONTH. By far. No complaints.


From the Desk of the Admin Team


We have an RPG-D Events Calendar!! - Yup, something that've all wanted is finally a reality. So we'll be posting events to the calendar and you guys will be able to see what's happen during that month in one quick glance. Including - RPGD-U classes. The link to the calendar is available at the top where your info and sign on stuff is.

RPGD-U is re-open! That's right guys, now that the dust is starting to settle after the mover we're excited to tell you all that the University is back open and accepting classes once more!

Multiple User-Groups - we haven't forgotten this and are still working on building that code. We have all the user groups and the people that earned them and once that code is ready, we'll award them to everyone.

Spotlight Area:

Rather than an area to spotlight this time, we're spotlighting the Graphics & Support Teams as they are BOTH hiring!!

So if you like Coding or CSS stuff or even just organizing and ordering things than consider applying for the support team.

If Photoshop and fancy graphics is more your thing then consider sending in an application for the graphics team!!


From the Desk of the Directory Team

Announcements: Directory Check: It's time for our bi-monthly directory check! Over the next week, the Directory Team will be going through each and every ad in the directory to ensure that they are active and are following our rules. Please keep an eye on your directory ads in case there's an issue with them! We suggest subscribing to the thread so that you are immediately notified when someone replies.


Creative Freedom RPG & The Kill Factor won Members Choice #61: Well Staffed!.

RPG Adverts won Members Choice #62: Non-RPGs.


From the Desk of the Graphics Team

Announcements: We're looking to expand our ranks again, see if we can find more names to turn green. So if you love your graphics and want to help out in a more official way, consider applying!

Just check out this thread.

Secondly, anyone who was having trouble with the image limits in their portfolio, that should be fixed now. If you're still unable to post more then 100 images in your's, let us know.
Spotlight Member: Our spotlight member this month, is ohnoitserin, for how they've been lending their skills to others. There have been quite a few brilliant people trying to help others with their graphics requests. And though we can't name them all, we do notice. So thank you to them and specifically ohnoitsserin for spending time to help others out <3
Spotlight Area: November is getting closer, and with it, our own graphics version of NaNoWrMo. So with that in mind, this month's spotlight is on the Graphics Critiques area, in case you feel that need to get advice from others, before MeGrDeMo hits the 'D.
Current Challenge: The current challenge is all about giving, have you been wanting to make some graphics for a friend or writing partner? Well, while you're doing that, you can enter a challenge with those very same gifts.

Check out GC #211: A Helping Hand here!
Challenge Winners:

@Meg(Han) Solo won GC #207: Colours with this entry.

@Prussian Blue won GC #208: The Dreadfuls with this entry.

@Dr. Frankenstein won GC #209: Giftopia with this entry.


From the Desk of the Writing Team

Spotlight Member: This month, we'd just like to give a shout out to our regular challenge participants. There are plenty of you, and we just wanna say, we love the participation we see! Keep it up; your entries keep us going!
Spotlight Area: National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is just around the corner! Are you wanting to participate, but having some trouble coming up with your plots, or your characters? Head on over to the Inspiration Station and brainstorm some ideas with your fellow writers!
Announcements: The Writing Team is going to be setting up RPG-D's very own NaNoWriMo headquarters this year! Look out for an area to come chill, find writer's block cures, and commiserate with other participants!
Current Challenge: The Autumn season is finally upon us! Come profess your love of this cuddly sweater weather time of year in WC #102!
September Winner: @Chief Hiccup scored the winning spot in the special 100th edition of the WC with their entry here.


From the Desk of the Support Team

Announcements: Lots of changes in Support have happened in the past month!

We're hiring! Join the illustrious team of Blue by filling out the application here: http://rpg-directory.com/thread-73419.html

We have lessened the number of CSS challenges that are interspersed and alternated with SC challenges. There will now be one CSS to every four SC challenges, and we hope this will allow for people to practice and experiment with easier coding projects even more than before! Also, don't forget that we'd love to hear your ideas for challenges! Feel free to post them here: http://rpg-directory.com/thread-37111.html

We are still doing a bit of work in organizing and updating forum descriptions and all that. If anybody sees anything they're unsure of, the PM boxes of all Support members are open! We encourage you to let us know!

Just a simple reminder that the 'Request Station' forum allows for a bump once every seven days, and that topics that have had no replies for two weeks will be archived.

