
Only just a few years ago, bed bugs were in the news constantly. Hotels, schools and homes all across the country were suddenly having outbreaks of bed bug infestations and there were stories all over the news. After this sudden resurgence, bed bug stories slowly trickled out of the news, but that does not mean that these pests have disappeared!

Unfortunately, bed bugs continue to find their way into homes and businesses throughout the country. According to a 2013 Bugs Without Borders Survey conducted by the National Pest Management Association and the University of Kentucky, bed bug infestations continue at high rates in the US as much, if not more than years previous. It seems as though bed bug infestations have increased in the majority of locations in which pest professionals typically treat for bed bugs. The good news is that with the emphasis on bed bugs from previous years, many people now are a lot more aware of these pests and how they spread, because many places have been able to avoid having a bed bug infestation.

So are you prepared to battle bed bugs in your home or business? Even though these pests are managing to stay out of the news these days, it’s a good idea to expect that they will continue to be anywhere that there is a lot of human activity or traffic. Schools, airports, airplanes, hotels, laundromats, libraries, office buildings, nursing homes and apartment buildings are just a few of the many places where bed bugs can be found.

To help protect yourself from an infestation of bed bugs (and the stress and negative effects that go along with one!), here are a few tips to help you stay active in your efforts to prevent bed bug infestations:

Travel safe - Click here for tips on a bed bug free vacation 

Stay educated - Study up on bed bugs including their habits and how to identify them by reading our previous blog, The 411 On Bed Bugs 

Create a response plan- A bed bug response plan is good for businesses to avoid the negative implications that bed bugs can cause

Vigilance - Since bed bugs are not disappearing, it is important to continue bed bug inspections and preventative measures

Even though bed bugs are managing to stay under the radar with the media, they are still a problem that St. Louis home and business owners may need to be dealing with. For more information on St. Louis bed bug control and bed bug treatment services, please contact us at Rottler Pest & Lawn Solutions. We know how to get rid of bed bugs and can offer you effective bed bug control services for your St. Louis home or business.

This blog was originally published on October 8, 2012, but we have updated it to reflect the most recent and accurate information available in helping you combat frustrating bed bug problems.

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