
This question still divides historians as the monarchists themselves when it is not denied by the Gaullists of our most Republicans. The France could she meet the same fate as Spain royal?
Charles de Gaulle was born into a royalist Catholic family that reads the French Action, the main body of the royalist movement of the same name, but is still near the social Catholic circles so dear to Albert de Mun. In the de Gaulle family, it is still good Dreyfusard young Charles is passionate nationalism of Maurice Barres. Suffice to say that from birth, Charles de Gaulle is bathed in an almost monarchist and traditionalist atmosphere.
It was only in 1954 that the future president of the Fifth Republic and the heir of the Capetian kings truly meet for the first time. The end of the Fourth Republic, which was established on the ruins of the Vichy regime, which had made any recovery impossible monarchy was so paralyzed by party games and would bring together the two men moulted by the same sense of nation. In his biography titled "exile and struggle of Memories" (1979), Count of Paris yet makes no secret of his animosity toward General de Gaulle. For the pretender, the officer who was the representative of Free France during the Second World War could not at that time embody France which he himself felt the rightful heir. The two men had taken opposite paths. De Gaulle, in London, attempts to unify under the authority of the remains of the French army routed, Henri d'Orléans trying, meanwhile, to persuade Marshal Petain to selling its headquarters before deciding to play in vain, his own cards in North Africa. But it is the hot topic of the European Defence Community (EDC) that both considered as a "fool's bargain" that will finally bring the two men then begins the French Indochina drama. General de Gaulle was reading regularly and with interest the "Monthly Bulletin" the Count of Paris and had expressed his desire to meet him.
The long-awaited meeting took place in the residence of the Honorary Governor of the Bank of France, Emmanuel Monick, 13 July 1954. In the center of discussions, the future of the Republic. De Gaulle said to the Count of Paris "If France has to die, it is the Republic who will complete (..) also is not the right plan for France. If France has to live, then the monarchy has a role to play (..) adapting, giving it a sense, it can be useful. "The Count of Paris is conquered, will review various occasions General de Gaulle to the coup in May 1958 claiming that fully supports and it is hard to inform the concerned by a letter dated 3 June following.
It will not the first time the option of a monarchy is discussed under the Fourth Republic.Parallel to the Count of Paris, the French Prime Minister and Member of the Pas-de-Calais, Guy Mollet, will discuss during a meeting with the French government on 10 September 1956, the possibility of a union between the United Kingdom and France. We are at the dawn of the crisis of the Suez Canal. Although Prime Minister Anthony Eden showed some enthusiasm for this idea, which would have de facto Elizabeth II a French head of state, the British government finally reject this request incongruous French.
Always enthusiastic, the suitor does not hesitate to return on July 17 a report was written on the capital-labor association within the company and called the royalists to vote yes to the new constitution of September 1958 will celebrate the birth of the Vth Republic. This constitution, Henri d'Orléans could read. It satisfies both her hands the President of the Republic in full powers. A ridge constitution for a King!
In 1959, the enthusiasm of the prince towards the "savior of France" warms considerably deal with rumors of plots and other matters that arise. Would it have been duped? The first suspicions are formed, the monarchists in Algiers clearly supported all military actions that brought to power General de Gaulle. Besides, the prince appreciate some see the main organizers of the coup of Algiers, to be away from the Elysee. Charles de Gaulle will then hasten to reassure the pretender to the throne of France. May 10, 1959, visiting Amboise, General de Gaulle said: "I salute our kings and their descendants who are very good, very noble, very devoted servants of the country." Two months ago, the count of paris was received at the Elysee Palace. The Prince now plays, unofficially, the councilor for the presidency. The first steps of restoration are placed. The Orleans already sailing in the corridors of power. The son of the pretender, Henry, joined a few months the Secretariat General of the Elysee that he learns the affairs of state.