Spotlight Area: This month we are highlighting The Postdex! It's been a rough and rocky transition for the section as we switched hosts and software, but the benefit was that we were able to simplify and reorganize much of the Postdex's layout. We hope that you will find the new forum headings more streamlined, more self-evident, and that they work for you. Please feel free to post your templates at any time! We love members who share, and even if you feel insecure about your codes, I'm sure somebody out there would enjoy using/looking at them. (Bonus: we're not employing the tagging rules for posdex submissions either: your job's even easier now!)
Current Challenge: SC #72 - Pixelated! Hosted by @Memoria, closes October 5th.
Challenge Winners:

@Desi!" won SC #71


From the Desk of the Community Team


We on the Community staff want to thank all of you for helping out and being patient with the transition to the new software. We've taken notice of you guys answering questions, letting us know of bugs and issues, and overall making this move much easier on us and the community as a whole. Thank you!

If any of you are still having issues logging in, feel free to e-mail @The Mad Hattress at themadhattress@rpg-directory.com or add @Firelord Kesra on skype (samm-ash).

With the change of software, the alerts settings are a bit different. For those who want to change their alert settings, be sure to check out Kesra's tutorial.

Spotlight Member: Our community spotlight member for this month is @Murderous Siren. She has started getting involved in the community this past month, and has even had a direct impact on the staff. We love her helpful attitude and can't wait to see more out of her! <3
Spotlight Area: Has something amazing happened to you recently? Check out the Rhapsodize forum and share it with us! Sometimes we get so caught up in the bad times, we forget to celebrate the good times, and here at the 'D we'd love to celebrate with you.



Be sure to check out The Challenge Center for upcoming Member's Choice awards, Graphics Challenges, Support Center Challenges, Writing Challenges,and Community Challenges.

Congratulations to the following people and sites who won challenges and the Member's Choice award in the last month!

Creative Freedom RPG & The Kill Factor won Members Choice #61: Well Staffed!

RPG Adverts won Members Choice #62: Non-RPGs.

@Meg(Han) Solo won GC #207: Colours with this entry.

@Prussian Blue won GC #208: The Dreadfuls with this entry.

@Dr. Frankenstein won GC #209: Giftopia with this entry.

@Chief Hiccup scored the winning spot in the special 100th edition of the WC with their entry here.

@Desi! won SC #71


Badges and Promotions

Here at the RPG-D, we like to recognize members who make valuable contributions to the community. One of the ways we do this is through the Badges & Promotions system. In our monthly newsletter, we highlight the people who have earned an award during the previous month. To see the list of everyone who has ever won a badge, see the medals page. To see the list of all promoted members, look at this list kept updated by Sassy Peter.

Congratulations to the following members who earned badges or Promotions in previous month!

Badge Winners for September:

@Chief Hiccup - Green Writing Challenger

@Desi! - Red Support Challenger

@The Frigg - Bronze Rapid Reviewer, Bronze Innovative Interest

@funvee - Bronze Community Chatter, Bronze Admin Adviser, Bronze Innovative Interest

@ker.planda - Bronze Innovative Interest

@Mara - Blueshirts, Silver Community Chatter, Redshirts

@MudBug - Bronze Community Chatter

@Murderous Siren - Bronze Grand Master of Graphics

@Saphira - Bronze Admin Adviser, Bronze Innovative Interest

@shipwrecks - Green Support Challenger, Bronze Admin Adviser

@skeletons in the closet - Red Graphics Challenger

Usergroup Promotions:

@Mara - Community Devoted

@SithLordOfSnark - Community Devoted



It is only good, right, and proper to give credit where credit is due! To further prove this, I would like to take this time to give snaps, claps, and what have you to the people who make the newsletter possible.

@Nevertale - See that pretty header at the top of this lovely newsletter? Doctor Lector took the time to make that and 11 others for GC#173 and won, earning this prized place for up to a year. Check out her portfolio and say hi to her out on the board!

@The Mad Hattress, @The Domster - These lovely Co-Admins give us all the updates you see and need in the newsletter monthly. They are great!

@Misha, @Hero Prinny, @Black Widow, @Firelord Kesra - To these staff managers and their teams, of course, for getting me updates from their areas that you see in every newsletter.

I'm kidding, all of the credit goes to me, because I'm fantastic.

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