A person who has been accused of a crime which warrants a hefty fine or a
long prison sentence, if he is found to be guilty, goes through a very
tough time while his legal proceedings are going on. It is even worse
when the person has been falsely accused or has been framed, in spite of
being innocent. At this time, it becomes imperative that the services
of a reputed Brampton criminal lawyer be engaged who can help him not
just to go through this tough time through his expert legal advice but
who can also ensure that the accused gets justice.
Engel Law is one such reputed firm of criminal defence lawyer
Bramptonwhose years of expertise is focused on handling cases in
different areas of criminal law. Some such areas are:
“ Assault
” Theft
“ Homicide
” Fraud
” Shoplifting
“ Drug Offences
” Bail hearings
“ White collar crimes
For a complete list of their practice areas, one can visit their official website http://www.mitchengellaw.ca .
Mitch Engel Law, being a Brampton criminal law firm, has a team of some
of the best attorneys in the country which have cinched victories in
some of the toughest cases. This is so because the attorneys there have a
knack for picking out unique arguments in the case which turn out to be
very hard for the prosecutor to refute and which prove the innocence of
the accused. Apart from all the proceedings which go on in the court
premises, the attorneys also focus on several different aspects
associated with each case. Some such services which can prove to be very
advantageous for the client are listed below:
” The
concept of plea-bargaining is quite popular in the courts of Canada.
This essentially means the accused accepting his crime in order to avoid
a lengthy trial proceeding, saving the time and effort of the
Prosecutor. In return, the prosecutor may choose to make a deal with the
defence attorney to press for a lower prison sentence or a less hefty
However, prosecutors generally choose not to deal
with the accused themselves and therefore, a criminal defence lawyer
Brampton is necessary to be engaged if one wants to go for plea
“ An attorney’s advice also proves to be
priceless when it comes to choosing the prison sentence. More often than
not, attorneys are able to work out solutions so that the accused can
avoid a lengthy prison sentence by combining it with work in the social
sector or in some other way. For example, for a person who goes to jail
for driving under influence, his prison term can be cut down to a great
extent by suggesting him to spend some time in a rehabilitation centre
in exchange for prison.
” If a person has been released on
bail or even if he has an on-going legal proceeding, hiring an attorney
will enable him to keep track of all the rules and regulations he has to
follow. Brampton criminal lawyers would be familiar with the
obligations that a person on bail is under and would be able to advise
him with respect to different situations like travelling abroad, police
search of the house etc.