The Comte de Paris offers a choice then to General de Gaulle proclaimed monarchy with all the risks that such an unexpected mutation could spark via a referendum or accept his candidacy for the next presidential election. The Count of Paris was thinking then make a seven-and at the end of it, put the issue of return of the monarchy through a referendum. A system which was attached Henri VI of Orleans and confirms the historian. Jean Tulard "the Orléans of more importance to popular approval at a coronation ceremony that changing minds rendered anachronistic." However, General de Gaulle will remain elusive deal with these assumptions. If he saw then like General Franco restore the legitimate monarchy and that he will discuss with Count Paris, October 28, 1961? His willingness to entrust the Count of Paris as President of the Red Cross and the many diplomatic missions in Muslim countries, such as Lebanon, Iran or Afghanistan leave to think seriously. In front of the pretender to the throne, Michel Debré, Prime Minister, who refuses to consider any idea of restoration of the monarchy including entrusting the military authorities and the title proconsul in French Algeria claimed by the prince.
The Count of Paris he thought to repeat his attempt to seize power in Algiers in 1942?Among the Blackfoot, the prince has kept the image of a politician with a strong personality which these French of North African departments trust. Yet the prince, leaving defender of French Algeria, was no longer a mystery of his convictions on the subject. He wanted to organize a peaceful departure from North Africa threatened by the French "an uncertain policy" is not to alienate the most extreme of French Algeria risking his life and give them a son of France in the Pantheon heroes who lost their lives in this war that does not say its name.
On 24 February 1961 again, General de Gaulle reaffirms the Count of Paris its willingness to return the monarchy in France stating that a failure would be the advent of communism in the country. Henri of Orleans is enthusiastic. It multiplies in missions abroad to France with some success. Until indirectly elected, the principle of the election of the highest representative of the state by universal suffrage is then officially recorded in October 1962. Although he was in favor of this reform, the Count of Paris warns de Gaulle through its "monthly Bulletin": "to give full meaning to the word democracy it especially appropriate that the term signifies the commitment of all, and not a few privileged groups, political or pressure, in the construction of 'to come up. Without this dialogue, without this permanent communication that General de Gaulle wants to establish between the French and the state, the authority will not support freedom and irrelevant. "
In June 1961 confiding to her son in a private letter, de Gaulle wrote that he will "continue this kind of popular monarchy and is the only system compatible with the nature and dangers of our time." The words are ambiguous ... General de Gaulle meeting at the Elysee Count of Paris and gives him three years to prepare, saying he does not intend to represent not the end of his term in 1965. The road to restoration seems so drawn to the suitor. May 23, 1963 of the magazine "Express" is dedicated to Count Paris. A complete file on one that seems to have been designated as the heir of De Gaulle. Since February already, the Pathé news daily followed the pretender to the throne and he spent many reports including more peoples. But in October 1963, the Count of Paris can only note the failure of negotiations for the post of president of the Red Cross whose owner refuses to resign for his benefit and that General de Gaulle wanted to give it as a springboard to a candidate in the next presidential election. Henri d'Orleans he was fooled again?
A year before the 1965 elections, the Count of Paris urges Gaulle and claims that he is finally presented to the French as its official successor. General refuses sighs, he has long made his decision: "What were you at Bir Hakeim?" He he said. And trust in an aside to his closest collaborators who are worried about the possible appearance of the pretender to the throne in the French political scene, "the Count of Paris at the Elysee, why not the Queen of the Gypsies?". Alain Peyrefitte, Minister of Information, is the spokesman of these refractory Republican Gaullists the Count of Paris, at a meeting in June 1963. De Gaulle replied that "if he esteem and consideration for the historical figure, a candidature of the Prince would have no chance. " General de Gaulle seems to keep some resentment as it speaks again during this interview, the reluctance of the pretender to rally during the Second World War. In royalist circles, there is consternation. Since the loss of French Algeria, General de Gaulle was no more or very little popular in monarchist circles. Games are made. The restoration of the monarchy was sacrificed for the political game at the expense of national interests.
On 20 January 1966, during another meeting, General de Gaulle confirmed to contender (he hosted directly on the steps of the Elysee) almost impossible to restore the monarchy but not without him yet proposed the perch the Senate or the national Assembly. Henri of Orleans, the president of the Fifth Republic had lost the arbiter that was the same sovereign gasoline to become a commonplace leader of a Republican majority.
