
Site name and link: A Different Tale
Site genre: Once Upon A Time, Alt.
Opening date: Monday 14th Nov.
Site info: Pre Dark Curse... If the curse was never cast or it failed, that would mean Emma Swan and Lilith were children growing up in the arms of their parents (in the Enchanted Forest) this also affects a whole lot of other things for our loved canons. It would mean its a free for all, in getting their happy endings right?

Your name: Rach.
Your primary staff account: The Author tis me.
Contact info: PM me here on the D, or reply below with your comments/questions I have notifications on so I should see it

Positions hiring for:1x Global Moderator and 1x Moderator positions.
Information about positions:
Global Help me out with my questions, I have a lot right now and can't seem to get much feedback from the staff I already have. So you are there to aid with plotting and scheming, so should any member suffer with 'lack of muse' your their go to person, before coming to me of course.

moderator Advertising is one heck of a chore, we know. I would love it if someone could advertise for us on a first link basis by going out into the .www and spamming our ad up there, to get the word out that we are new and just starting out. Also if anyone knows of a OUAT topsite listing that'd be a huge help too, affiliation may be part of your job also, if you don't know html don't worry if you can just get our button posted on other sites, pm me their codes if needs be and i will get them up asap. - there is a master ads list system in place ready n waiting. Further info about this can be given, but staff access is needed to edit and update this master ads list so I would need a member on site to give these staff powers too.

Other notes: We have two skin options, the first we found was perfect in styling and colouration but seemed a tad bulky so the second option is easier to navigate around n suchness. Obviously the site is in offline mode, but if you have some spare time at the moment to check out what is up on the site-thus far. please just let me know and i may just drop the offline status for a bit so you can take a look around.

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