The restoration of the monarchy in France she was envisaged. The doubt remains today.The Count of Paris could he throw himself into battle? Impossible, because in making this choice, he would have lost its rationale as this will cause a direct conflict with the French and found a party would have been only follow this logic Republican he loathed. Moreover, it must be noted that the French adhered to the principle of heredity little although they were likely to consider the pretender he had learned to rediscover the figure since the repeal of the law of exile, 24 June 1950. in his book "in the protocol of General de Gaulle," Jean-Paul Alexis asks and attempts to settle, "General de Gaulle was it monarchist?There is no doubt thinking he had a deep admiration for the French monarchy, admired the historian for the great work of the builders of the French nation but also the politician for the institution (..) but if he was a monarchist sentiment, he has so far considered to restore some point and as indicated by a restore process? This seems likely to ultimately almost all indices match and that this project was based on popular sovereignty (..) the head of the house of France by renewing the same suffrage union millennium with the French. Having elected president, they might have to use measured the interest of completing the establishment of a return to basics, that is to say move from elective monarchy 7 years (see 14 years) of the Fifth Republic to hereditary monarchy. " Robert Aron in another work entitled "De Gaulle's political methods," says that "the regime of the Fifth Republic seems therefore, the idea of its designer, be a return to monarchical spirit" and that De Gaulle is dreaming "as one who would restore initiated disorder (according to him) by the French Revolution of 1789.". The author remains skeptical about the real will of General de Gaulle to restore the monarchy, that seeing him as a manipulative politician.
And therefore thought the Vatican restoration prospects of the monarchy in France? Le Monde, May 11, 1979 reveal that General de Gaulle had been probing in 1965 the Holy See to determine their position in case of restoration of the monarchy in France. The response of Pope Paul VI would rather direct. Yes to a restoration of the monarchy but a clear refusal in the event of the advent to the throne of Orleans. Difficult to confirm whether the comments came from the pontiff himself or interpretation of pharmacies of some Republicans such as Jacques Foccart, the immovable Secretary of State for African and Malagasy affairs, as saying that "all these stories around the Count of paris were stupid. "Should we see the establishment of a vast conspiracy in the Elysée by the Gaullist barons to put pressure on the President and waives this most royal succession? Michel Debre really not hide his animosity against the Count of Paris and refused to be relegated to the background.

Ambiguity prevails in this case. General de Gaulle was it used for its own ambitions, the royalists and the Count of Paris to be legitimate where the Count of Paris he actually believed in his chances of recovery. At its 8th meeting with the suitor, Charles de Gaulle, which seems to give the final word in this case face a disillusioned Henri d'Orléans: "personally, I wish the restoration of the monarchy but you know my feeling in this respect.You are the King, yes, you are, therefore restoration would have been a good thing (..) but I do not think it possible, the French are so far apart. ". October 6, 1966, General de Gaulle reiterated his remarks: "Perhaps we can make another monarchy. A monarchy without the name. This is the chance to run. Alas, the French are not a monarchy they are people even more proud to be Republicans. "
When his book be published "Dialogue for France" by Fayard in 1994, summing up a long correspondence and many conversations between him and General de Gaulle (1953-1970), Henri of Orleans told the reporter to "Point of View- pictures of the World, "Vincent Meylan, he still believed sincerely that Charles de Gaulle would run at the end of its mandate in 1965 and ultimately restore the monarchy.
But according to the constitutional Maurice Duverger, General de Gaulle had established in 1958 a "republican monarchy" with "a look at the divine law." "He has not tried to restore what was not restorable, it has not restored the old monarchy but it opened France to the news." But the Count of Paris, in an interview with the magazine "Story" in 1995, responding to harsh manner, "the king of France, King of the French, is a hereditary head of state. The "republican monarch" is only the emanation of a party. It can not represent all the interests of French. " Surely "General de Gaulle was a monarch of 1958 to 1965. He had no heir but one heir, the Comte de Paris. From 1965 to 1969 referendum, General de Gaulle was a party man, the right and his heirs were countless! ". France had failed to crown its kings again!

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